WHY so much Anti-Semitism? Anti-Jewish acts? I don't understand. Why? Why at this time?

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New member
Dec 19, 2008
In the vast majority of these swastika incidents it turns out that it was leftists that did it and wanted to blame Trump supporters.


how do you get through to a mind that wants to believe this. This is why as a conservative I hate Trump ( that and he's not a conservative ). He fosters this kind of stupid thinking. The belief that you can't trust your eyes and listen to peoples words and figure out who they are, that there is a big conspiracy behind everything. You get enough stupid people to believe this nonsense and you get carte blanche to do, say and get away with anything because it's always the big bad making it seem like there's a problem, there's really nothing to see here. Thankfully this isn't the case for all his voters, just a percentage, and that percentage will never escape the problems in their life that they want to place on other people and the invisible boogeyman because they are their own problem, they are too dumb to function. The rest can see thru it just made a hard choice and will tire of it eventually.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I think Trump is putting forward as conservative an agenda as we've seen in our lifetime, I don't understand the belief in some mythology that he's not a conservative. I don't care what he did or advocated as a private citizen, I'm talking about his policy positions as president.

Conservative Supreme Court nominee, one who clearly believes the judicial branch does not write law.

Strong a national defense, the single biggest and most mentioned constitutional power actually vested in the federal government

A smaller federal government, advocating the downsizing of existing bureaucracies like the department of education and the Affordable Care Act

fewer regulations, lower taxes!!!!!!!!!

School choice

and even talks about giving "late term" babies their constitutional rights, the right to live

how the fuck is he not a conservative as president? by what standard of measurement?

I do see with my own eyes, I live my life vicariously through scores of businesses and hundreds of families, and I love most of what he stands for. I also believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that most of the attacks on him are fueled by hatred and ignorance.

Aren't y'all tired of being lied to and manipulated your whole life? He really is trying to change the culture in DC, for the first time in modern history. The status quo crowd will not go down without a fight. From incredibly naive career politicians the criminally stupid media to the idiots of Hollywood, they're kicking and screaming like the caged rodents that they are

Nov 4, 2009
Off Topic.....and will be watching......but the press has been killing that fag Milo about his pedo comments. Just saw on tweeter Bill Maher said the same thing a few years back......going to see if this makes news worthy material.

In a nutshell he said a 35 year old man with a 14 year old girl = crime

A 35 year old woman with 14 year old boy = acceptable.

Not that I completely disagree from a male standpoint of banging an older woman.....but is the same thing fag boy milo said......so lets see if there will be a double standard.

Of COURSE Bill Maher is not going to catch heat, he is Democrat. Milio: Republican.

Every Single Thing: Double Standard. ICE Immigration Enforcement may be the best example, right now. Some News Outlets Reporting that Obama Deported a Larger # of people, within a Calendar Month than Trump is being blamed for Deporting this Month.

The Heat being directed towards Trump, HIGH and Unrelenting, Protests in the Street. Very little Heat at all ever directed towards Obama, on this.

Its really gotten way way past "old". Blacks able to say any Racist thing regardless of how Vulgar, can even call for Killing Whites & Police Officers. Women also: Uncensored. Liberal Left & Democrats: No Censorship.

A White Male Republican (or just "Conservative", Anti-Liberal?)

Lit Up for even saying stuff thats obviously True.

Sex with Underaged just leads to way too much very bad stuff. I have no idea how any sane person could even think of arguing in favor of such.

They say: "The Way it used to be" + "Humans Maturing Earlier nowadays". True, I guess they are and that every single one of us has, within our Ancestry a 14 Year Old Mother, somewhere along the way. Certainly: 16 Years Old. IMO though the 17 year old or younger Brain is not developed enough to a.) Make Intelligent Decision about sex (they'll be taken advantage of) and b.) Emotionally not mature enough and c.) We totally do not need Underage Girls getting Pregnant.

I have ZERO ability to understand how any person could argue in favor of this.

Nov 4, 2009
Aren't y'all tired of being lied to and manipulated your whole life?
To be Honest with you: I had no idea that We were being lied to TO THE DEGREE that this has been going on. I believed what I saw on CNN. Certainly I believed The New York Times. Now I'm tempted to believe nothing of what these and other Outlets I once respected, say.

He really is trying to change the culture in DC, for the first time in modern history. The status quo crowd will not go down without a fight. From incredibly naive career politicians the criminally stupid media to the idiots of Hollywood, they're kicking and screaming like the caged rodents that they are

I was 100% Sure, completely Positive that We would never see any President even TALK about Draining The Swamp. 100% Positive I'd not live long enough to even HEAR a President call D.C. A Swamp.

I was more sure of this than of anything.

I don't know how Trump is getting away with what he is saying: "Swamp" etc.

I feel like I am living in some Bizzarro World, Love him or Hate Him one must admit that he is the most Interesting President we've seen in our lifetimes and if we're Honest: None of us expected anything like this, ever.

Nov 4, 2009
In the vast majority of these swastika incidents it turns out that it was leftists that did it and wanted to blame Trump supporters.

Has The Left not Trotted Out one thing after another to Rag On Trump for, for 1.5 Years now

One thing after another. If we could see them Listed, in Chronological Order. it'd be mind-blowing.

Suddenly: Dramatic Rise in Anti-Semitic Acts.

Each Week they Unleash a New "Hot News" thing that, so coincidentally, can only be DAMAGING for Trump.

This Week its Anti-Jewish Acts.

New member
Dec 19, 2008
I think Trump is putting forward as conservative an agenda as we've seen in our lifetime, I don't understand the belief in some mythology that he's not a conservative. I don't care what he did or advocated as a private citizen, I'm talking about his policy positions as president.

At best he's an opportunist, a populist and a nationalist but a conservative he is not. The idea that he has run the most conservative agenda in our lifetime is a fallacy and just an insult to Reagan, hell he isn't even as conservative as Nixon. He was less conservative than either Cruz or Rubio for that matter. If your argument is that he is right of the liberals then yes you are right but that doesn't make him a true conservative. I venture to guess most people here aren't true conservative they just fall into the bad thinking that if it angers the liberals then it must be right and it must be conservative, but that is lazy and incorrect logic.

Conservative Supreme Court nominee, one who clearly believes the judicial branch does not write law.

He was elected on the GOP ticket with a GOP led house, who did you think he would nominate? Any republican candidate would have done the same, this doesn't make him a conservative. He is doing what he is obligated to do so I don't give him credit for doing what he has to do and the only thing he could do.

Strong a national defense, the single biggest and most mentioned constitutional power actually vested in the federal government

Spoken like somebody who doesn't understand conservatism. Less government means less military, not more...this is a nationalistic agenda.

A smaller federal government, advocating the downsizing of existing bureaucracies like the department of education and the Affordable Care Act

he hasn't done a thing about the affordable care act in the practical sense yet and the talk is replacing it with something better, prettier packaging might even be a better present inside but it's just a rebranded ACA, nothing conservative here sorry. I will give him credit that he did make a couple decidedly conservative moves just bad business ones, so when he has to pick and choose when to pick a conservative measure to follow thru with he shows he's not particularly adept at it. Either that or he's toeing the line to other dumb people. By the strictest sense the moves like rescinding Obamas home loan order was conservative it just fkd over the little guy in the process.

fewer regulations, lower taxes!!!!!!!!!

we'll see...but I reiterate, right of left doesn't in itself make one right, it's just not left. How this plays out will have to be seen.

School choice

Sigh, again a case of if the liberals are against it must be our platform...but school choice that is government subsidized. This is a progressive idea that for whatever reason trump supporters are championing. They are just to uninformed to understand that they didn't win and the liberals are too uninformed to know they did lol DeVos is a functioning idiot and she just did the liberals a big favor. Now the poor kid can shop around for the best education and level the playing field...sounds a little socialist no??? enjoy that win

and even talks about giving "late term" babies their constitutional rights, the right to live

he says a lot of stuff, tweets even more...most of it bullshit.

how the fuck is he not a conservative as president? by what standard of measurement?

by the standard that his beliefs don't align. He will take some conservative positions because he has to, but his position is the popular position and that position at the moment is nationalistic, but if the tide shifts, don't be surprised if he shifts with it. It is his track record.

I do see with my own eyes, I live my life vicariously through scores of businesses and hundreds of families, and I love most of what he stands for. I also believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that most of the attacks on him are fueled by hatred and ignorance.

I believe you want to believe that but if you believe every line he is feeding you, you are naive. He doesn't believe everything he is saying, and some things he believes he'll never say, we're all like that, you are buying into the picture he wants you to see and if you only want to see that then you are not fully seeing. I don't disagree with you that most attacks on him are based in hatred, he's an unlikeable person that goes with the territory but I don't think there is as much ignorance about him as you seem to think, unless it comes from his own supporters who can't see a shortcoming while it's smacking them in the face. He could still be great for the country and be unlikeable but a little objectivity please. I was equally harsh on Obama, call a spade a spade but there's too much partisanship in what people are willing to swallow from their "side"

Aren't y'all tired of being lied to and manipulated your whole life? He really is trying to change the culture in DC, for the first time in modern history. The status quo crowd will not go down without a fight. From incredibly naive career politicians the criminally stupid media to the idiots of Hollywood, they're kicking and screaming like the caged rodents that they

absolutely tired of it but the difference between us is I am not convinced he's done lying and manipulating us. This mantra about alternative facts and fake news and trying to create this alternative fiction where we need to watch out for everybody lying to us is proof to me he's just a new twist on the same crap we've seen. I have no qualms with hollywood types as they're just people talking to people, we all do it, some just get a bigger pulpit, not their fault that they are more famous than the average joe. It's hypocritical to say that they need to shut up when we don't shut up.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
he's implementing a conservative agenda, I specifically detailed what and how

you repeat the "populist" decent, "he takes conservative positions because he has to" Seriously?

I cite policies he's implementing and espousing, you don't see that, I can't help you

carry on with your spoon fed idiocy, keep spinning the truth like you got game, I couldn't care less

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Trump is acting like a conservative....why do you think his poll numbers continue to tank.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
oh my my, the forum jester shows up

now youse know I'm right

New member
Dec 19, 2008
he's implementing a conservative agenda, I specifically detailed what and how

you repeat the "populist" decent, "he takes conservative positions because he has to" Seriously?

I cite policies he's implementing and espousing, you don't see that, I can't help you

carry on with your spoon fed idiocy, keep spinning the truth like you got game, I couldn't care less

And I broke down why it wasn't a conservative agenda. You called it the most conservative agenda in our lifetime, that was a lie. It's hardly been a conservative agenda at all in any other way than it is not the one the liberals would put forth.

My argument that he had to was made once, yet you ignored every other point that I refuted. In regards to the judge, that is a position he does have to take, you may not like that answer but he can't ram that decision down anybodies throat the way he tries to with an executive order. He needs support on the judge and choosing one his party will align with is his only course of action. Given free reign we don't know. I will concede that if you want to argue is it conservative or not then it is and leave it there but what about everything else you casually ignored?

I explain why his miltary position isn't conservative, ignored.

school position not conservative, ignored

abortion just talk nothing coming to fruition and you're championing it as a conservative point and also not a conservative view point. Conservatists pov is that government should not interfere in private lives or at least as little as possible that includes gay rights and choice but it's a religious fundamental view point to be against those things, but not conservative you just move freely within ideologies and put it all in under the conservative umbrella. Again if liberals arent for it, it must be conservative. Lazy stupid thinking.

You don't know what it is to be a conservative and I think that much is obvious. A lot more is obvious to me about you but I'll keep those thoughts to myself and stick to the facts.

Sep 21, 2004
White House defends Donald Trump's Holocaust statement that failed to mention Jews

Critics argued Donald Trump’s statement was ‘troubling’ and served to ‘generalise’ the Holocaust
Maya Oppenheim @mayaoppenheim

The Independent US
The President’s Holocaust Memorial Day statement contrasted those of former presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton who explicitly mentioned the plight of Jewish people
The White House has defended its decision not to mention Jews or anti-Semitism in its Holocaust Remembrance Day statement after receiving widespread criticism.

On International Holocaust Day on Friday, President Donald Trump failed to explicitly mention Nazi Germany’s mass murder of six million Jews.

Critics argued the omission served to “generalise” the genocide. The head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jonathan Greenblatt, said the exclusion of the word “Jews” – the main victims of the Holocaust – was “puzzling and troubling”.

The Trump administration failed to respond to questions about the statement until Saturday, when spokeswoman Hope Hicks sent CNN a link to a Huffington Post story about the millions of people who were killed by the Nazis for their ethnicities, disabilities, religious beliefs, political views or sexual orientation.

“Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered,” Hicks insisted.

The aide refused to answer a question about whether Mr Trump did not mention Jews because he did not want to offend other Holocaust victims, saying only: “It was our honour to issue a statement in remembrance of this important day.”

Hicks initially referred the news network to a statement from Ronald Lauder of the World Jewish Congress which appeared to criticise Greenblatt and the ADL.

“It does no honour to the millions of Jews murdered in the Holocaust to play politics with their memory,” the Lauder statement read. “Any fair reading of the White House statement today on the International Holocaust Memorial Day will see it appropriately commemorates the suffering and the heroism that mark that dark chapter in modern history.”

Instead of mentioning Jews in Friday’s controversial statement, the White House only referred to “innocent people” targeted by the Nazis.

Donald Trump does not mention Jews in Holocaust memorial statement
“It is with a heavy heart and sombre mind that we remember and honour the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust,” the statement read. “It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror. Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest. As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent.

"In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.”

Pope meets Rabbis and warns about dangers of anti-Semitism
The billionaire property developer’s Holocaust Day statement is very different to those issued by former presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton, who all explicitly mentioned the plight of Jewish people.

Mr Trump drew heavy criticism for his statement, with Reza Aslan, an Iranian-American author, saying: “This is not an accidental omission. He is generalising the Holocaust the way the Iranian government or Neo-Nazis do. There’s a purpose behind it.”

The White House’s statement follows several disturbing anti-Jewish incidents across America, including two waves of bomb threats at Jewish community centres, and a group of neo-Nazis that planned to march against the Jewish residents of a small town in Montana.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
circle jerk

emphasis in "jerk(s)"


gotta run now, Bobby Kraft looking for me

Sep 21, 2004
But your naive to post liberal news articles saying he is a nazi. Show one example of him saying or doing something anti jewish. Matter of fact didnt he recently get up and talk against it.

Why no rage with the liberal world and msm when Obama was accused of siding with Islam over USA and yet I never once heard him refer to Islamic Terrorist. Why is it not the same scrutiny

His Soft Holocaust Denial Statement for one. His Anti Semitic Tweet during the election for another.

<header class="content__head tonal__head tonal__head--tone-news " style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Guardian Text Egyptian Web", Georgia, serif; font-size: medium;">Historian Deborah Lipstadt accuses Trump advisers of 'soft Holocaust denial'

Expert on Nazi era who won court battle against Holocaust denier David Irving says president’s team is ‘de-Judaizing’ genocide
Peter Beaumont</header><time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-01-31T08:30:35-0500" data-timestamp="1485869435000" class="content__dateline-wpd js-wpd content__dateline-wpd--modified" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block;">Tuesday 31 January 2017 08.30 EST</time><time datetime="2017-02-01T13:01:08-0500" data-timestamp="1485972068000" class="content__dateline-lm js-lm u-h" itemprop="dateModified" style="border: 0px !important; clip: rect(0px 0px 0px 0px) !important; height: 0.0625rem !important; margin: -0.0625rem !important; overflow: hidden !important; padding-top: 0.125rem; padding-right: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; position: absolute !important; width: 0.0625rem !important; display: inline-block;">Last modified on Wednesday 1 February 2017 13.01 EST</time>

The internationally renowned historian Deborah Lipstadt, whose courtroom battle with Holocaust denier David Irving is the subject of the new film Denial, has accused President Donald Trump’s “innermost circle” of being guilty of “soft Holocaust denial” and the “de-Judaization” of the Nazi genocide.
Writing in the Atlantic, Lipstadt – a leading expert on the Nazi effort to wipe out Europe’s Jews – took aim at the Trump administration for its failure last Friday to mention Jews as the primary victims of the Holocaust.
“Holocaust denial is alive and well in the highest offices of the United States,” wrote Lipstadt. “It is being spread by those in President Trump’s innermost circle. It may have all started as a mistake by a new administration that is loath to admit it’s wrong.
“Conversely, it may be a conscious attempt by people with antisemitic sympathies to rewrite history,” she added. “Either way it is deeply disturbing.”
Lipstadt’s intervention came in amid an escalating row over the White House’s statement on Holocaust Memorial Day. On Monday, Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, accused the media of a “pathetic” attempt to whip up controversy.
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Deborah Lipstadt: ‘Many would like to stand up to antisemites. I had the chance to do it’

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</aside>The historian said she had learned of the White House statement while in Amsterdam for a screening of Denial, starring Rachel Weisz as the historian and Timothy Spall as Irving, and had just passed the house where Anne Frank had hidden when her phone started buzzing with messages of the news.
Lipstadt wrote: “Though no fan of Trump, I chalked it up as a rookie mistake by a new administration busy issuing a slew of executive orders. Someone had screwed up … A clarification would certainly soon follow. I was wrong.”
Referring to the 10-week libel trial she won against Irving in 2000, she added: “The de-Judaization of the Holocaust, as exemplified by the White House statement, is what I term softcore Holocaust denial.
“Hardcore denial is the kind of thing I encountered in the courtroom. In an outright and forceful fashion, Irving denied the facts of the Holocaust.”
Continuing with her distinction, Lipstadt added: “Softcore denial uses different tactics but has the same end-goal ... It does not deny the facts, but it minimises them, arguing that Jews use the Holocaust to draw attention away from criticism of Israel. Softcore denial also makes all sorts of false comparisons to the Holocaust.
“What we saw from the White House was classic softcore denial. The Holocaust was de-Judaized.”
Touching on the more malign explanation, she queried whether Trump’s chief strategist may have had an influence on the statement.
“The White House’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, boasted that while at Breitbart he created a platform for the alt-right. Richard Spencer, the self-proclaimed leader of the alt-right, has invited overt Holocaust deniers to alt-right conferences, and his followers have engaged in outright denial.”
Lipstadt’s intervention in the growing row came as the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington DC also released a pointed statement explaining the meaning of the Holocaust.

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Steve Bannon is calling the shots in the White House. That's terrifying

Lawrence Douglas

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</aside>“Millions of other innocent civilians were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis, but the elimination of Jews was central to Nazi policy,” the statement read, adding that “an accurate understanding of this history is critical if we are to learn its lessons and honour its victims”.
Tweeting a link to the statement, the museum included a quote from the writer and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel: “Not all victims were Jews, but all Jews were victims.”
The White House statement was criticised at the time by Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, who tweeted on Friday: “@Whitehouse statement on #HolocaustMemorialDay, misses that it was six million Jews who perished, not just ‘innocent people’”.
Lipstadt’s article appeared after the White House press secretary had accused the media of “nitpicking” the statement. “The idea that you’re nitpicking a statement that sought to remember this tragic event that occurred and the people who are in it is just ridiculous,” Sean Spicer said.
“To suggest that remembering the Holocaust and acknowledging all of the people – Jewish, gypsies, priests, disabled, gays and lesbians – is frankly pathetic that people are picking on a statement.”


Feb 2, 2010
Fake News.....I need to research the political objective of this author and if they condemn anything the last 8 years of Obama hating on the Jewish state of Israel.

Stand by

Sep 21, 2004
Fake News.....I need to research the political objective of this author and if they condemn anything the last 8 years of Obama hating on the Jewish state of Israel.

Stand by
Don't be a brainwashed fool, like far too many Idiot Drumpf lackey's, snowflake. Learn to think for yourself.
Sep 21, 2004
Don't be a brainwashed fool, like far too many Idiot Drumpf lackey's, snowflake. Learn to think for yourself.

I seriously believe this cranky old shit-stain Guesser is insane.

I think the Trump presidency put him over the edge, he was teetering before - but now he's out of control wacko.

Sep 21, 2004
I seriously believe this cranky old shit-stain Guesser is insane.

I think the Trump presidency put him over the edge, he was teetering before - but now he's out of control wacko.
No one sane, with integrity listens to you, you fraud. You're a self admitted, fake Religious Hypocrite, in addition to being a sick racist. When sub human trash like you insults me, it's a feather in my cap I wear proudly.

"One thing you have been right about, is that it is hypocritical for me to be a Christian, and spew venom the way I have been. I'm not proud of it, and I know I've said that before, and haven't improved"
Sep 21, 2004
No one sane, with integrity listens to you, you fraud. You're a self admitted, fake Religious Hypocrite, in addition to being a sick racist.

"One thing you have been right about, is that it is hypocritical for me to be a Christian, and spew venom the way I have been. I'm not proud of it, and I know I've said that before, and haven't improved"

Why don't you put that private message in your signature? The more you post it, the more people see what a lowlife vile scumbag you are.

Trump baby, 8 more years, bitch.

Sep 21, 2004
Why don't you put that private message in your signature? The more you post it, the more people see what a lowlife vile scumbag you are.

Trump baby, 8 more years, bitch.
I don't do signatures, sub human trash. Whenever you rear your insane, racist, vile garbage in response to a post of mine, you'll get the proof of you being a hypocritical, fake religious fraud.
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