Why is the Ace-Ace charade still allowed to go on?


New member
May 16, 2005
RickA said:
Andy and Everybody,

You need to stop attacking Wil, as everybody here is involved with making the rules.

When Ace decided to sell his picks, we told all touts the same thing – Anybody who wants to post ALL of their plays here, and never solicit any of our members or promote their pay site, was free to do so. Obviously, nobody took us up on the offer.

I’m not sure if you guys realize it, but you are in the minority – by a mile. When members don’t want to read Ace’s stuff, they will stop. How about giving them some credit.


ric, by no means am i attacking wil... this is his business, he has to do what he has to do... im in business as well and there are decisions i make daily based on what i feel is best for my business... however, wil is the one that wrote and i quote "effective immediately all professional handicappers, by that i mean posters that charge for their picks elsewhere will only be allowed to post plays or promotional material in the Site Promotional Forums" and then turns around because ace turns tout, he is the rx's most followed capper after bucsfan left and then all of the sudden offers all touts the same deal that they may post their plays if they post all of their plays and dont solicit business... gime me a break, stick by your rules that u have established... do u know how many times ive had to let an someone go because they didnt follow my policies... it happens and when it does i DONT make exceptions... call me a bad businessman if u wish but at the end of the day at least ive followed my policies...

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
Mr. Smith said:
umm, I wouldnt bet this guys picks if someone held a shotgun to my head and demanded I did. Never in a million years would I follow this dumbfuck.

I just see a Jim Feist loser type tout posting here and ask why the RX still allows it, thats all.

RX has made an exception, I guess because Ace is a paid poster, but he has shown his stripes, he is an awful capper.

So the world wonders, when will the RX do the right thing and pull the plug?
I have met Ace at the Bash and He is a class act. He did very well making a lot of $$ for posters and more directly for me last year! Every good handicapper has his ups and downs but long term Ace does his homework and I believe He is a winner. Last year everyone was blasting Fezzik as He too was having a tough time. However He just won the Fezzik/Bogdonavich $ 25,000 challenge heard here on Vegas Radio 1460 with a sparkling 65 % winners. I think it is totally classless to pick on anyone when that person is having a tough time. I myself coasted to a Journeyman 1 st place last year but this year I am just another so so contestant. Feel free to pile on me if it will make you feel better but I would appreciate if you can avoid the senseless profanity !

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005

As usual a voice of reason in this sea on insanity. thanks for expressing my feelings better than i ever could have, the lack of class and respect is becoming dishearting to some of us here.

Sep 20, 2004
I don't believe anyone deserves the credit when they win or blame when they lose. We are all responsible for our own actions. It is like a coach in baseball who gets credit for winning and blamed for losing. Same analogy. I have met Ace at the bash. I have mixed emotions on Ace. First, he is an asset for sure here at the RX. No doubt. There are a lot of people that believe in him and I think that is great. The problem I have from Ace comes from the bash. I had stopped posting and following games for 6 months leading up to bash. I was given a preseason play on TB under in a preseason game from a guy a greatly respect. I gave the play out on Thursday for a Saturday game. I even told people when I gave it out it was not my selection but one that was given to me. Two days later on Saturday I run into a couple of guys before game started on Saturday asking me if I had Ace's play. I told him no as I had not been around. He told me it was the TB under. The funny thing was I had told Ace earlier in day on Saturday during break to Poker tourney about the play. A few hours later he was telling people it was his play. It is not a big deal but lost respect for him at that point as it was not even my play. The play lost which probably made it worse for people. The fact that he was accussed earlier this year of stealing plays coupled with what I knew made me realize what he was about. I hope he turns it around and gets back to the straight and narrow cause I think he adds a lot to this forum. For anyone that doubts the story there are very known people who can confirm this story. Ace, get back to being you and trusting your instincts. Being a great person is more important that picking winners.

Jun 24, 2005
I dont think Ace is a coin flipper, he does his homework. But he needs some serious lessons in money management.
You're one to talk about money management.
Bunch of stonecasters here.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
I think everyody needs to take a few deep breaths.

Whether many of you realize it or not, we are all in this together.

Sep 20, 2004
Kojak, the one thing I am curious about with your above post, how do you know Ace didn't already like TB...from your above post I don't know why you're assuming the play was not also his?

I'm not knocking you here , it just seems unfair to make that accusation based on what you just wrote.

Your post is pretty strong but you have nothing to back it, by what you just wrote...I am just curious how you would assume he took your play?

30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
wilheim said:
Perhaps if you would show at least a modicum of class instead of talking trash mouth The Rx. would show you a little respect.


Wil you expect posters to show some class and not talk trash, yet what class did you show posters in the SBG global thread? You showed zero class to Yoshi, world traveler, War Room and myself... as head moderator, even laughing off posters screen names ....yet when I point this out what is your response?

"Kobefan08, I promise to not lose any sleep over what you consider professional or unprofessional behaviour on my part. Actually Kobefan08 comes in a close second to WarRoom. I also like Ultimate Selector a lot."

That shows a whole lot of class from you Wil... why treat people like that and then expect them to "show at least a modicum of class"????????

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
I met ACE at the last bash also and he was full of class....I do not follow him on his picks much but know he is on a HUGE losing streak...we all get on those streaks...I wish him luck grinding it back...

Sep 20, 2004
His big play was Cleveland/Detroit under which he also passed along while he was out there. My story can be confirmed by Gyne and others. The person's play I passed out was from your and my good friend whose name I won't mention. It is true.

Oct 31, 2004
AngleBroom said:
You're one to talk about money management.
Bunch of stonecasters here.

I dont know why you have decieded that you dont like me. Dont know what it is I did to offend you.

Not bashing ACE, I think hes solid. Just going thru a rough streak right now.

The comment was not to bash, but to be constructive.

I think my money management is really good. Thats what has kept me from re-upping my balances.

I quit betting baseball in JULY because I was going bad, took the final 35-40% of the season off because I just could not figure it out this season. I never made a bet over 3% of my bankroll the whole baseball season. Quit the SUNBELT football season even though I was still up $34 dollars for the year. I have shut all my betting down all together execpt for live betting on the exchanges, Why is that bad money management?

Please post an example of my bad money management if you dont mind.
Sep 21, 2004
kobefan08 said:
Wil you expect posters to show some class and not talk trash, yet what class did you show posters in the SBG global thread? You showed zero class to Yoshi, world traveler, War Room and myself... as head moderator, even laughing off posters screen names ....yet when I point this out what is your response?

"Kobefan08, I promise to not lose any sleep over what you consider professional or unprofessional behaviour on my part. Actually Kobefan08 comes in a close second to WarRoom. I also like Ultimate Selector a lot."

That shows a whole lot of class from you Wil... why treat people like that and then expect them to "show at least a modicum of class"????????

Mayby Wil has the old "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.

" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
Mr. Smith said:
umm, I wouldnt bet this guys picks if someone held a shotgun to my head and demanded I did. Never in a million years would I follow this dumbfuck.

I just see a Jim Feist loser type tout posting here and ask why the RX still allows it, thats all.

RX has made an exception, I guess because Ace is a paid poster, but he has shown his stripes, he is an awful capper.

So the world wonders, when will the RX do the right thing and pull the plug?

Hypathetically, the Rx grants you your wish. Ace is no longer allowed to post in the sports forums.

So what ?
Are you happy now ?
Does this affect your life in any way ?
Why do you care ?

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
You bring traffic and you can do what you want... Who cares if he is tout thou AA seems like a decent guy who post all his plays for free...

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
wmublows said:
Mayby Wil has the old "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality.

It’s pretty simple; we changed the policy. We could have just made an exception for Ace, but we left it open to all touts. Again, anyone that wants to do what Ace is doing (post all picks for free here, don’t solicit members, don’t tout your site) is welcome to do so.

Also, the sportsbooks have had some HUGE weeks this year, so I don’t think Ace is the only one who has been cold. He just happens to be the one that gives out ALL of his plays prior to the games being played, for everybody to use how see fit.

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Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Really, who gives a monkey shit. Read his picks, or don't read them......simple is that.


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