tony is actually a king pin for a huge drug cartel run out of costa rica. Jhon Walsh was seen and heard talking about it real methodical and powerful like on an episode of americas most wanted.
5dimes is actually just a huge front, most of the guys there work an hour or two to look legit meanwhile they are really spending the majority of their day handling bricks and shipping them through underground tunnels made of clay.
Nicole actually loved tony at one point, but when he had to knock off some of the clerks she grew to be friends with becuase their mouths were getting big or keeping a little blow for themselves she couldnt handle it anymore.
"having a cup of coffee on our 10 minute break wasnt the same becuase you know so and so just got shot, becuase he was seeking freedom by expelling the truth about tony. I wasnt going to be a part of a system where tony rules all, no matter how good he did me in all 3 orfaces." nicole explained.
Nicole may be free of this nonsense and hell of a lot happier, but sylvia is in place as she is younger and hotter and just that much more evil all the boys complain she doesnt do crap and if they complain they too will get done. meanwhile some 23 kilo's of coke will get moved daily through tony's underground tunnel system, in a thriving cocaine business many say he had won through a huge bet with a former drug dealer on a soccer match in 1995.
If Sylvia ever handles your call feel blessed the girl doesnt do shyt, they work the 5dimes people like slaves and it isnt from bookmaking.
Tony is so slick and his posse is so enormous much like his tunnel system it is improbable he could be caught becuase there are so many places he could hide and his networking is so 'spread out'.
the moral of the story is that nicole is just another hoe in the tony show.