Crow here.... get your crow!
PariAction Office
Do you know where YOUR post ups are?
posted July 28, 2003 04:52 PM
"That leaves the guy whose book recently got booted out of the Pariaction offices. Rumor is it was because he no longer had all the players' post-up funds on hand."
First of all, Majorbetting did not get "Booted out" of the PariaCtion offices. A decision was made to go with a different hosting solution (down the hall) that had more options for their players and because PariAction was hosting several other outfits as well and we spun them all off to this new hosting company.
I am so sick and tired of all the rumors and shit that people throw at each other in these sites. These are supposed to be offshore watchdog sites, not offshore rumor *****ring shit-slinging sites!
Silent but deadly
posted July 28, 2003 06:07 PM
Good to hear from you. I have few questions if you don't mind.
You said last year that Majorbetting would be allowed to use your back office solution as long as they maintained all the players post up funds. Fred also said on several occasions how happy he was to have left NAB and gone to Pariaction. He said he planned on staying there a long time.
Everyone who reads these forums knows that he is rarely involved with any of the operations of Majorbetting, so why would he leave to go down the hall, as you say? To say that it was because he found a different hosting solution for his players really stretches all credibility. You were both happy with the arrangement, and there was not a single complaint on any of the forums about the lack of offers at MB.
Next thing we hear Fred is calling all his buddies looking to borrow money, and then boom, he changes his hosting solution. Pretty interesting timing, don't you think?
Did Majorbetting still have 100% of the players' post-up funds when he left Pariaction?
If so, could you provide some proof, as you do with the Allworld trust account?