in today's version of NOT SHOCKING race peddlers Joy Reid and Jamele Hill say that Hispanic's support for Ron Desantis in Florida is due to racism and Hispanic's "proximity to whiteness". LOL
She asserts that the Latino population are simply taking "on the traits of their oppressor" and, of course, that Desantis has turned Florida into the modern day Jim Crow.
Not to be outdone Joyless Reid went down the Hitler road (imagine that?!?!) with this Desantis/Hispanics relationship. And then she fired up all the Marxist ghost narratives in this beauty senseless rant: "It's terrifying how many Americans will choose literal fascism, female serfdom, climate collapse and the reversal of everything from Social Security & Medicare to student loan relief bc they think giving Republicans the power to investigate Hunter Biden will bring down gas prices,"
I love these people