TheRightSide, do you even read any of the responses to your posts? Why ask questions if you refuse to read the responses? We addressed this issue a few days ago.
I bash people all the time. And people bash me. I'm not exempt from it, nor do I mind it. If someone feels the need to bash me, they're more than welcome to. I've been bashed numerous times on here. So why do you keep repeating that the rules don't apply to us? That doesn't make any sense.
And as for telling people to kill themselves, it's partially a joke, and partially not. I could care less if some newbie or tout-wannabe killed himself, especially if he was an attention whore who came on here begging for that shit. It's annoying and takes away from what this forum has to offer. So if I feel that someone's acting like a complete moron and there's no way that person's going to change his behavior (i.e. THE_MIGHTY_RIGGS), then I'm going to tell him to kill himself and hope he does so. Likewise if someone comes on here and forces his personal issues down everyone's throat in some way, shape, or form...which is essentially what attention-whoring is.
But regardless of whether or not you approve of my behavior on here, you should kill the whole "you guys think you're better than everyone else and above the rules" whining that you go on about. It's inaccurate. I've never acted like I'm better than anyone else on here, nor have I ever acted like I'm above the rules. So get it straight and quit your incessant whining, because it's untrue. Whine all you want, but at least make sure it's accurate next time. Thanks.