Why is the NFL picks forum dead?


Sep 20, 2017
If you're following someone blindly, maybe writeups are useless.. if you're not, probably like to know what the reasons are someone is on the game.
Thats the point. Even good cappers may fade and turn bad some point in the season or they may just have a bad year. Better off to pick your own games but consider all info.

Dec 13, 2007

How'd it go kid?
Need the 49ers tonight...


Sep 20, 2023
I don't get the commotion.
Seems easy enough, as Hache stated: "If you do not like a thread or a poster, then simply stay out of it."

"Sticks and stones" and all that.

You know that sign at Zoo's - Don't Feed the Animals! - well, it's the same with trolls.
Don't feed them by getting into a back and forth War of the Words with them.
Replies are heroin to them, they live for it, they feel it validates their otherwise sad existence.
Deny them replies and they go away.
And the easiest way to not reply is simple - DON'T TAKE THE BAIT - don't read their posts so you won't feel the need to reply.
(Their rants are a waste of time anyway, so there's really no need at all to even read them in the first place.)

Here's a suggestion:

If someone is launching personal attacks - suspend him and brand him.
By "brand him" I mean put something like a X's "Community Notes" on his account, something that shows up on every post he makes, alerting other posters the guy is a troll and should be ignored.
(Yes, you could ban them but many just sign back in with a new alias, creating more work for the mods as they have to ban him again and again.)

If someone calls a poster a cheater but offers no proof - same thing, brand him.

But the flip side should also be treated the same. If someone is cheating, and proof is offered (using facts, not name calling/personal attacks) then that poster should be suspended, then branded as a cheater.

Why should anyone care about records? Because based on posts and replies, it seems most visitors tail rather than handicap for themselves. When making a decision on which side to bet it helps them to know who is being honest and who isn't, who to tail, who to fade.

And adding an analysis (if you have one) to picks does help.
It's there for those that want to see them, and can be easily skipped over for those who don't care and just want picks.

My advice is - PICK YOUR OWN GAMES!
But for those without time or talent to handicap - choose wisely before you tail anyone.
Don't tail blindly just because someone says they're winning. Do your research.
And if you're not good at handicapping, it's just like anything else in life - work hard, study, learn. You will get better.

Sep 21, 2004
I had every pick i made last year posted and recounted..someone thinking they had me in a lie..he was wrong i was factually correct on my win loss..pretty much lost interest after that...

Kicking ass lately
Hey I wasn't wrong. Your record was a little off, I had to check it for myself, but you did have a fantastic season. You left off stating
"No hard feelings on you posting every play I made this season then counting them publicly ..I figured someone would do a count."
Don't know why you've changed your tune.

Dec 13, 2007
Hey I wasn't wrong. Your record was a little off, I had to check it for myself, but you did have a fantastic season. You left off stating
"No hard feelings on you posting every play I made this season then counting them publicly ..I figured someone would do a count."
Don't know why you've changed your tune.
Off by maybe + or - one game. A honest mistake if so
Totally obnoxious... taking the time to repost every play i made over a 17 week period....I said the same at that time.
IDK that i've seen you post many plays consistency..maybe i wrong.
whatever..it is what it is.

Sep 21, 2004
Off by maybe + or - one game. A honest mistake if so
Totally obnoxious... taking the time to repost every play i made over a 17 week period....I said the same at that time.
IDK that i've seen you post many plays consistency..maybe i wrong.
whatever..it is what it is.
Because you posted this

3-1 today
Year total
84 games 67.86 %

And I fact checked that your posted record was 41-25, not just a little off! Nothing obnoxious just keeping the record straight! And I do post, in the same thread, that way it's easy to keep an accurate record.

Dec 13, 2007
Because you posted this

3-1 today
Year total
84 games 67.86 %

And I fact checked that your posted record was 41-25, not just a little off! Nothing obnoxious just keeping the record straight! And I do post, in the same thread, that way it's easy to keep an accurate record.
..you missed the pre season

Dec 13, 2007
Because you posted this

3-1 today
Year total
84 games 67.86 %

And I fact checked that your posted record was 41-25, not just a little off! Nothing obnoxious just keeping the record straight! And I do post, in the same thread, that way it's easy to keep an accurate record.
Your a picks troll just a quick look at your posting..you're up in a few peoples biz in the nfl forum and dont make any picks yourself..

I'd suggest you repost all my plays again from last year just to confirm your a jurk off...

Dec 13, 2007
9 pre season wins plus 40 wins (you posted chi twice) still doesn't equal 57 wins! So not just a little off!
You have the option of reposting and doing a recount if its that important that your correct about ..wait for it..my record last year..lol

Honestly..knock yourself out chump.

I'd suggest you get refocused, post a few of your own plays and spend less time worrying about whos doing what now or a year ago.

Sep 21, 2004
You have the option of reposting and doing a recount if its that important that your correct about ..wait for it..my record last year..lol

Honestly..knock yourself out chump.

I'd suggest you get refocused, post a few of your own plays and spend less time worrying about whos doing what now or a year ago.
I cannot understand why certain individuals when presented FACTS they always resort to name calling. Regardless of whether I post plays or not, everyone except touts, want correct record keeping! I just wanted to check your record to see if it's legit because I was thinking of following your plays this season. I don't know why you got so offensive. I did state numerous times you still had a fantastic season, and actually defended you when you got in it with L2KA!

And since you mentioned it, here's a proper way to post pics, in order to keep an accurate record! It's not that difficult.


Dec 13, 2007
I cannot understand why certain individuals when presented FACTS they always resort to name calling. Regardless of whether I post plays or not, everyone except touts, want correct record keeping! I just wanted to check your record to see if it's legit because I was thinking of following your plays this season. I don't know why you got so offensive. I did state numerous times you still had a fantastic season, and actually defended you when you got in it with L2KA!

And since you mentioned it, here's a proper way to post pics, in order to keep an accurate record! It's not that difficult.

My record was correct..so you keeping count is a waste of time..If you'd like to repost all the plays again..do it

Now you say wanted to follow my picks?..good one as you've spent a good amount of time trying to disparage my record.... now into season two of your obsession with my 22 record.

Another thing a guy who makes no picks shouldn't be offering advise on how count picks or make pics.Looking. more like a ahole with the "demo " on posting plays..lol

You need a hobbies dude...your making a fool out of yourself at this point.

Dec 13, 2007
4 plays straight and parlayed..no write up no comments..its the way i do it and repect those who do the same...
What i lookin at for week 8 NE might be on the chopping not sure yet

Bears ML
super chargers

Haven't visted the local yet for lines

Good luck "following" whom ever you're stalking now.

Sep 21, 2004
My record was correct..so you keeping count is a waste of time..If you'd like to repost all the plays again..do it

Now you say wanted to follow my picks?..good one as you've spent a good amount of time trying to disparage my record.... now into season two of your obsession with my 22 record.

Another thing a guy who makes no picks shouldn't be offering advise on how count picks or make pics.Looking. more like a ahole with the "demo " on posting plays..lol

You need a hobbies dude...your making a fool out of yourself at this point.
Man you're the dumb fool and don't know how to read! That wasn't a demo you moron! Those are my picks. It makes things perfectly clear that you're too stupid to keep an accurate record! LMAO! Cut your loses fool for you're clearly outmatched here!

Dec 13, 2007
Man you're the dumb fool and don't know how to read! That wasn't a demo you moron! Those are my picks. It makes things perfectly clear that you're too stupid to keep an accurate record! LMAO! Cut your loses fool for you're clearly outmatched here!
Outmatched? You follow animosity and bet at a 35%win rate or better known as losing.....so

In my book you look like a full'on Ahole at this point.

You've just demonstrate the truth or existence of the reason posting picks here isn't worth it.

Well done.

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