Via ex federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti:
The Supreme Court ruled that the Manhattan DA will obtain Trump's tax returns via grand jury subpoenas.
Seven of the nine justices concurred in that judgment.
On the second case, SCOTUS rules 7-2 Against Tiny's absurd legal defense and remands the case back to District Court w a demand Congress provide a narrower and more specific inquiry
This means Tiny has been ruled as legally defeated but the remand will result in Congress not being able to receive requested docs until likely early 2021
Both Kavanugh and Gorsuch rule with the pair of majority 7-2 decisions, both authored by CJ Roberts
Surprised they went against Trump. However even if they voted for him, they'd lose 5-4. I wonder if they played "big brother" and just voted with the majority?
Trump now 1-31 ATS...
surrounded by globalist traitors
Judges just set precedent now their tax returns can be exposed, oops.
Funny you would assume judges or just about anyone has the level of fraud reported in the Trump organization.
This is going to reveal MOB like tax evasion schemes going back as far as the "Fred days"
He sees himself as a MOB type boss... "Loyalty" lol