And yes I am insane... must feel real good to bully people who have issues while you leave in pleasureville in Nicoya. Some mature person you are, act like a grown up for a change, be the change you want to see in the world, you want to see more class around here? Set the bar, be the example. A man of your age shouldnt be wasting time here bashing my "miserable clerk life". You sure seem to enjoy it. So you are bffs with viejo and judge (congrats, I guess that like having a medal of honor), I only pasted the PM I received.
So I guess that means acting like this? Pocket Rockets keeping it classy.
Clip From your epic meltdown:
You love fighting? I do, I love blood, I love my own blood... and I love how blood feels when running down your body so yeah, take that prop and be a man, stop being a pussy Im basically giving you the keys to my house what else you want? more excuses? thats all you can do? I wont have a meltdown, this forum is a great place, some awesome folks down here, you are nothing, and I wont ignore you tainting my name down here if you dont even know me you coward piece of shit, from all the cunts that could bother me a little you are the least of my worries, there's actually real tough guys I have beefs with and not just some online nothing that got pooped out of a fucking strip club whore with hepatitis, oh and sorry to break it to ya, your father is bruce jenner.
And yet you have zero credibility here as well when you only come out of the woodwork to bash me cause I fucked a girl you liked at work, Toio bad you are too obese, ugly and pathetic you have to pay for $40 blowjobs in the massage parlors, nothing wrong with that, but if that's the only way you are able to get pussy you are in trouble. Kid, lol, I'm 29.
Tell your guy that used to work with me that if he has a problem with me he can call me to 61007770 and we will settle his bullshit when I kick his ass to the ground. I don't even care who he is, he can be that fucking 7'00'' bookie I used to work for full of roids, or the fucking Canadian prick from Saskatchewan. I'm sicking tired of this shit! I just want and need to kill somebody, and if there is a reason, well...