Who is the MOST hated RX poster?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I dont consider you a poster, just a kiss-ass management rep. Otherwise, you'd have been on my dislike list. I'm trying to let go of your trashing this site--so long ago--I'm almost there--so pls dont say something moronic to piss me off again.

Glad to see you're finally positive betting in some sport--nice going so far in the nba.
good things come to those who wait!~ /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

p.s. i still think you are a prick /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Jesus, did I give you a layup!!

Thats OK though, you leftys got to score once in a while.

Called my mother a whore for calling a bonus whore a bonus whore. Shits on me everytime I shill for a book. Thinks just because I work offshore I am not allowed to gamble or shill for good books and honest operators. Never adds anything to the thread other then flaming me.

2)Chuck Sims
The guy brags about being sharp and collecting four figures everyweek but never posts an opinion or a pick in any of the sports forums. Typical Vegas gambler thinks because he can scalp and play BW's moves he's a player. Turn off Chucks Don Best and the fvcker would probably have a nervous breakdown. The fact he shills for GCS is enough to hate the bastard. The only time he posts something other then "shitbook" is to post a racial slur. When GCS goes down Chucky will be receiving a vega

[This message was edited by DickyW on 11-16-02 at 10:13 AM.]
You are kind of a putz of late, brown nosing Butterballs and any other Moderator that you can get your lips on. I used to think that you had half of a brain, but I always suspected that you lacked cajones.

A GAMBLER HAS LIED IN A GAMBLING FORUM!! HOW UNHEARD OF!! WHAT A TRAVESTY!!!!!! BAN HIM IMMEDIATELY!! HE MUST GO!! FOR PETE'S SAKE, A GAMBLER HAS TOLD A LIE IN A GAMBLING FORUM!! Hamneggs- Banned for telling a LIE (of all things) in a Forum. LOL. Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...
I can't believe that I didn't make this list.

I am disappointed!

A GAMBLER HAS LIED IN A GAMBLING FORUM!! HOW UNHEARD OF!! WHAT A TRAVESTY!!!!!! BAN HIM IMMEDIATELY!! HE MUST GO!! FOR PETE'S SAKE, A GAMBLER HAS TOLD A LIE IN A GAMBLING FORUM!! Hamneggs- Banned for telling a LIE (of all things) in a Forum. LOL. Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...
Just annoying is all. And as useless as tits on a boar hog. Who's our favorite he/she.... Ms Identity. But she is turning out be a pretty good fade. Keep those picks coming, little lady.
Lander I thought we were getting along.

Cecil, why do you hate me? You started with the wise guy cracks.

I'm sure you can add a third in Oldfriend.

"Over-crowded milk carton rafts arrive on the shores of the United States they don't depart"- outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004
the reason you didn't make it is because people feel sorry for you.....the ill deserve some respect too.

bump, new tally at top.

Looks like the people have spoken ... with a huge 4-2 vote advantage Uncle B is currently the most detested RX poster.
To be fair I will only vote once. Scratch Satan And my vote of Chuck (shit book) Sims still stands
I vote for Auntie Butterballs.

I don't see where 2 people have voted for me; I don't even see where one person has voted for me. You need a definitive VOTE for it to count. A wisecrack by slugster does not count as a vote.

Funny thing is that Butterballs wants to be well liked; he doesn't do anything intentional to get haters. LOL /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Hamneggs- 13-1 ATS winner of the Hollywood NFL Contest. Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...
SHIT, I'm making a run at UB get OF to come in and give me a third vote.

"Over-crowded milk carton rafts arrive on the shores of the United States they don't depart"- outandup 2002
let's get this tally in order, kid

Hamneggs- 13-1 ATS winner of the Hollywood NFL Contest. Still considered among the top 3 most respected and feared handicappers in the Offshore World...
nobody voted for me? why do i have 1 vote?

i want to win this but i can`t accept ballot stuffing here in maryland! /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

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