Lander and #1cheater#:
C'mon guys, cut me some slack here. I started out with some beer over dinner. At the moment I thought that was gonna be it, but then I bought a bottle of jack and one of absolut and I thought the SportsCrew guys were gonna help me out: wrong. The bailed out on me. So I drank the Jack and the Absolute. Honor mention goes Dave from todayslines, he kept up with me all along.
So no Daqs, or Shirley Temples or nada suave. I was stupid enough to pick a liquor that's hard and a laxative at the same time: Jack and I topped it off with vodka. Bad move.
Lander and Iron Chef:
Pete, my brother:
Was nice to meet you. I'd tell you we should do this again, but I'm not going out with you degenerates ever again...
. When?