12 wives if they want (I don't know why they would want 1 let alone 12, but that's up to them).
I'm going down a slippery slope here, because I know the counter-argument, but here it goes...as it pertains to the 13 year old(s), it is not ok b/c their rights are being violated. Someone, ie. the gov't, must protect those unable to protect themselves (minors, mentally incapacitated, etc.).
Now comes the counter-argument, "but what about the fetus' rights?" To that I do not have an answer other than, let each individual who has an abortion decide their own fate (they will either face their "maker" or not).
I'm going down a slippery slope here, because I know the counter-argument, but here it goes...as it pertains to the 13 year old(s), it is not ok b/c their rights are being violated. Someone, ie. the gov't, must protect those unable to protect themselves (minors, mentally incapacitated, etc.).
Now comes the counter-argument, "but what about the fetus' rights?" To that I do not have an answer other than, let each individual who has an abortion decide their own fate (they will either face their "maker" or not).