Cheeseburger and your little b*tch J,
Yes, lets make a deal! Let Jimmy Mac track you and if you can prove a winning month, i'll leave this site.
Chucky, there is a difference between me and you. I for one never ever charged for my picks. Ok, i'm Brian Mac ... :missingte
Why dont you call your old boss and ask him if he's posting under this username, Duke of Earl ... :missingte
Anyhow, good luck getting clients this year Chucky! Wherever you post to try to fish for clients, i'll be right behind you reminding them how you screwed people out of their money AND lost OVER 1500 Units.
Are you in Chucky??? You prove you can win just one month and i'll leave you alone. We all know you cant win for a month and that's why you aren't willing to take the challenge. The only thing you are "IN" is Double J's a** ... :missingte
Chucky, you are one sad f*ck...