what do republicans believe about what romney did in MASS??????? what do republicans believe about health care, other than they oppose any obama idea????
they have no ideas whatsoever that are possible, none that help the not rich working class and none that will hurt their relationship with pharm companies and insurance companies. the only right thing that actually worked and helped deserving people in the history of mitt romney's life, you bash him for. he wouldn't even take credit for it on the campaign because lunatics like you would hold it against him.
look at it this way. we have the 1st black president who cares what color he is? elected because the republicans ran the old war guy and the dumb fuck bitch (she/they couldn't have done a worse job that this potus), that is i believe to be mentally ill she is so stupid. with bush's help, this 1st black president (again, who cares if he's black) is failing miserably (true. Its because he is incompetent and clueless) with the help of republicans who want him to fail (and they should because he is clueless and a liar). the country, economics and foreign policy is a disaster (thanks to the obama administration). with all that said, republicans have never been more fractured, irrelevant, no ideas (and so are the dems who lost the mid terms rightfully so in 2010 and will lose again in 2014. That is a huge statement about their people not necessarily the republicans) and have absolututely no person that will even stand a chance in 2016 of challenging for the presidency (you'll see. They cannot do any worse.). how fucking pathetic is that.
americans hate their government right now (thanks to obama), but they hate republicans worse (false, they hate them both and the blame for that is obama). if you can't win after 8 yrs of obama (no one won, all americans lost the last several years), it's time to throw in the towel. i love how you morons criticize others when you have a train wreck (the obama administration) in your own back yard. that is how dumb republicans are and the pathetic the state of their party is.
chew on that for awhile.