Honestly, I don't understand where all the threats and such come from. Maybe it's all in good fun and I'm just taking it too seriously -- but where I'm from and the way I grew up it was neither polite nor smart to make idle threats, because you never knew what kind of mess you might get yourself into.
I hate being preachy, but I have seen a lot of violence in my life, first-hand, and I guess that it's difficult for me to justify the leap from "this guy on this forum is a jerkoff" to "this guy needs to be attacked." That has nothing to do with who I think will "win" or anything else. I just think that people do not take violence as seriously as they should, and that that is one reason why we have so much violence in this world.
I guarantee you if you challenge me to a fight, I will not fight you, no matter what silly names you call me or childish stunts you pull to incite it. On the other hand, if you actually start a fight (as in, physically attack me, versus mouthing off) then I guarantee I will defend myself. And if anyone there is so childish that an opposing political view or the notion that a person is not being nice enough or is being "disrespectful" warrants a physical assault, all I can say is listen to your heart and jump -- even if you "win," it won't change the fact that you're the asshole with the self-control of an average toddler.
Again, if I'm taking this all too seriously, I hope you'll excuse me.
I hate being preachy, but I have seen a lot of violence in my life, first-hand, and I guess that it's difficult for me to justify the leap from "this guy on this forum is a jerkoff" to "this guy needs to be attacked." That has nothing to do with who I think will "win" or anything else. I just think that people do not take violence as seriously as they should, and that that is one reason why we have so much violence in this world.
I guarantee you if you challenge me to a fight, I will not fight you, no matter what silly names you call me or childish stunts you pull to incite it. On the other hand, if you actually start a fight (as in, physically attack me, versus mouthing off) then I guarantee I will defend myself. And if anyone there is so childish that an opposing political view or the notion that a person is not being nice enough or is being "disrespectful" warrants a physical assault, all I can say is listen to your heart and jump -- even if you "win," it won't change the fact that you're the asshole with the self-control of an average toddler.
Again, if I'm taking this all too seriously, I hope you'll excuse me.