Who's the president elect?


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I dont believe you putting up the white flag & giving the tards more ammo jeesus....More votes in some precincts than voters get real...

RR, I want to be wrong, please let me be wrong

If I'm wrong, I'll never call duuuufeces and donger stupid assholes again

If I'm wrong, I'll start referring to X-Hole as X-Files

If I'm wrong, I'll banish myself from this forum if that's what righties want (If I can't mock life's biggest losers, I might as well be gone anyhow :))

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
If it's not too late, hopefully Will never has any children.

OTOH i should be populating the whole earth.

Both my kids already own 4,000 square foot houses in CT, and are top 10% wage earners in the country. They're just getting started

All four of my grandchildren have a higher net worth than most of the lefties around here, and two of them are only 5 months old

I'm that guy, my bitch. The organizer, the planner, the consultant, the problem solver, the fixer, the treasurer..... Youse need sumtin? Call Willie

You looking for a deal on pre-worn masks? Maybe a good laugh, call X-Hole

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
RR, I want to be wrong, please let me be wrong

If I'm wrong, I'll never call duuuufeces and donger stupid assholes again

If I'm wrong, I'll start referring to X-Hole as X-Files

If I'm wrong, I'll banish myself from this forum if that's what righties want (If I can't mock life's biggest losers, I might as well be gone anyhow :))

Don't you ever banish yourself from this forum Willie. You might be the main poster here why I posted about politics. You're a credit here. Sold me on alot of issues. Besides that , I like common sense.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Don't you ever banish yourself from this forum Willie. You might be the main poster here why I posted about politics. You're a credit here. Sold me on alot of issues. Besides that , I like common sense.

But I'll do just that to bring it home for Trump :)

Damn, I'll even donate $ 500 to BLM :) (sorry, that's my limit for that POS organization)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Y'know, another true story. A client of mine came into the office last week and asked me about the election. I told her I think Biden won, it's nearly impossible to overturn a Presidential Election unless they can prove blatant criminal behavior beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't think that's happening

She was sure some of the states were going to flip, but now I bummed her out. She left sad, I usually have the opposite effect on people

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Don't you ever banish yourself from this forum Willie. You might be the main poster here why I posted about politics. You're a credit here. Sold me on alot of issues. Besides that , I like common sense.

PS: Thank you very much Red Eye, I appreciate your kind words. I enjoy interacting with you as well

Happy Thanksgiving my friend

Sep 21, 2004
Y'know, another true story. A client of mine came into the office last week and asked me about the election. I told her I think Biden won, it's nearly impossible to overturn a Presidential Election unless they can prove blatant criminal behavior beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't think that's happening

She was sure some of the states were going to flip, but now I bummed her out. She left sad, I usually have the opposite effect on people

Don't i know it. You make me hard around 63 percent of the time i read one of your posts.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
PS: Thank you very much Red Eye, I appreciate your kind words. I enjoy interacting with you as well

Happy Thanksgiving my friend

Have a good Thanksgiving giving yourself and the family also.
Oct 30, 2006
Don't you ever banish yourself from this forum Willie. You might be the main poster here why I posted about politics. You're a credit here. Sold me on alot of issues. Besides that , I like common sense.

Stating Trump is sunk is nowhere near common sense...Maybe it's that blue Communist state of connecticut....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

In the political arena, I think all seven of CT's elected representatives in DC are assholes

I don't understand how people can elect a man who lied about being a war hero to the Senate. He never even served, but thus is how liberals roll.

Then we have an 80 year old representative that dresses like a 16 year old Cindy Lauper. Bad taste colorful outfits with blue hair. I guess that helps hide the fact that she's making the same promises for 30 years

That's the beauty about being a democrat, you never have to write a new speech. Your base has no idea anyhow. Just say "I feel your pain, and I'm going to fix your world". Decades latter, they still believe you

Politics and politicians don't make or break me. That's up to God and me

Sep 21, 2004

In the political arena, I think all seven of CT's elected representatives in DC are assholes

I don't understand how people can elect a man who lied about being a war hero to the Senate. He never even served, but thus is how liberals roll.

Then we have an 80 year old representative that dresses like a 16 year old Cindy Lauper. Bad taste colorful outfits with blue hair. I guess that helps hide the fact that she's making the same promises for 30 years

That's the beauty about being a democrat, you never have to write a new speech. Your base has no idea anyhow. Just say "I feel your pain, and I'm going to fix your world". Decades latter, they still believe you

Politics and politicians don't make or break me. That's up to God and me

It's puzzling how you can have such strong feelings and emotions on one side of the aisle but be content with a republican party, to be frank, you need to live in an alternative universe to truly be a part of....

But to each there own.

Once dems start talking how everyone they disagree with is a pedo and pizza shops and child sex trafficking and Qaaon etc. Then we will as a country will need to look into starting over our government. Until then, ill side with the dems.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I advocate a smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulation, tapping out own energy sources, fair trade deals and securing our borders. I believe the economy grows and we accomplish what we've accomplished when we enable the people. I'm a constitutionalist, it's the absolute critical foundation that led to a country of freedoms, economic might and military strength. It's our success that makes us the melting pot of the world, attracting immigrants like my mom and your "friend"

There is not one democrat in DC that shares those ideals with me. Not one, most are polar opposite, and the likes of Bernie Sanders and AOC and the Squad represent a clear and present danger to everything our founding fathers created.

Most republicans don't even share all my views. But many share some of my views, so I'm a republican by default.

Your average republican talks like me, then acts like John McCain or Mitt Romney or Jeff Flake or the Lincoln Group when they get to DC, pure scum in the political arena. Part of the swamp, not the solution.

Democrats are even worse, they promise to fix the same problems for the same demographics for 20, 30,40 and 50+ fucking years. I wonder when urban voters are going to wake up and say "c'mon man". It's surreal

Democrats are polar opposites from me in the policy arena, it's that simple. I'm a policy wonk

Democrats create a problem that doesn't really exist, systemic racism being the most recent example, promise to fix that problem they just created and proceed to make it worse. All of their fraud enabled by their always lying media that carries their narrative for them. The media literally did all the campaigning for Biden, hiding him from the voters.

On the social front, I'm for legalization of recreational drugs, unrestricted early term abortions, banned late term abortions, legalization of gambling. I want to change the incentives for inner city kids. I want to financially reward not getting pregnant and graduating high school as opposed to rewarding them for having babies. I want to encourage them to get married and raise their children together as opposed to having policies that make sure sure they don't get married. You see, if they get married, they lose social benefits and tax rewards. We have to change that. Democrats oppose it all, they sell easy street. They literally keep poor people poor

I'm for school choice, something the poor people love because it gives them choices. Democrats, pretentious advocates for the poor, are more concerned about preserving their unions that help elect them.

Trump is the POTUS ever to try and implement policies for the people. Real policies that actually work

Let me know if you're still puzzled

Sep 21, 2004
I advocate a smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulation, tapping out own energy sources, fair trade deals and securing our borders. I believe the economy grows and we accomplish what we've accomplished when we enable the people. I'm a constitutionalist, it's the absolute critical foundation that led to a country of freedoms, economic might and military strength. It's our success that makes us the melting pot of the world, attracting immigrants like my mom and your "friend"

There is not one democrat in DC that shares those ideals with me. Not one, most are polar opposite, and the likes of Bernie Sanders and AOC and the Squad represent a clear and present danger to everything our founding fathers created.

Most republicans don't even share all my views. But many share some of my views, so I'm a republican by default.

Your average republican talks like me, then acts like John McCain or Mitt Romney or Jeff Flake or the Lincoln Group when they get to DC, pure scum in the political arena. Part of the swamp, not the solution.

Democrats are even worse, they promise to fix the same problems for the same demographics for 20, 30,40 and 50+ fucking years. I wonder when urban voters are going to wake up and say "c'mon man". It's surreal

Democrats are polar opposites from me in the policy arena, it's that simple. I'm a policy wonk

Democrats create a problem that doesn't really exist, systemic racism being the most recent example, promise to fix that problem they just created and proceed to make it worse. All of their fraud enabled by their always lying media that carries their narrative for them. The media literally did all the campaigning for Biden, hiding him from the voters.

On the social front, I'm for legalization of recreational drugs, unrestricted early term abortions, banned late term abortions, legalization of gambling. I want to change the incentives for inner city kids. I want to financially reward not getting pregnant and graduating high school as opposed to rewarding them for having babies. I want to encourage them to get married and raise their children together as opposed to having policies that make sure sure they don't get married. You see, if they get married, they lose social benefits and tax rewards. We have to change that. Democrats oppose it all, they sell easy street. They literally keep poor people poor

I'm for school choice, something the poor people love because it gives them choices. Democrats, pretentious advocates for the poor, are more concerned about preserving their unions that help elect them.

Trump is the POTUS ever to try and implement policies for the people. Real policies that actually work

Let me know if you're still puzzled

Not to disrespect but i didn't get all the way through this. I understand your first paragraph. Hell i was a republican through college.

But that party went off the deep end when it comes to something as simple as reality. That is when i got off the train and took the one going in the opposite direction when it comes to at the very lest sanity.

Sep 2, 2012
Not to disrespect but i didn't get all the way through this. I understand your first paragraph. Hell i was a republican through college.

But that party went off the deep end when it comes to something as simple as reality. That is when i got off the train and took the one going in the opposite direction when it comes to at the very lest sanity.

aoc, talib, ilhan, uncle bernie, pocahontas, ice cream nancy, schiff for brains, crying chuckie, et al. this is your definition of sanity? it certainly isnt the definition of american values. now i definitively know that you are not as intelligent as i thought you are. however, your bs is more than amusing and is bordering on hysterical.

Sep 21, 2004
aoc, talib, ilhan, uncle bernie, pocahontas, ice cream nancy, schiff for brains, crying chuckie, et al. this is your definition of sanity? it certainly isnt the definition of american values. now i definitively know that you are not as intelligent as i thought you are. however, your bs is more than amusing and is bordering on hysterical.

Kewl. I wish you would stop spamming though, you don't truly add anything.

Sep 2, 2012
Kewl. I wish you would stop spamming though, you don't truly add anything.

it is true love. i want to keep reminding you that you are a pompous a hole who loves to pat himself on the back at every turn. however, it still is true love. you are on public forum so you are open to criticism but i guess that you believe that you are above that. by my taking you to task when you spew bs i am definitely contributing. xxoo

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Not to disrespect but i didn't get all the way through this. I understand your first paragraph. Hell i was a republican through college.

But that party went off the deep end when it comes to something as simple as reality. That is when i got off the train and took the one going in the opposite direction when it comes to at the very lest sanity.

and that's where we part ways, I don't see any sanity coming from the left

Continue down the path of their failed social experiment. Their "Great Society", a/k/a the war on poverty, has put poverty on steroids' and destroyed the fabric of the inner-city family. Something I touched on in my previous post. The only thing it has accomplished is they created breeding grounds for democratic voters. It's a documented failure

We didn't have to have federal government take over healthcare and fuck over scores of millions of Americans, we only needed to tweak it.

The one nation that actually controls it's pollution doesn't have to implement some green new deal. That's not going to accomplish anything when China and India and other nations are creating substantially all the world's greenhouse gasses. To not know this proves how fucking stupid AOC really is.

We can't have open borders and survive

There is no systemic racism, except from the left

Defunding the police is as stupid as it gets

Abolishing ICE, juvenile insanity

I can't think of a single sane policy position from the left. Maybe you can help me.

You're making statements without any examples. You said it's a lie that we mailed out ballots because of the pandemic, there are many reasons we do such AND have been doing such. Yet not one example given

Now you call the right insane and the left sane, again without any elaboration

Please tell me what you're thinking, I make my positions abundantly clear

Sep 21, 2004
it is true love. i want to keep reminding you that you are a pompous a hole who loves to pat himself on the back at every turn. however, it still is true love. you are on public forum so you are open to criticism but i guess that you believe that you are above that. by my taking you to task when you spew bs i am definitely contributing. xxoo

Nothing but love man. We should help each other on this board. cheersgif

Nov 23, 2004
We can't have open borders and survive

There is no systemic racism, except from the left

Defunding the police is as stupid as it gets

Abolishing ICE, juvenile insanity

1. Agree you can't have open borders. Are you really stupid enough to think that a border wall isn't easily defeatable? What about underground tunnels, drone tech, and then you've got people scamming/manipulating our legal mechanisms for immigration. Building a wall is as effective as building a tower to be closer to god.

2. I love it when white people say that racism doesn't exist. How fucking naive can you be. Ever hear of for-profit prisons? Racial profiling? Families being split up and decimated from one parent or the other being locked up for non-violent crimes.

3. Defunding the police means less money for tanks and tear-gas and more money for community programs designed to sway/deter people from resorting to crime. No one is saying "abolish the police" unless they're trying to scare people from voting for Biden.

4. Maybe people want to abolish ICE because they are too heavy-handed? I would love to see an independent, bi-partisan committee do a thorough audit of ICE and go from there.

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