Our Boy Hugh done got under the skin of one of them.......well, several of them, after she began shrieking....about Hugh Sexually Harassing her.
If you can put out of your mind the tragedy that occupying a country with people such as the Black Lives Matter female doing the video below is,
her outrage is actually hilarious bcuz the depth of her stupidity is so massive there aren't even words to describe it.
And this human being is so genuinely sad and pathetic that this defies comprehension.
Necessary to skip to and begin viewing at 0:55 (55 Second Mark) cuz the first 54 seconds its impossible mostly to even determine what her mongoloid ass is saying.
0:55 + though is incredible. Filmed at some event having to do with the opening of a new Police Headquarters in Seattle WA, which BLM was protesting on the basis that this new Police Station was the equivalent of
"headquarters for an occupying army".
ANY other option, that exists, to....the path that obviously has to be slected.
ANY OTHER OPTION. I'm willing to listen.
Any other viable option.
I'd really like to hear alternative possible solutions. To dealing with these people. Sincerely.