No it was Xpanda...a couple years ago...
No, it was indeed DPOTHOLES
Xpanda actually met "Joe" (it's been almost a year now so I hope she won't be grumpy that I'm posting this) at last year's RxBash (I think the September one) where he was attending under his dual moniker of "GAMEFACE".
If I recall her mail to me, her perceptions included, "He was a nice enough guy... smart, well spoken, very very interested in politics and very very drunk".
It was shortly after that I saw a thread where within about five minutes, "JOEC" made this long rambling post and then "GAMEFACE" posted, "You really hit a walkoff Homerun with that post, Joe!"
At that point, I started ribbing "JOE" as often as possible that "You should get your bud GAMEFACE to chime in!!" with a LOL smiley
And GAMEFACE never posted again (probably last October)