This is one of the most scatterbrained ideas I've ever heard. Completely undoable.
What happens to the residents of Texas who are members of the US military?
What happens if Mexico attacks Texas? What if Mexico is winning?
The irony of this whole concept is Texans are tired of providing for the liberals who are a drain on our nation.
But watch what happens if Texas secedes. It will depend on the rest of the country for its very survival. Without trade and protection, and surrounded by hostile neighbors on both sides it would fail hard.
Meh. Some of history's biggest wars were fought over far less than this. The reason it seems inconceivable to you is you've never lived through an event like that. But, as history has shown, shit does happen. To answer your questions...
1. Didn't the Stuttering Clusterfuck want to import illegals into military positions? Here's his chance! But Texas would need to form their own military and economy. Would assume Texans would leave the US military.
2. Mexico attack Texas?
Their army couldn't conquer Gilligan's Island anytime soon.
3. Who says Texas would be barred from trading? And hell, with everyone down there packing...who says they need anyone's protection?
What you're seeing here are the early lines being drawn for the Civil War 2.0 I've predicted on here before. Don't know exactly when, but it's coming...believe me.