Who should Trump make his VP Runningmate?


RX Cowbell Ringer
Nov 21, 2010
He should have the ultimate reality show to determine that. "Who wants to be VP?" Line up the candidates and eliminate one a week. Public phone voting. Make 'em do an obstacle course one week, cook something the next, dance the next etc. It would kill in the ratings.


Sep 21, 2001
So these are the 2 guys you want sitting with their hand on the red trigger??? Are you out of your mind??

You are aware that we have a guy in office right now that has literally zero real world success? when I tell you he has no accomplishments in his real life that is factually accurate - yet, Trump and Cuban are the clowns incapable of running anything? does this clear up ur thinking somewhat?

Sep 21, 2004
You are aware that we have a guy in office right now that has literally zero real world success? when I tell you he has no accomplishments in his real life that is factually accurate - yet, Trump and Cuban are the clowns incapable of running anything? does this clear up ur thinking somewhat?
Nothing can clear up a liberals thinking,nothing

Jan 15, 2010
I'm starting to become A Trump believer. What's going to stop him from getting the nomination? Can he beat Hillary though? I think Dems want him to be the nominee too. If Mark Cuban is his VP I might even vote that ticket. I like Mark Cuban a lot.

Nov 4, 2009
So these are the 2 guys you want sitting with their hand on the red trigger??? Are you out of your mind??

When Trump said he will bring American Jobs back to USA with the conviction & believably that he said that with, like, as if he actually intends to do that....

Everything. Fucking. Changed.

That "Red Button" thing, yeah, I feel ya but President Cheney snuck in and left us with Jihad. I don't know that I see a whole lot of Difference myself between a Life spent at Constant War with a bunch of bearded Stone Aged Fucking Embicials than I do utter annihilation. In fact the latter of those 2 if left no other alternatives might be the preferred route of many.

Point Being of Course: Have we done BETTER within our Lifetimes?, gotten any more positive an outcome with the Career Politicians, Former CIA Men, Former Oil Men that we've allowed to steal the Presidency?

Have we done any BETTER Than we would with Fuckin' Oprah in The Chair? Or Cuban?

I agree with you, the thought is fuckin' ridiculous I'm just askin' playin' "Devil's Advocate" if you will by asking

'Look at the fuckin' buffoons, Kept Men that we've allowed in that chair, next to the Red Button.

We've not exactly shown CAUTION about who we let sit next to The Button now have we?

So is this even a "valid question?" Considering our History?

Could we really do any worse?'

"We are losing versus Japan & China because our leaders are stupid" and having Caroline Kennedy, rather than toughest negotiator possible brokering our Trade Deals with Japan is why we owe them 1.4 Trillion Dollars as we do China who have taken everything and we STILL owe them $1,487,996,234.42.

All that shit is TRUE. Who can dispute that?

Of course Trump may be trumpeting shit he'll do just to get elected then not do those things like Obama. running on a platform of (False) Hope and Lies like Obama and every single other candidate has for as long as I've been alive but he delivers his promises in a very convincing manner and our Leaders (and those they appoint to negotiate for US) are Stupid.

If he convinces Americans that he is gonna return US Jobs to America, as he has apparently got them believing thus far...

This Guy is gonna be The Next President of The United States of America.

Technology threatens to totally Undo World Banking, take The Anti-Christ out by the knees

The Internet will make us able to watch any Movie, TV Show, TV Channel for Free & instantly. Also listen to any song ever recorded instantly or start reading any book ever written...with the click of a mouse button.

If you don't think the world is totally and utterly changed and completely altered from what we knew then you're just not paying serious attention.

It doesn't feel like the ole 1950's Cold War "Red Button" thing is gonna fly. As a means of encouraging people to stay the course thats led us down this fuckin' wormhole, thats got us circling the drain as we are.

Nov 4, 2009
He should have the ultimate reality show to determine that. "Who wants to be VP?" Line up the candidates and eliminate one a week. Public phone voting. Make 'em do an obstacle course one week, cook something the next, dance the next etc. It would kill in the ratings.

Last week Hell YESTERDAY even I would have read this as a Joke of course, a very sharp stab at Humor now I genuinely don't know. All them things I said above, CyberCurrency unable to be controlled by Governments, KODI Beast & Cord Cutters ESPN on the ropes gettin' their noggin peppered like Hagler versus Sugar Ray and now Donald Fucking Trump might actually wind up as President.

Trademark that idea Loomis. lol. "Who wants to be VP?" You need the $$$ less than most the rest of us do but whatever, we'll find a way to spend it.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You are aware that we have a guy in office right now that has literally zero real world success? when I tell you he has no accomplishments in his real life that is factually accurate - yet, Trump and Cuban are the clowns incapable of running anything? does this clear up ur thinking somewhat?

What??? Ivy League grad, elected senator and elected president of the free world and having a great family are not accomplishments?? Lmao.....you guys define success as making money.....hysterical.

Nov 4, 2009
Is Moneyline Dog the poster Baal Zuven or whatever?

Yep. That previous handle was an aberration thought up by an Insane ex-gf and stupidly approved by me amidst a night of way way way too much Foster's Lager. I was Blessed with a reprieve, an escape from that stupid, embarrassing and utterly incomprehensible (except to a small handful of Hebrew Bible Scholars and one Crazy Girl) Login ID.

Its a Brand New Day.

Jul 14, 2007
Yep. That previous handle was an aberration thought up by an Insane ex-gf and stupidly approved by me amidst a night of way way way too much Foster's Lager. I was Blessed with a reprieve, an escape from that stupid, embarrassing and utterly incomprehensible save to a small handful of Hebrew Bible Scholars Login ID.

Its a Brand New Day.

Ok that makes sense.

I know you aren't RunMaker like others have insinuated. That dude is a total heathen deviant.

Nov 4, 2009
What??? Ivy League grad, elected senator and elected president of the free world and having a great family are not accomplishments?? Lmao.....you guys define success as making money.....hysterical.

They're defining Success as having successfully run a business, which yeah I guess = $$$ but would also equal Job Creation which lies at the root of everything where regards Health of a Nation.

Dig that Trump's catchphrase "I'll bring those Jobs back to America" is the most Insanely Hot Button Soundbyte any candidate has ever used. Every person IN AMERICA has spoken to Baka-Bakalaka Dirka Singh who identified himself as "Ben" CSR for some American Company and wondered to ourselves with sadness & frustration in our hearts why the hell an AMERICAN isn't on that phone with us, it being a US Company we are calling....

...and thats just ONE of the Soundbyte Hot Topic Vote getting lines this cat Trump has....

Theres, like, at least 4 others. I'm tellin' ya...and this coming from a total realist with no Party affiliation whatsoever and one who could not give less of a fuck about Politics & Politicians...This funny lookin' dude has a real shot. And I never ever dreamed I'd be sayin' TRUMP had anything close to a remote even PRAYER of winning.

Nov 4, 2009
Ok that makes sense.

I know you aren't RunMaker like others have insinuated. That dude is a total heathen deviant.

I have concluded that he too was Drunk Posting the night he posted what he did that led to the Verdict of him bein' a total heathen deviant.

Gotta watch that Drunk Posting. Its of course exactly like Drunk Dialing "her" (or anyone) and we know how that turns out.

Observing RunMaker posts over the last 2 months now I'd say he had temporarily slipped into Total Heathen Deviant (THD) but is not that overall. if you look at his posts he puts up some seriously sharp shit on way off the radar betting opportunities like on Canadian Geese (Birds Bagged O/U), Moroccan Group Sex (Total Partners matchups O/U), Iranian Basketball...Filipinio Women's Handball....

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
Trump and Cruz join forces to protest Iran deal. They seem to make a good team!

A great decision by Cruz to make this a joint rally against the Iran deal, as the press will likely cover it with Trump being there:


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