You know what dude.... I do realize that it is impossible to truly win an arguement, only persuade one to see the reasoning that led you to a particular stance. However, persuasion is particularly difficult in a medium such as a posting board. It's more like a flock of birds each crying and squawking. The birds of a feather flock together, and that's that. Not a lot of persuading going on. Witty banter, yes; informative exchanges, occasionally; pissing contests, often; persuasion, very rarely.
What I'm trying to say here is I could really care less who you vote for. I'm not trying to change your mind. I don't really care. However I'm not sure how your thoughts are lining up. It's not that difficult...He's a former OB/GYN (not a fucking lawyer btw) who is prolife personally, he doesn't think the federal government should tell anyone what to, and he thinks the matter is best resolved on the local level? If that's not clear enough, I think you need to work on your English. I know I'm being a bit of an ass, but there it is.
Also, TR. A president most famous for a cute story, national parks, and cuddly bears do to his conservation work. A blue blood Republican from New York. Famous for his Cuban campaign in the heyday of American imperialism, in particular his Rough Rider regiment. He was the trust buster as I recall breaking up rich bastard monopolies in the name of competition. He is also the progenitor of one of my favorite quotes, "Walk quietly, and carry a big stick." Now what all this shit has to do with the price of tea in China is beyond fucking me.
Here's a link to some info if you need it.
Now finally I think you need to get your shit straight. Abortion has been going on in one form or another for as long as women have been having babies. Now I'm not the sharpest tool in the wood shed but I'm pretty sure that covers the era of the founding fathers. You think it might have been mentioned somewhere if the wanted it a certain way?
& yeah I know it's frigg'n wikipedia, but hey it's a decent write up, so I don't want to hear any...Oh wikipedia font of all user inputted blah blah blah
Finally, it's been awhile since I've posted. Welcome to the Rx.
Perhaps we can be friends.
Oh, and since I can't seem to get an answer elsewhere.... I have a Pinny account. I live in the states. If I deposit with Western Union or mail a check, am I going to have an issue? If so recommendations are welcome.
Man the air smells nice around here. That must mean that litte biotch Josey ain't around. I know I know it probably won't last long, it's just kinda nice. Almost civil even.