Sorry, but how does being a war hero, POW, or 22-year Navy man qualify you to be Preisdent? They may speak to your character, and they are all no doubt accomplishments worthy of praise, but how are they relevant to the Presidency?
I'd say it shows a strong loyalty to ones own country, for starters. Frankly, I wouldn't expect many liberals to understand what love of country really means. But McCain obviously wasn't forced to serve in the military for that long...he did it by choice. And I doubt he stayed on because he was making money out the wazoo (you know, because military service is just such a lucrative racket). But putting 2 and 2's no wonder McCain is so overwhelmingly anti-pork. He doesn't want tax dollars paying for bullshit.
You've got to be kidding me with this city councilor and Mayor crap. We are talking about a 9,000 person town. Both Presidential campaigns have more staff than her town.
Yet managing a 9,000 person town is still a far greater accomplishment than anything Obama can boast on his resume, isn't it? I'm still waiting on an answer for my qualifications question above, by the way.