Let it go.......she's now on MY post review, lol. Let's focus on the task at hand, those jackasses at 5Ho's got real testy with me over last night's par, can't blame them, they've become my personal ATM.
T/7..........staying in the same thread now ??.........if so, going with Marshall -3...........indy
thread running smooth today T have 6 plays so far after scratching your semo
One small piece of housekeeping. Most week nights, games don't tip until 6-7 pm EST. So when I get your play at say noon, my time, I can't place the bet for nearly 6 hours to give others a chance to join. I guess I could put in an open par, but like, how many spots to leave? So everyone has to understand, if I hold out until 6 EST, there's gonna be line changes, hell, my play for the day has been beat down 1+ since midnight when I capped it. Nature of the beast so bear this in mind with the action. I'm well open to suggestions regarding this, this is after all our first go at college hoops.
Usually the line changes do not matter much just wait it might come back or just play it.
update have so far
743, 730, 738, 740, 728, and 782 over
these are in order of time stamp
Damn V, so how many spots we want open??????? This shit might actually drive me nuts. Let's ride it out.