E-Mails are still trickling out.....Not like they were earlier though.
"25% of Bernie Supporters said they would Vote for Trump" in this email, latest possible time of which was May 25th.
Would be fascinating to see what that number becomes after this has had some time to sink in, about a week from now and forward from there.
I expect FOX News will present the results but to expect to see such on CNN, MSNBC might not be very realistic
Unreal how they can do this "Agenda Journalism" right in our faces. The World We Knew is Gone, Our World is very different now.
I`m starting to think that social media...(Twitter,Facebook) gets more viewers then CNN and MSNBC.....lol
People are getting there news from the net these days.
And "people getting their News from the 'Net" is right before our eyes getting the most Massive Boost possible.
When people get done seeing how Mainstream Media BURIES Clinton Story after Clinton Story they will seek other sources for News.
CNN, MSNBC literally shooting themselves in the foot not being all over this. Were this a "Trump Scandal" they'd be on that Non-Stop
and we'd be watching talking head hitmen and women Crucify a candidate to a degree that we had not seen before.
But its Hillary, the Democratic Establishment's Choice of who will lead us, regardless of what the Will of The American People is.
So: "Lets just ignore it, despite the fact that reporting upon such stuff and informing the American Voting Populous is our One. Fucking. Job."
Brutal.....she knows the sheep will follow.