Why Aren't We Pointing Any Fingers At The Medical Field?!? ?


New member
Mar 17, 2015
Imagine had the Orange leader not banned flights. We'd be #1 in the world in infections.

Oh wait.
Oct 26, 2003
I understand in Pattaya restuarants are checking temperatures before guests can enter? Is that true? Why in God's name isn't this kind of diligence being done in the USA?

That is correct....but most restaurants are closed.....all mall restaurants are closed.....most grocery stores and 7/11s require masks to enter

New member
Jan 4, 2007
For being totally unprepared despite supposedly training for such events for years.

Understaffed & lacking proper equipment by a mile is inexcusable.

hospital margins are thinner than most people think
many smaller hospitals are projected to run out of cash by may
hospital is only the band-aid after the fact. hospitals cannot quarantine the city. virus is spreading before patients even get to the hospital.
also hard for medical professionals to be taken seriously when the president is saying it is under control and no big deal

New member
Nov 21, 2013
hospital margins are thinner than most people think
many smaller hospitals are projected to run out of cash by may
hospital is only the band-aid after the fact. hospitals cannot quarantine the city. virus is spreading before patients even get to the hospital.
also hard for medical professionals to be taken seriously when the president is saying it is under control and no big deal

Very astute points

An equally important ancillary consideration is that the normal intake at ERs in major population centers is in many cases DOUBLING....this translates into very reduced or virtually eliminated care for patients seeking help with non-COVID requests

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
So here we go with rising hospitalizations, and yet again the medical field unprepared with shortages of everything imaginable.

You guys can defend these idiots all you want, but seems they never learn their lessons.

Did they think it was just going away for good, or that nothing would ever strike again in the future?

As for ventilators, I've learned they are MUCH cheaper than we've discussed in here.

And a reminder, I have family who are Nurses, so not sparing anyone here.

Nov 10, 2007
So here we go with rising hospitalizations, and yet again the medical field unprepared with shortages of everything imaginable.

You guys can defend these idiots all you want, but seems they never learn their lessons.

Did they think it was just going away for good, or that nothing would ever strike again in the future?

As for ventilators, I've learned they are MUCH cheaper than we've discussed in here.

And a reminder, I have family who are Nurses, so not sparing anyone here.

I can handle these questions thank you. What unprepared hospitals are you referring to? This is a big country with numerous hospitals. I have yet to hear of any in panic mode or turning away patients.

You talk about ventilators like they have much meaning. I would like to direct you to this video. You have a family of nurses I would like to hear their opinion of it.


Also for the nurses in your family. Can they respond to these medical points?

*masking and other precautions were put in place to SLOW the spread of the virus. It’s a virus. There is not a cure. Expect everyone to be exposed to it.

*Elderly population is most at risk because of normal co-morbidities. ie heart disease, lung disease, suppressed immune systems. All of these things make them equally susceptible to the common cold, gi flu, influenza, etc. Many elderly lives, no matter what the underlying disease are lost due to complications of the disease, not the disease itself. Pneumonia is a common example.

*There is not a cure, there is also not a treatment. Ventilators are not treatments or cures. Merely life assisting measures. Medications aren’t proven.

*You can not get Covid when you’re in your car by yourself or walking down the street by yourself or by being in the bathroom by yourself. Please don’t wear a mask.

*Wearing gloves is the absolute most useless thing you can do. Don’t wear gloves.

Thank you for your participation.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002

What unprepared hospitals are you referring to? This is a big country with numerous hospitals. I have yet to hear of any in panic mode or turning away patients.

**Daily I'm reading & hearing that many hospitals are nearing the same issues as the first time around.
The medical field has always liked to boast to the public how they have "prepare for these events" for years.
From the beginning of all of this, if that's what you call preparation, then they need laughed at and told directly to their faces that they need new leadership.

You talk about ventilators like they have much meaning. I would like to direct you to this video. You have a family of nurses I would like to hear their opinion of it.

**They have kept thousands alive until they recover (some don't obviously)

*masking and other precautions were put in place to SLOW the spread of the virus. It’s a virus. There is not a cure. Expect everyone to be exposed to it.


*Elderly population is most at risk because of normal co-morbidities. ie heart disease, lung disease, suppressed immune systems. All of these things make them equally susceptible to the common cold, gi flu, influenza, etc. Many elderly lives, no matter what the underlying disease are lost due to complications of the disease, not the disease itself. Pneumonia is a common example.

**Agreed - However, this is something NEW. That means it's ADDITIONAL deaths that wouldn't happen if it didn't exist. So it's ignorant to discount altogether.

*There is not a cure, there is also not a treatment. Ventilators are not treatments or cures. Merely life assisting measures. Medications aren’t proven.


*You can not get Covid when you’re in your car by yourself or walking down the street by yourself or by being in the bathroom by yourself. Please don’t wear a mask.

**Agreed - Not sure why I see so many ppl wearing masks such as when driving alone in their vehicle

*Wearing gloves is the absolute most useless thing you can do. Don’t wear gloves.

**Agreed - Senseless

Nov 10, 2007

What unprepared hospitals are you referring to? This is a big country with numerous hospitals. I have yet to hear of any in panic mode or turning away patients.

**Daily I'm reading & hearing that many hospitals are nearing the same issues as the first time around.
The medical field has always liked to boast to the public how they have "prepare for these events" for years.
From the beginning of all of this, if that's what you call preparation, then they need laughed at and told directly to their faces that they need new leadership.

You talk about ventilators like they have much meaning. I would like to direct you to this video. You have a family of nurses I would like to hear their opinion of it.

**They have kept thousands alive until they recover (some don't obviously)

*masking and other precautions were put in place to SLOW the spread of the virus. It’s a virus. There is not a cure. Expect everyone to be exposed to it.


*Elderly population is most at risk because of normal co-morbidities. ie heart disease, lung disease, suppressed immune systems. All of these things make them equally susceptible to the common cold, gi flu, influenza, etc. Many elderly lives, no matter what the underlying disease are lost due to complications of the disease, not the disease itself. Pneumonia is a common example.

**Agreed - However, this is something NEW. That means it's ADDITIONAL deaths that wouldn't happen if it didn't exist. So it's ignorant to discount altogether.

*There is not a cure, there is also not a treatment. Ventilators are not treatments or cures. Merely life assisting measures. Medications aren’t proven.


*You can not get Covid when you’re in your car by yourself or walking down the street by yourself or by being in the bathroom by yourself. Please don’t wear a mask.

**Agreed - Not sure why I see so many ppl wearing masks such as when driving alone in their vehicle

*Wearing gloves is the absolute most useless thing you can do. Don’t wear gloves.

**Agreed - Senseless

I appreciate your responses thank you. We will agree to disagree on some minor points. I respect your position on them and as always will reevaluate my own.
Feb 6, 2007
Other countries have done great against it. Trumps incompetence fucked us.
Feb 6, 2007
So here we go with rising hospitalizations, and yet again the medical field unprepared with shortages of everything imaginable.

You guys can defend these idiots all you want, but seems they never learn their lessons.

Did they think it was just going away for good, or that nothing would ever strike again in the future?

As for ventilators, I've learned they are MUCH cheaper than we've discussed in here.

And a reminder, I have family who are Nurses, so not sparing anyone here.

Is your daughter fully recovered now Hache?

New member
Jul 15, 2020
I think our medical system needs some significant improvements. I can’t believe that we have to wait in huge lines to see a doctor. It is becoming even dangerous to stay in crowded waiting rooms, and we have to take this risk to see a doctor. I think there are way too many people who are not satisfied with the medical treatment. Besides, there is a lot of space for improvement. Luckily, my GP has shared this service iinsight.biz, and now I can get an online consultation without leaving my house. Sadly, that not all doctors have implemented this system yet.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
I think our medical system needs some significant improvements. I can’t believe that we have to wait in huge lines to see a doctor. It is becoming even dangerous to stay in crowded waiting rooms, and we have to take this risk to see a doctor. I think there are way too many people who are not satisfied with the medical treatment. Besides, there is a lot of space for improvement. Luckily, my GP has shared this service iinsight.biz, and now I can get an online consultation without leaving my house. Sadly, that not all doctors have implemented this system yet.
Nothing like calling your 1 900 Doctors there laughing all the way to the bank.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Keep listening to your "experts"...


Sep 19, 2019
Trump FUCKED us. History will show him to be the biggest incompetent in public office, anywhere, ever

Aug 20, 2007
Lies...all lies.

All the loony blue states and Euroweenie countries are worse off than states like Florida.

Exactly. It so strange how people respond so much with their own emotions and ignore facts, data and common sense. Evidence means nothing when someone is driven by hate. Sheep, puppets, whatever they are called, I feel bad for them. None of them seem happy at all.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump FUCKED us. History will show him to be the biggest incompetent in public office, anywhere, ever

I'm not even going ask what you believe President Trump should have done to stop the threat and spread of the Fraudci-funded China virus. The answer would terrify anyone who values liberty and their constitutional rights.

Your loony 'lockdown' mask-obsessed states did they did and free states like Florida did what they did.

The results speak for themselves.

It's called...F-E-D-E-R-A-L-I-S-M.

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