Who is Royal Sports...? How are they... Affiliations..?


New member
Sep 25, 2000
Apparently you guys didn't read my posts otherwise you would have seen exactly why I flamed this place:

First off, they never mentioned an exact amount or specific percentage of money I would have to deposit with them under thier clause that read "maximum payout is $500 from the $25 test-drive promotion, unless additional funds are deposited by customer".......NO ONE I EVER TALKED TO AT ROYAL OR LAY 107 EVER SPECIFIED CLEARLY ANY MONETARY AMOUNT.....

After reaching the point where my account was over the $500 amount of this cap that I perceived I had I called up to verify if this clause was correct as I read it and I was told that all accounts were the same, that the $500 cap was placed on all accounts, regardless what I had in the account.....if I had $2000 in an account there it would take no less than 4 withdrawals to remove the entire balance, going by those guidelines......THIS WAS CLEARLY AN ERROR ON THEIR PART OR AT LEAST THE FEEDBACK I GOT FROM AN UNINFORMED CLERK.

Had I been told the correct definition to the cap limit I would have either decided to:

A) withdraw some of the money or all if it up to the cap. Plain common sense says that I or anyone else that has that account will collect absolutely no more money on an account that has already reached its cap. FACT. You would be in exactly the same position as I was had you had the same account and balance.

B) Take steps and decide whether or not to satisfy the "additional funds deposited by customer", find out EXACTLY HOW MUCH I NEED TO DEPOSIT TO TURN THIS INTO A REGULAR ACCOUNT.

So, given those two choices, my only real choice was to withdraw the money. No sense making any more wagers. No one regardless of WHO owned the account or HOW IT WAS FUNDED WAS GOING TO WIN ANY MORE USEABLE ATTAINABLE MONEY. FACT.

In the process of processing the neteller transaction I was told 3 different stories by 3 different clerks as to the status of the transaction.....maybe that makes you feel better about a sportsbook....for me it certainly does not.

This is basically what I found out about Royal Sports, or Lay 107, or whatever the hell sportsbook I was dealing with, seems they don't know what is going on, I'm pretty sure I don't know whats going on with them though it seems that most of you here are quick to defend shoddy run operations.

Here are my impressions of Lay 107:

1) Thier reduced juice is of interest in the sense that you are now not bucking the 52.35% rate needed to break even. Parlays are figured into this reduced juice and you receive payout odds of app. 14.2 to 5 instead of 13 to 5.

2)They have no overnight lines that more reputable books offer so if you bet there then you will have to wait for the lines to get stepped on and by tomorrow you may pay for it if you still decide to take that line. Everybody on this forum, unless they are placing thier first bets, have been beaten by half points, so why wait for tomorrow.

3) They offer only some totals on college basketball games, while more reputable places have totals posted on most or all the games.

4) They withhold posting lines on certain halftime games either out of laziness or fear of getting hit on what they perceive to be a bad line. One case that comes to mind was a recent Missouri game, there were 95 points scored in the first half, the second half line was 77. This number of 77 was busted with 4:45 left to go in the game, in the second half 99 points were put up. This line was untouchable at Lay 107 because it was not posted. Oly and some others had it and anyone who wanted a piece of it had to go elsewhere.

5) Staying up to see what the lines were for most of the late games I was greeted with blank screens stating there were no games available in college basketball, if they had second half lines a lot of the time totals were omitted. So I had to go to a real sportsbook to bet those lines.

6)In thier betting screen I noticed a number of times when a game was listed at the top, listing lines for the complete game, you had to scroll down the page to bet first half lines. Upon scrolling down, the teams were listed, but there were no boxes on the screen to place wagers in. Maybe this was a glitch on thier betting page but needless to say it does no good if you can't access it because there are no boxes to place wagers in.

7) I received different information from every clerk I talked to there, some of the information was correct while a lot of it was not. I recieved no useable information there on how much money I would have to deposit in order to activate the sum of my account via depositing additional funds.

8) The only withdrawal I had on the account was via Neteller, of which the status of the transaction went from:

A) We can process that in about an hour.

B) Two hours later it went to "the person who authorizes such transactions has left and wont be back until later.

C) We can do the transaction and you can have the money tomorrow.

Maybe had I waited until that next day I could have gotten to a possible fourth stance and be told that we will process the transaction and you can get the money NEXT WEEK.

9) however well meaning they may be intend to be there are too many shortfalls in thier system for me to consider wagering there on any regular basis. If they were to improve upon thier staff training and inform them of thier promotions and rules and took a stand on providing good customer service, and offered lines and totals that are offered at more established, more reputable books, then maybe they would be worth looking towards as a viable outlet for sports gambling. Until they make a commitment and take steps toward this goal they will be no more than a "C" grade book. Until then I will wager at the "A" sportsbooks, who offer reasonable and timely lines and provide proper service needs that are standard to the complete sportsbooks.

I was not flaming them because they were "late 15 minutes" as some of you have come to the conclusion. Flaming them has come as a result of the cumulative total of all of the things listed above.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
lawyering over a $25 freebie account... I imagine you'd have an aneurism if you actually put money into a book... find another hobby.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Royal sport their neteller alway empty. that really worry me, if i win and want to make withdrawal.

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