Who Do You Think Members Of The KKK Voted For In 2000 and 2004?


Sep 21, 2004
Four dead in O, Ohio. Soldiers just gunned them down. That/ this was wrong and bad. Very bad indeed!

:suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi: :suomi:

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
It is rather comical watching Dems hammer KKK and other type groups, when once upon a time (and not all that long ago), any major southern politician wanting any chance of being elected had to be sympathetic to these type of groups.

Guys like Byrd during those times were merely playing a political game very similar to the games that are played today. Other than for photos, most white Democrat polticians would never be caught dead at a black church, NAACP function, or Urban League meeting. However, they know blacks are their only chance of winning, so they make the appearances.

I will say this. Bill Clinton looked not only comfortable with black organizations, he looked as if he should have been there. On the other hand, Hillary is about as fake as a $3 bill at black events...Kerry looks equally out of place and uncomfortable as does Hillary at black events.

As far as I am concerned, Bill Clinton is the first black American President. And hopefully history books include this fact. :)

Jimmy Carter belonged to a Georgia church that didnt allow blacks inside. Finally in 1970s the church decided to change its policy. Had he been President during 1950s, not only would that church policy have remained, it probably would have helped him gain votes.

Times change, but alot of white Southerners are still bitter with Democrats for mandating integration into schools and other parts of life that were separate. That bitterness is why Republicans usually win the major elections throughout the Southern states in areas whites are the majority.

I still hear people talking about blacks getting off the sidewalk and the KKK actively harming people in todays South. Those are relics from chapters of Southern history. Anyone who has been in the South recently knows this.

Throughout the South today there are plenty of black mayors, sheriffs, state troopers, and other people that are not going to allow that type of activity to be widespread.

In fact, it is widely known throughout the land of dixie, that semitrucks driving with the infamous rebel flag grill will be stopped and probably a reason found to be ticketed.

If people dont believe that, drive along the Southern highways and see for yourselves. Plenty of black state troopers in the Southern states and I doubt they are very happy when they see the stars and bars. Therefore, more of those grills are covered than display the rebel flag.


This place isn't paradise... trust me.
Jan 23, 2006
Okay Redneckman, who would you guess the members of the KKK voted for President in 2000 and 2004? And find me one that voted for Gore or Kerry and I believe you'll have a scoop!

I just saw the title of this thread and couldn't stop laughing. Capt. you are gonna get me fired from work! Oh shit, I already put in my two-weeks and my last day is Friday LOL! I'll keep laughing then ;)

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
I am starting to believe that Capn is a ghost.

In real life he is really Maryland Rep. Kweisi Mfume.

Good luck with your Senate race this year.



Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
AP May 23,2006

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Alabama Democrats should get rid of a candidate who denies the Holocaust and another who has advocated killing illegal immigrants, activist Al Sharpton said Monday.
While state party officials say they are powerless to remove the pair from the ballot because the June 6 primary is so close, Sharpton said: "There's no room for these two men in our big tent."
Larry Darby, seeking the party's nomination for attorney general, denies the Holocaust occurred and recently spoke at a gathering of National Vanguard, which describes itself as a "pro-white" organization.
Harry Lyon, who wants to become the Democrats' gubernatorial candidate, has advocated killing illegal immigrants as a way to keep them out of Alabama.
State party chairman Joe Turnham said both are "so far out" that neither has a shot at winning and to attempt to remove them from the ballot at this point could provide ammunition for a legal challenge. Sharpton, a New York minister and former presidential candidate, said the party's response was inadequate.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Times change, but alot of white Southerners are still bitter with Democrats for mandating integration into schools and other parts of life that were separate. That bitterness is why Republicans usually win the major elections throughout the Southern states in areas whites are the majority.


Times change, but alot of white Southerners are still bitter with Democrats for mandating integration into schools and other parts of life that were separate.

Brown vs Board of education happened in 1954 during the Eisenhower Administration.

The Little Rock Desegregation happened in 1957 under the Eisenhower Administration when he sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure high desegragation occurred.

Desegregation of the Armed Forces happened under the Eisenhower administration.

Civil Rights happened during the LBJ administration, but happened only because the Republicans were able to prevent a Democrat filibuster against the act.

The Democrats didn''t mandate shit, the Republicans mandated desegregation in the South.

Please remember that forced busing happened in Boston - a Democrat bastion - to eliminate passive segregation in the school system.

The Republicans have NO history of racial discrimination - the main stream media continues to foster this belief although history shows it to be contrary to the truth.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
From the Drudge Report:
"Alabama Democrat Runs as Racist
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Democratic Party leaders are wondering what to do about a candidate for attorney general who denies the Holocaust occurred and wants to "reawaken white racial awareness."..

"He has no money for campaign advertising and has made only a few campaign speeches, but garnered 12 percent support in the June 6 primary in a poll of 400 registered voters last month.
The poll, which was conducted by a university professor for Alabama media outlets and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points, shows Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson ahead with 21 percent of the vote but about two-thirds of respondents undecided."

Yup, that bastard Karl Rove must be putting this guy up to it.

And in a special aside for our good libertarian friend X:
Larry Darby, the founder of the Atheist Law Center, made an abortive bid for the attorney general job as a Libertarian in 2002, but only recently have his views on race and the Holocaust come to light.

Oh, yes, let me put my gloat hat on; gloat, gloat!

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Good posts BB, but try convincing white Southerners that Democrats & northerners (especially from Northeastern states) are not the people who implemented the changes.

Most of those changes were necessary, but the South is slower to change than other regions.

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