Wow a miracle cover on the UNDER 26 -- good thing I bought those points at 5 Dimes (lots of books would not have enabled that). To be a little immodest, I am kind of having a good playoff so far: 5-2 + 8.7 units
4 units: 1-0 + 4 units (KC)
2 units: 4-1 + 5.8 units (winners: Cin, Pit ML middle; Minny; GB 2h UNDER; loser -- SEA/Min UNDER)
1 units: 0-1 -1.15 units (Skins FH ML)
Total: 5-2 +8.7 units
NOTE: I lost one unit with -115, so if my actual number is +8.65 but I only use the 2nd decimal in displaying my performance, 8.65 rounds up right?