

New member
Jan 4, 2006
You Do Understand that the Thread you talk about was Only deleted after we found out that he " Went to work for You "

You Do Understand that he was Only Banned because of two Posts he made Bashing the RX and some Mods.

You Do Understand i do Not Really believe Much that you posted above.
Because if it was All True, there wouldn't be a IP Match between You and Wildcat29
at one point.

You Do Understand that I Feel you were NOT looking out for the Best when it came to the RX posters that have Followed Wildcat29 for years.
YOU, just thought of it as an Opportunity to make Money off of those Posters.

Let's face it..... This was about YOU, not about Helping Others.

See This Reminds me of when Randizzle went Tout, and there was/Is another guy out there Using his Name.
They figure the guy is Hot, why not Cash on it. ( Which they did for a while ) Maybe still do.....

If You Were Such a Stand Up Guy...Worrying about the RX Posters Not being able to get Wildcat29's Plays.
You could have said to him, Hey....Just Send me the Plays and I will Post them for you ! FOR FREE !

But you came up with an Idea to CHARGE for them.

I See How you were Helping the RX Posters....by Lining your Pockets

Actually I don't know that to be true, so you can shed light on it if you are able.

The thread he posted, one of the last ones on the message board, where he gave out his email address. I saw it, so did a few others. That thread was deleted. I am NOT talking about the one where he was talking trash with you guys. I think that was another thread. This was like 3 weeks ago. He started the thread. He asked for emails, he was not working for me at that time.

For the next week or 2 I started threads for him. It was the 2nd thread I started that was deleted, I think it was in the site promotions area at the time and then he posted the comments that we all know what was said, and the thread was deleted.

So for the first question on your list, no, the thread was not deleted because he was working for me. It was deleted (I assume) because he posted his email address and said he couldn't post his card any more online, and told people if they wanted his plays to email him. That's the one I'm am talking about. It was about 3 weeks ago, and it was deleted within about 4 hours or so, and he was NOT working for me back then.

I do understand why he was banned. 100% absolutely.

As for the 1 IP address match, I know exactly when it occurred, and that was the thread that was deleted. You tell me what day it was, that's the thread I am talking about.

He told me to come on and log in using his info to see if he had any PMs about the email address because he was busy. So I did. He was not working for me in any capacity whatsoever at the time. This past Saturday was the first day I even sold a play for him, and we didn't even have any agreement in place until this past week. And no, there were not even discussions of him working for me back then.

And you should also be able to confirm that I never logged in using his info prior to that day.

OK, so you think I'm a bad guy, and I can see your perspective, buy why can't you see mine?

I am telling you for a 100% fact, that if I did not step in NO ONE would be getting Wildcats plays in a few weeks. There is NO WAY he would be able to follow through and mail people plays. Do you understand that?

Trust me, I'm working with him now. I have to send about 3 texts, 4 emails, and 2 phone calls before I hear back from him in 2 days or so. The guy is crazy busy, and so I don't believe for one second that he would be able to help any of these guys at all.

If you can at all comprehend that, you'll understand everything. I don't think you can comprehend that, however. You must think Wildcats had this huge list of hundreds of emails he got, and had some master database where he was ready to start emailing these guys each play every single week, for years and years.

I can tell you for a fact, none of that is true. Because that post was deleted so quickly, he had about 60 email addresses. And as I told you above, the first day he emailed his plays to them, the email was received in my email box at 1:03 PM EST and I know this because I was on the list. Anyone who was on the list can tell you the exact same thing.

And guess what, your last point makes no sense either:

"If You Were Such a Stand Up Guy...Worrying about the RX Posters Not being able to get Wildcat29's Plays. You could have said to him, Hey....Just Send me the Plays and I will Post them for you ! FOR FREE !"

You need to talk to the other mods to get on the same page. I did post his plays for free for 2 weeks. The 2nd week, the thread was moved into site promotions (before he even said anything about it), then he talked trash and the thread was deleted.

I mean, you are a mod and don't even have all the facts straight.

He never started "working for me" until this week, I sold his first card this Saturday. I posted his stuff for 2 weeks for free, but it was removed from the NFL site and put in site promotions. I never was charging for plays at that time at all. So whoever moved it there brought that on. I WAS posting for free.

And the thread that was outright deleted 3 weeks ago was the thread where he asked for email addresses to build a list to send out. That one was deleted, and he wasn't working for me, he wasn't selling plays himself, he really had done nothing wrong at that point at all. The second one that was deleted, yes, he was wrong to post those comments, and it was deleted and he was banned. Again, I am talking about the one 3 weeks prior, not the one last Sunday (not yesterday).

Hopefully you can talk to Wilehim or bucs fan to nail down the timeline better, because you've said a couple of things above that are not accurate at all.


Oct 1, 2005
so, you took someone who was willing to give his plays away for free via email and turned him into a tout so YOU could make more money


and exactly why i will no longer buy your plays and will encourage others to stay away as well.

Sep 15, 2005
aiverson, appreciate you coming in here and trying to set the record straight.

That being said, it's clear what wildcats' intentions were. I still received his emails every now and then and you know what it's going straight to the trash bin. The tone of his emails is purely toutish and that doesn't have a place in my book.

You and him deserve to make every penny for your research and knowledge. We are all big boys here and we can make decisions for ourselves. I think people would respect wildcats much better if he was just simply going to join forces with you without poaching or soliciting for customers here via some smoke and mirror stuff.

My 2 pennies.

New member
Jan 4, 2006
so, you took someone who was willing to give his plays away for free via email and turned him into a tout so YOU could make more money

Wow, reading is fundamental. Please tell me when I said that Wildcats was going to give his plays away for free via email.

Were you on the list? Because I was, and I got his Sunday slate for one week at around 1:03 pm EST. Did this help you make money on those games?

Like I've said many times above, there is zero chance Wildcats would keep up this email list. I know for a fact. He told me as much when I we agreed to work together. The guy is so busy it's not funny. Right now I can't even reach him to see if he's going to have a play for the World Series game tonight or not. Eventually I hope communication will get better, I guess we'll see. But I know for a fact he was never going to be able to send out plays via email for an extended length of time.

And we witnessed that first hand, by him sending his very first card out late after the games already started. You can go ahead and think whatever you want to think, I know the facts and I'm telling you, it was not going to happen.

And I'll use his exact words and I quote: "i gave you a free run for a very long time, hopefuly u made cash wih my picks and if you want to continue to make cash then use a small amount of it to buy my cards weekly.. either way i wish u the best success in your gaming"

Cats is a helping guy, but a guy w/ no free time on his hands. If you want his plays you can still get them. If you don't, good luck either way. If you want his plays for free and thought if I didn't step in you'd get them for free, you are sorely mistaken. Cats would have faded off into oblivion. He still might, I am trying to keep the reins on him as best I can but he's a) very busy and b) a very free spirited fellow, and so schedules and deadlines are not his forte, at least when it comes to betting/handicapping. That's my first hand experience, though I believe his future to be very bright.

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Wow, reading is fundamental. I know for a fact. He told me as much when I we agreed to work together. The guy is so busy it's not funny. Right now I can't even reach him to see if he's going to have a play for the World Series game tonight or not.

from his email he sent yesterday:

"I told Sharp (you Aiverson) to make a guarantee on my play, that if it loses you get Game 2 free of charge. I don't think it will lose, but I don't want you paying for a play that loses so you'll get a freebie if it does."

So he told you yesterday to make a guarantee on his play last night that if it lost, you would get his game 2 play tonight free, yet above you say he is so busy you cant get ahold of him to see if he has a play tonight on game 2. So either he is lying, or you are lying- which is it?

New member
Jan 4, 2006
What are you talking about? I told him not to force a play just because he lost the play on game 1. If he sees a better value w/ game 3, wait until then. I'm sure anyone getting the play would want it to be a legit play, not something grabbed out of thin air because of a guarantee. True, the guarantee was a Bonus Play on game 2, but I felt more comfortable if it's a play on game 2 OR 3, as long as wildcat liked the play. I'm sure the customers feel the same way.

I didn't get a hold of him until late, then we hit a technical snag, but it's all good and he's got a play tonight and stuff in the NBA and CFB.

Such rush to judgment "either he is lying or you are lying" - how about no one is lying, why does someone have to be lying? You don't see a door 3 possibility there? Well, I just gave it to you, and behind door 3 was the true story.

New member
Feb 11, 2009
What are you talking about? I told him not to force a play just because he lost the play on game 1. If he sees a better value w/ game 3, wait until then. I'm sure anyone getting the play would want it to be a legit play, not something grabbed out of thin air because of a guarantee. True, the guarantee was a Bonus Play on game 2, but I felt more comfortable if it's a play on game 2 OR 3, as long as wildcat liked the play. I'm sure the customers feel the same way.

I didn't get a hold of him until late, then we hit a technical snag, but it's all good and he's got a play tonight and stuff in the NBA and CF
Such rush to judgment "either he is lying or you are lying" - how about no one is lying, why does someone have to be lying? You don't see a door 3 possibility there? Well, I just gave it to you, and behind door 3 was the true story.

How about you stop trying to spin this and answer my simple question, why do you find this so hard?

New member
Feb 11, 2009
What are you talking about? I told him not to force a play just because he lost the play on game 1. If he sees a better value w/ game 3, wait until then. I'm sure anyone getting the play would want it to be a legit play, not something grabbed out of thin air because of a guarantee. True, the guarantee was a Bonus Play on game 2, but I felt more comfortable if it's a play on game 2 OR 3, as long as wildcat liked the play. I'm sure the customers feel the same way.

I didn't get a hold of him until late, then we hit a technical snag, but it's all good and he's got a play tonight and stuff in the NBA and CFB.

Such rush to judgment "either he is lying or you are lying" - how about no one is lying, why does someone have to be lying? You don't see a door 3 possibility there? Well, I just gave it to you, and behind door 3 was the true story.

why are you having such a hard time getting ahold of him? All 6 emails ive sent him he has replied within 10 minutes. You work with the guy and a customer has access to him yet you do not? WTF?

You said you cant reach him, and dont know if he had a play tonight.

He emailed out last night saying he was going to have a game 2 play tonight.

You get the emails as well that he sends out. He works off of your website.

How is it you suddenly cant get ahold of him and dont know this yet his clients can and do know this?

See, you are either 1 of 2 things.

a) really stupid
b) really lying and trying to cover with bullshit

take your pick.

New member
Jan 4, 2006
Again, the intelligence and failure to lay out a simple chain of events is astonishing:

1. We sent out the play for Game 1, saying if it lost, Game 2 is free.
2. I spoke w/ Cats after Game 1 lost in the evening and discussed things.
3. I spoke w/ Cats early this AM and told him that if he didn't want to release Game 2, if he felt more confident in Game 3, don't force anything for Game 2. The clients who are owed the Bonus Play will more than understand if you think Game 3 is more likely to win than Game 2.
4. I posted the message above at 3:06 pm and said "Right now I can't even reach him to see if he's going to have a play for the World Series game tonight or not", which is entirely true because despite how you think you know everything, there was a chance he was going to give out Game 3 instead of Game 2.
5. At 3:46pm EST he texted me that he has a lean on the game, would research more, and would let me know.
6. We then were in phone communication multiple times between then and 6:58pm when I sent out the play.

I find it hilarious that you think you know more about the communications than I do and I'm working w/ him and speaking to him multiple times a day. The only confusion today was between the morning and 3:45pm, when I wasn't sure if he was going to release Game 2 or 3. Despite the email you may have gotten saying Game 2 was free, he and I were discussing skipping Game 2 if there wasn't a good edge in the game.

I really don't need to spell everything out for you but I'm doing it as a favor for you. Either I don't explain myself well the first time, or you are some type of conspiracy theorist, the likes of those who try to prove the US attacked itself on 9/11.

Sep 1, 2009
aiverson- people aren't dumb. He works for a major sports franchise- so he cant post on boards, but sells picks instead, lol? What a joke you and al these services are. (and also the story he works for a sports franchise) Its 2010- no need for bullshit services anymore. Internet is full of other people who drum you and your service with Bonus Plays

also he was banned after your whole service bonding crap- not before so dont start twisting things around. Its such a shame and pretty pathetic. Have fun with your $8.99 you get from 10 people you sell your picks to

New member
Feb 11, 2009
aiverson- people aren't dumb. He works for a major sports franchise- so he cant post on boards, but sells picks instead, lol? What a joke you and al these services are. (and also the story he works for a sports franchise) Its 2010- no need for bullshit services anymore. Internet is full of

also he was banned after your whole service bonding crap- not before so dont start twisting things around. Its such a shame and pretty pathetic. Have fun with your $8.99 you get from 10 people you sell your picks to

Please accept this coupon from us for use in receiving a discount of 19% off of a purchase of my Week 9 NFL card (computer plays+personal plays)

Hey now, he is giving a whole 19% off tonight as a way to say thank you and apologize for his recent losses- LMFAO!

New member
Jan 4, 2006
aiverson- people aren't dumb. He works for a major sports franchise- so he cant post on boards, but sells picks instead, lol? What a joke you and al these services are. (and also the story he works for a sports franchise) Its 2010- no need for bullshit services anymore. Internet is full of other people who drum you and your service with Bonus Plays

also he was banned after your whole service bonding crap- not before so dont start twisting things around. Its such a shame and pretty pathetic. Have fun with your $8.99 you get from 10 people you sell your picks to

Yes, guru, you figured us out. I've been sitting here since Jan 06, I think Cats was here in 04, and we were saying to ourselves back in 2006:

Me: Let's rock this forum for 4-6 years, put out some dominant winners and records in excess of 60% and then in 2008 I'll start a service and then in 2009 I'll bring you on.
Cats: Make it 2010, 2009 is too soon.

Get real.

Once again, some guy who thinks he's so smart but doesn't know squat.

Think whatever you want about Cats and his job. Like I've said throughout this thread, I know the truth and I'm only responding for the hell of it to help you guys understand how things went down. I won't repeat myself and waste more of my time.

I'd love to see all these people around who are "drumming" our service.

Find one other poster on here who has hit 65% from 2006 thru present in NFL. Make sure they have at least 425 plays in those 4 years. Let me know when you've found him. Because I'm that guy.

As for Cats, go ahead and show me one other poster who, on this forum, hit 60% in over 375 plays last calendar year in multiple sports, and finished up over $107,000. Oh, and he started this NFL season going 36-19 (65%) and is now at 82-48 (63%) in documented plays this year.

The fact is, back when I posted on here I was one of the best and I'm very confident there isn't one other poster with that 4 year, 425+ play, 65% record in the NFL. And Cats was easily the most prolific poster that the forum had.

Was he flamboyant, posting threads lasting the whole season, such as Kingdom Come or other decent posters? No, dude did his work and did it well and kept under the radar. That was my MO as well.

So don't flatter yourself, you can try as hard as you want to find these fake people who you think "drum" us but you know as well as I you are better off saving your time and just buying the plays.

As for Cats, I'll say it again, he was not banned while a member of my service. Don't you people read? If I had only 10 people I would get much more than 5 hrs of sleep a night. It's really funny to hear guys talk when they know absolutely nothing about what they are talking about. Now, let's all go to the mental hospital to learn about nuclear physics...

New member
Jan 4, 2006
Please accept this coupon from us for use in receiving a discount of 19% off of a purchase of my Week 9 NFL card (computer plays+personal plays)

Hey now, he is giving a whole 19% off tonight as a way to say thank you and apologize for his recent losses- LMFAO!

First of all, if you received the coupon, you've bought plays from us. So who is LMFAO?

Second, you are documented on this thread making up crap about Cats, saying how you talked to him over email several times one morning and that was complete nonsense.

Third, the email didn't say that at all so that's another example of you making up stuff. I wrote the email, it said:

"I am writing to thank you for your purchase this past week and I regret that one of the plays you purchased from us recently did not win."

The fact is, this past week Cats went 7-2 NFL, (which was his first NFL that we sold), 6-4 CFB, 2-1 MLB. He's crushed in everything. In October, I delivered 4 straight winning weeks, I went 28-16 (64%) on all plays, and my personal plays delivered at a torrid pace, going 17-8 (68%).

Yes, one of our plays definitely lost, we lost a number, but we clearly won way more than we lost. So I gave out a $7 off coupon (19%). You don't want it, don't use it... As a matter of fact, you are more than welcome to opt out of all our emails. Feel free to contact me right now, via email or PM or post right here, and I'll be more than glad to take you off the list and you won't have to get anything from us again. Shoot me that email and we're done. Your move.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
This email was just received from Ryan Boxer:

"Nailed both boxing matches, picked Blame to upset Zenyatta, finished up over $2,000 on Saturday alone."

Here is his entire card for Saturday, Im still not seeing the $2,000 profit, can you help me? what am i not adding correctly?

Entire CFB Card

Horse Card


in summary:
Football went: (5-7) -$4140
Boxing went: (2-2) +$4500
Horses went: -$145

overall: +$285

I dont see the $2000 profit on saturday, can you help me?

New member
Feb 11, 2009
aiverson- can you assist with the record/money won/lost above? Im not seeing the $2000 profit from Saturday.

New member
Feb 11, 2009
aiverson- why cant you reply and give us an explanation?

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Here is his Sunday Card:

bears ml 1500 (+$1500)
bears -3 500 (PUSH)

dallas +8 1800 (-$1980)
dallas ml 350 (-$350)

browns +4 1200 (+$1200)
browns ml 300 (+$510)

lions +5.5 500 (+$500)
lions ml 200 (-$200)

atl -9 500 (-$500)
atl ml 1500 (+$300)

sd ml 1000 (+$600)

kc ml 1000 (-$1000)

overall: +$580

so all of that, for that measely profit?

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