Why are married people so boring


EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
The bottom line is, it is each individual's choice, and he has the freedom to decide and then pursue what makes him happy.

There are things about being single that are great, and I'd have a hard time giving them up. I love that I am going to watch 12 straight hours of basketball today and not have to hear shit. I love that I didn't have to go see 50 Shades of Gray. I love that I might sleep til noon and then play poker all day tomorrow, and won't have to get bitched at about it. I will blow an irresponsible amount of money next week and go to Nashville for the Hawks game, and the only dialogue I have to have about it is an internal one. I might go get Jim n Nick's take out brisket again tonight, for the second straight night - and I might eat it at 10pm in the living room with a hockey game on TV. Then I will shit with the bathroom door open while listening to loud music. I fucked one girl last week and it will probably be a different one next week (if I'm lucky). It's these things about being single that will make it very hard for me to settle back down.

However I will also be eating alone tonight...again. When I have a success at work or in my personal life, I experience it alone. When I struggle through grief, I don't really have anyone to lean on (friends and family are just not the same as a spouse). When I make goals and plans, I make them alone. I am probably getting a little too old to the point where I might never have children, and I would like to experience that in my life. All that is kind of sad.

The key to happiness is not to settle. If you can find a life partner that fits in with your goals, and allows you to at least experience the illusion of freedom; then you will probably be happy. If you cannot or do not find that person, then be comfortable enough in your own skin to be secure in your decision to stay single.

And why do I give a fuck what makes another guy happy? If he is all about being single and banging sluts, more power to him. If he wants to be a family man, right on. No one has ever tried to cram anything down my throat or tell me how to live; I'm sorry the OP appears to experience this on the regular. Maybe he needs some new friends...

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Bet let me ask you this, you said you have been married 2 times, what happen to the 1st one

I have a comeback for this, but I'll let it go.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008

New member
Apr 17, 2015
married is one reality...married with rugs rats is a whole other reality....glad I'm neither !

Mar 2, 2006
The bottom line is, it is each individual's choice, and he has the freedom to decide and then pursue what makes him happy.

There are things about being single that are great, and I'd have a hard time giving them up. I love that I am going to watch 12 straight hours of basketball today and not have to hear shit. I love that I didn't have to go see 50 Shades of Gray. I love that I might sleep til noon and then play poker all day tomorrow, and won't have to get bitched at about it. I will blow an irresponsible amount of money next week and go to Nashville for the Hawks game, and the only dialogue I have to have about it is an internal one. I might go get Jim n Nick's take out brisket again tonight, for the second straight night - and I might eat it at 10pm in the living room with a hockey game on TV. Then I will shit with the bathroom door open while listening to loud music. I fucked one girl last week and it will probably be a different one next week (if I'm lucky). It's these things about being single that will make it very hard for me to settle back down.

However I will also be eating alone tonight...again. When I have a success at work or in my personal life, I experience it alone. When I struggle through grief, I don't really have anyone to lean on (friends and family are just not the same as a spouse). When I make goals and plans, I make them alone. I am probably getting a little too old to the point where I might never have children, and I would like to experience that in my life. All that is kind of sad.

The key to happiness is not to settle. If you can find a life partner that fits in with your goals, and allows you to at least experience the illusion of freedom; then you will probably be happy. If you cannot or do not find that person, then be comfortable enough in your own skin to be secure in your decision to stay single.

And why do I give a fuck what makes another guy happy? If he is all about being single and banging sluts, more power to him. If he wants to be a family man, right on. No one has ever tried to cram anything down my throat or tell me how to live; I'm sorry the OP appears to experience this on the regular. Maybe he needs some new friends...

Agree. Never settle.

Oct 29, 2005
Great post HC,

Everyone has their own utopia...

Me, Still married after 25 yrs...

When I was in college....fk....game on

You learn, adjust and find the girl who will put up w/ your B_SHIT..

I did...

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
The key to happiness is not to settle. If you can find a life partner that fits in with your goals, and allows you to at least experience the illusion of freedom; then you will probably be happy. If you cannot or do not find that person, then be comfortable enough in your own skin to be secure in your decision to stay single.

Sep 21, 2004
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that may be hard as most females will change the male once the honeymoon is over with and if the male will not change imo he has hell to pay
Dec 21, 2008
The bottom line is, it is each individual's choice, and he has the freedom to decide and then pursue what makes him happy.

There are things about being single that are great, and I'd have a hard time giving them up. I love that I am going to watch 12 straight hours of basketball today and not have to hear shit. I love that I didn't have to go see 50 Shades of Gray. I love that I might sleep til noon and then play poker all day tomorrow, and won't have to get bitched at about it. I will blow an irresponsible amount of money next week and go to Nashville for the Hawks game, and the only dialogue I have to have about it is an internal one. I might go get Jim n Nick's take out brisket again tonight, for the second straight night - and I might eat it at 10pm in the living room with a hockey game on TV. Then I will shit with the bathroom door open while listening to loud music. I fucked one girl last week and it will probably be a different one next week (if I'm lucky). It's these things about being single that will make it very hard for me to settle back down.

However I will also be eating alone tonight...again. When I have a success at work or in my personal life, I experience it alone. When I struggle through grief, I don't really have anyone to lean on (friends and family are just not the same as a spouse). When I make goals and plans, I make them alone. I am probably getting a little too old to the point where I might never have children, and I would like to experience that in my life. All that is kind of sad.

The key to happiness is not to settle. If you can find a life partner that fits in with your goals, and allows you to at least experience the illusion of freedom; then you will probably be happy. If you cannot or do not find that person, then be comfortable enough in your own skin to be secure in your decision to stay single.

And why do I give a fuck what makes another guy happy? If he is all about being single and banging sluts, more power to him. If he wants to be a family man, right on. No one has ever tried to cram anything down my throat or tell me how to live; I'm sorry the OP appears to experience this on the regular. Maybe he needs some new friends...

Awesome post, you can have kids any year now my friend, and you will be an awesome dad.

Sep 21, 2004
a little joke for the married guys..........................A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did.

Sep 21, 2004
DD i was in raleigh last night , man was it raining last night, i seen so many bad accidents on 40 west back to greensboro.....

Sep 21, 2004
BTW i will be in cary starting thur for the acc tennis tourney, duke goes off at 12 noon

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
lol at ckid starting this thread knowing a big portion of those on this site are married.....

he is probably laughing at us all

next thread: "why is it all gamblers are losers in real life"

Sep 21, 2004
Shdw not laughing at all but i have buddies here that have been there with the married thing and it not cool for sure for them....as for me i could not live with a female that know every min of my life..i go and i do as i please when i want to.and please guys dont bring up the im so happy i have kids thing.not everybody want kids.so that dont float my boat here

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