Why is the Ace-Ace charade still allowed to go on?


RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
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05-04-2006, 03:49 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #1 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>wilheim<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2843424", true); </SCRIPT>
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Rx. Policy Regarding Professional Handicappers (Touts).
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Most of you know that there are several professional handicappers (touts)
that post here in the Rx. sport forums. Until now we have allowed them to post if they did not use any
promotional material in their threads. After careful consideration and consultation The Rx. is going
dismiss any professional handicappers or touts from any of our sport Fourms.

Effective immediately all professional handicappers, by that I mean posters that charge for their picks
elsewhere will only be allowed to post plays or promotional materiel in the Site Promotions Forums.

Most notably included are Theerodfather and Kodiak7.

Please report any violations by either using the "contact us" icon.

All touts are entitled to their own threads, so please stay out of those threads if you have a problem with a particular tout. Any comments can be stated in a separate thread titled something like "Comments on So and So"..

You can also contact any Rx. moderator to report violations:


Thank you, wilheim
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as per RX policy, I would like to report a violator of your no tout policy. ACE-ACE has been posting picks though he is nothing but a low level tout.

his NFL picks are bad, shaded towards dumb favorites and then he posts those God awful 3 team teasers which are so horrid they make my brain nearly blow up when I see them.

There is no doubt at this point that Ace is a coin flipper ( worse actually thanks to those insane 3 teamers) who had a run and got a following of those desperate to find someone they think is a golden ticket.

its easy to get hot, for those without talent, impossible to keep it up. RX needs to make a stand and refuse to sell out to dumbass touts.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
I wish the man never went tout , but we are responsible for our own actions


RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
umm, I wouldnt bet this guys picks if someone held a shotgun to my head and demanded I did. Never in a million years would I follow this dumbfuck.

I just see a Jim Feist loser type tout posting here and ask why the RX still allows it, thats all.

RX has made an exception, I guess because Ace is a paid poster, but he has shown his stripes, he is an awful capper.

So the world wonders, when will the RX do the right thing and pull the plug?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Mr. Smith.

Why shouldn't be allowed to post his plays, he asks nothing in return, there are no fees, each and every poster is free to make his ir her own plays. Ace Ace's plays are free for one and all to use or not use, to bet or fade There is no official rule saying if you read The Rx. you must bet whatever Ace Ace or any other handicapper posts. There are no shotguns as you so rudely put it at anyone's head to follow any handicapper here at The Rx.. No one is obligated to follow or even read anyone's threads and that includes Ace Ace. He has tried his very hardest to do well for all of you but because he is not winning while he does your handicapping for you he is a "dumbfuck". In the mean time please refrain from reading anymore threads created by as you so eloquently put it the dumbfuck Ace Ace. I will also take this opportunity to warn you against the use of profanity when discussing a fellow Rxer. Further abuse of this kind will result in you being placed on prolonged post review.

umm, I wouldnt bet this guys picks if someone held a shotgun to my head and demanded I did. Never in a million years would I follow this dumbfuck.

Perhaps if you would show at least a modicum of class instead of talking trash mouth The Rx. would show you a little respect.

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RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
wilheim said:
Why shouldn't be allowed to post his plays,

heres why- posted by you on 5-4-2006.

Effective immediately all professional handicappers, by that I mean posters that charge for their picks
elsewhere will only be allowed to post plays or promotional materiel in the Site Promotions Forums.
May 14, 2005
Why the ACE bashing. No reason.He bothers no one. He posts plays and asks for nothing from posters.Leave the man alone. A number of people find his information interesting.Is that not what this froum is for.

New member
Sep 21, 2000
If you can't figure out why he is allowed to post you must be stupid Mr. Smith.

New member
Sep 21, 2000
ACE-ACE said:


The reason you are allowed here is you generate publicity for this site whether it is positive or negative publicity. I personally think you are a coin flipper as well but I just stay out of your threads and play my own plays. Your money management is terrible and some of the lines you post are very questionable. And if you charge for picks someplace else are you not a tout? You should only be allowed to post in The Site Promotion forum but because of your special relationship with The Rx you are given special treatment. Good luck to you my friend.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I take a lot more abuse than I give around here. If you want to review my posts you can but out of 3600 posts I have here maybe 4 were really out of line.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
You should only be allowed to post in The Site Promotion forum but because of your special relationship with The Rx you are given special treatment.

I gave every tout who charges somewhere else for his picks the exact opportunity to do what Ace Ace did and that is post ALL of his plays free here at the Rx for everyone to see free of any strings or charges There were no takers. Ace's plays are free here at The Rx but so are anyone else wants to post ALL of their plays absolutely free here and offer them for sale elsewhere then that is their perrogative. Pretty simple concept - post the plays well before post time here at The Rx and sell em if you can anywhere you can.

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Oct 21, 2002
Wil, not trying to make "trouble" but you state that Ace postes his plays for free when he get's paid by the RX to post his plays? is this not true? So that would make his plays not free because someone is paying for them to be posted. If Ace was not getting paid by you he wouldn't be posting plays here, plain and simple.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Another Rx. Payroll Expert

Wil, not trying to make "trouble" but you state that Ace postes his plays for free when he get's paid by the RX to post his plays? is this not true? So that would make his plays not free because someone is paying for them to be posted. If Ace was not getting paid by you he wouldn't be posting plays here, plain and simple.
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Rx. Payroll list:

admin@therx.com (Tech help - Edgar)
lander@therx.com (live lines)

A few times in past The Rx has paid posters for help grading contests.

Natrually I assume that Marty and Rick are paid but how much or how often I have no idea.

If The Rx. paid Ace Ace then moderators like Fishhead, Sportsavant, Robfunk, Journeyman, Xpanda and myself would only be allowed to post their selections in the Site Promotions forums according to your way of thinking.

The bottom line with Ace Ace is that he doesn't cost a single penny to any Rx, poster or lurker. People visit this site for free and most are looking for winners and Ace is no different than any other sports handicapper he smells much better when he wins. Had the Ravens won last night I highly doubt this thread would be happening at 6AM EDT on a Friday morning.


Oct 31, 2004
I dont think Ace is a coin flipper, he does his homework. But he needs some serious lessons in money management.

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
Mr. Smith said:

as per RX policy, I would like to report a violator of your no tout policy. ACE-ACE has been posting picks though he is nothing but a low level tout.​

Did you ever think about not reading them? You seem like you want to be the savior of theRX and all of our readers, but I think we are doing okay on our own.

What’s really funny is that we have done nothing to create the Ace phenomenon; the members choose to read his stuff. So the real question is – why are you attacking the fellow members of this community?


New member
May 16, 2005
wil allows it because of his PAST record and what he brings to the rx, period end of discussion... i dont follow ace, however, i think he is horrible in his money mgt by just reading his threads... he finished up so strong last year in the playoffs, what was wil gonna do put him in the tout forum??? no way, that wouldve been a bad business decision... now that he is picking bad, i think next year he will be where he belongs... i dont care how many winners or losers ace has he should be in the place designated for professional touts... i find it comical that wil makes exceptions for some but not others... now wil can go ahead and tell us once again how everyone has the right to post in the regular forums if they post their whole card, blah, blah, blah... give me a break this is a forum for each of us to share and acquire information not to have professional touts lurking around...

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
Well I have never followed ACE nor will I. He does bring the volume to the site and excitement, but he may actually hurt the site in the end. I have a feeling that he has bankrupted more than a few posters this season. Those posters may decide to drop internet gambling altogether.

One thing that MUST change in my opinion is the title of his threads! Every thread has to start EX-BOOKIE! Well God Damnit, I was a successful bookie about 15 years ago myself. But i dont go around touting that I am now here to help the player! The bookie grandstanding is bad for business in my opinion now that he has one of the worst records on the internet! One might actually start to think that he is working FOR the books!

Is there anyway that you could ask that he take the EX-BOOKIE off of his title? That cheapens this site to no end! I was never going to say anything until I saw this thread however.

I dont necc aggree with MR SMITH, but one thing that I do know is that MR SMITH is at legit person and handicapper. I have met him at the TOW bash and the RX bash. I cant say the same for ACE

Rx. Senior
Jun 10, 2006
Andy and Everybody,

You need to stop attacking Wil, as everybody here is involved with making the rules.

When Ace decided to sell his picks, we told all touts the same thing – Anybody who wants to post ALL of their plays here, and never solicit any of our members or promote their pay site, was free to do so. Obviously, nobody took us up on the offer.

I’m not sure if you guys realize it, but you are in the minority – by a mile. When members don’t want to read Ace’s stuff, they will stop. How about giving them some credit.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I dont think Ace is a coin flipper, he does his homework. But he needs some serious lessons in money management.

No offence but if I wouldn't call some of his logic "homework".

For example, the 49ers dont score much in the first half and their opponents dont surrender many first half points therefore play under in the first half.

Are you kidding me?:ohno:

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