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Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
anyone with a 10th grade level of economics knowledge knows that everything on your list was bush's doing which obama inherited.

so not true. How many years did you spend in grade 10?

another blame Bush comment. :ohno: really? Still?

2008 called, it wants it's joke back.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
again, you took one quote out of context and didn't read comments made up to that point. If you did it accidentally, then fine but I only said anti government pertaining to bad government. Nothing non objective there. I ain't going to bother reading all the posts but I did say shortly after that government has its place. No one on my "side" thinks there should be NO government. Responsible government ... Competent government .... Accountable government ... Yes.

I supported a well written post Russ made because its true and I agree with it. I ain't one of these guys that will support a side simply because I have made it clear that my alliance is with that particular side or party. If it makes sense, I will say so and if it doesn't I will say so. That is objective. If a republican was potus at this time and was lying and screwing shit up, I would say the same things. Again, that's objective. Shall I keep going?

For the record, I think you show objectivity a lot and most of them I enjoy reading even though I may not agree. But your last 2 posts .... ahhhh not so much.:toast:

For the Dem's the equate their party with a team affiliation. Some team fans (whatever sport, whatever school or pro team) through thick and thin. They root for them even if they go through a whole season without winning a game. Thus many Dems, especially the ones on here including a couple who claim to be independents) defend Obama to the bitter end along with Reid, etc. People like us are not Dem's and like in my case are not even registered Republicans. What the team players construe to be brow beating is simply calling it like it is on our part. We are not rooting against Obama but we are sick and tired of the direction he now has this once great nation pointed towards. It is hard to be objective with a guy who promised Hope and Change and has not even come close. The hope has dwindled and the change was not for the better. Ever since Obama made the comments about his former professor in the Harvard incident I have seen him for what he really is. Benghazi sealed the deal. Anyone who has delved deeply into Obama's background and connected the dots with his backers and supporters knows from where he speaks. Any Dem who supports him and has either not gone into his background and/or simply dismissed it is definitely a kool aid drinker. Guys like us do not drink the kool aid and guys that do don't get it.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
For the Dem's the equate their party with a team affiliation. Some team fans (whatever sport, whatever school or pro team) through thick and thin. They root for them even if they go through a whole season without winning a game. Thus many Dems, especially the ones on here including a couple who claim to be independents) defend Obama to the bitter end along with Reid, etc. People like us are not Dem's and like in my case are not even registered Republicans. What the team players construe to be brow beating is simply calling it like it is on our part. We are not rooting against Obama but we are sick and tired of the direction he now has this once great nation pointed towards. It is hard to be objective with a guy who promised Hope and Change and has not even come close. The hope has dwindled and the change was not for the better. Ever since Obama made the comments about his former professor in the Harvard incident I have seen him for what he really is. Benghazi sealed the deal. Anyone who has delved deeply into Obama's background and connected the dots with his backers and supporters knows from where he speaks. Any Dem who supports him and has either not gone into his background and/or simply dismissed it is definitely a kool aid drinker. Guys like us do not drink the kool aid and guys that do don't get it.

To me its very simple.

When I see this ....

its a duck. It looks like a duck. It sounds like a duck. its a duck!

when I see this ...

I see a crook. I see a Liar. I see a Scumbag.

when I see this ....

I see liars. I see crooks. I see scumbags. I see incompetence.

Its not complicated. They all fooled a lot of people for a lot of years. Except maybe the duck.
Jan 24, 2012
anyone with a 10th grade level of economics knowledge knows that everything on your list was bush's doing which obama inherited.

This is laugh out loud bad. 5 years in and blame Bush is still all you've got. Pathetic.

New member
Oct 22, 2013
Hey stupid, you don't seem to understand that what Romney did in a single state isn't analogous to a national plan, nor does it Represent what "Republicans" believe.

But of course feel free to carry on with your silly, idiotic lies.

It is who you are and what you do.

what do republicans believe about what romney did in MASS??????? what do republicans believe about health care, other than they oppose any obama idea????

they have no ideas whatsoever that are possible, none that help the not rich working class and none that will hurt their relationship with pharm companies and insurance companies. the only right thing that actually worked and helped deserving people in the history of mitt romney's life, you bash him for. he wouldn't even take credit for it on the campaign because lunatics like you would hold it against him.

look at it this way. we have the 1st black president elected because the republicans ran the old war guy and the dumb fuck bitch, that is i believe to be mentally ill she is so stupid. with bush's help, this 1st black president is failing miserably with the help of republicans who want him to fail. the country, economics and foreign policy is a disaster. with all that said, republicans have never been more fractured, irrelevant, no ideas and have absolututely no person that will even stand a chance in 2016 of challenging for the presidency. how fucking pathetic is that.

americans hate their government right now, but they hate republicans worse. if you can't win after 8 yrs of obama, it's time to throw in the towel. i love how you morons criticize others when you have a train wreck in your own back yard. that is how dumb republicans are and the pathetic the state of their party is.

chew on that for awhile.

New member
Oct 22, 2013
This is laugh out loud bad. 5 years in and blame Bush is still all you've got. Pathetic.

like i said, 10th grade level of economics needed. that means not you. it's not me saying it, it's economic facts saying it. but i know how you guys love to argue with facts. i'm guessing christian?????
Jan 24, 2012
like i said, 10th grade level of economics needed. that means not you. it's not me saying it, it's economic facts saying it. but i know how you guys love to argue with facts. i'm guessing christian?????

Ha. Another laugh out loud worthy post. What "economic facts" did you share in your post? Unless I missed something, the answer is none. What "grade level" of economics is needed to simply state "blame Dubya". I'm not here to defend Bush, I'm here to call out stupidity. Anyone who blames just Bush or just Obama is simply lazy. You are not intelligent, and your posts continue to prove that.
Jan 24, 2012
what do republicans believe about what romney did in MASS??????? what do republicans believe about health care, other than they oppose any obama idea????

they have no ideas whatsoever that are possible, none that help the not rich working class and none that will hurt their relationship with pharm companies and insurance companies. the only right thing that actually worked and helped deserving people in the history of mitt romney's life, you bash him for. he wouldn't even take credit for it on the campaign because lunatics like you would hold it against him.

look at it this way. we have the 1st black president elected because the republicans ran the old war guy and the dumb fuck bitch, that is i believe to be mentally ill she is so stupid. with bush's help, this 1st black president is failing miserably with the help of republicans who want him to fail. the country, economics and foreign policy is a disaster. with all that said, republicans have never been more fractured, irrelevant, no ideas and have absolututely no person that will even stand a chance in 2016 of challenging for the presidency. how fucking pathetic is that.

americans hate their government right now, but they hate republicans worse. if you can't win after 8 yrs of obama, it's time to throw in the towel. i love how you morons criticize others when you have a train wreck in your own back yard. that is how dumb republicans are and the pathetic the state of their party is.

chew on that for awhile.

You need a 10th grade grammar class.

New member
Oct 22, 2013
if you aren't going to say anything, why post???? i have to break down the economic tidal wave of shit obama inherited for you????? i agree, obama has done a terrible job of cleaning up president larry the cable guy's mess. happy??????

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
what do republicans believe about what romney did in MASS??????? what do republicans believe about health care, other than they oppose any obama idea????

they have no ideas whatsoever that are possible, none that help the not rich working class and none that will hurt their relationship with pharm companies and insurance companies. the only right thing that actually worked and helped deserving people in the history of mitt romney's life, you bash him for. he wouldn't even take credit for it on the campaign because lunatics like you would hold it against him.

look at it this way. we have the 1st black president who cares what color he is? elected because the republicans ran the old war guy and the dumb fuck bitch (she/they couldn't have done a worse job that this potus), that is i believe to be mentally ill she is so stupid. with bush's help, this 1st black president (again, who cares if he's black) is failing miserably (true. Its because he is incompetent and clueless) with the help of republicans who want him to fail (and they should because he is clueless and a liar). the country, economics and foreign policy is a disaster (thanks to the obama administration). with all that said, republicans have never been more fractured, irrelevant, no ideas (and so are the dems who lost the mid terms rightfully so in 2010 and will lose again in 2014. That is a huge statement about their people not necessarily the republicans) and have absolututely no person that will even stand a chance in 2016 of challenging for the presidency (you'll see. They cannot do any worse.). how fucking pathetic is that.

americans hate their government right now (thanks to obama), but they hate republicans worse (false, they hate them both and the blame for that is obama). if you can't win after 8 yrs of obama (no one won, all americans lost the last several years), it's time to throw in the towel. i love how you morons criticize others when you have a train wreck (the obama administration) in your own back yard. that is how dumb republicans are and the pathetic the state of their party is.

chew on that for awhile.

more accurate. You're welcome.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
what do republicans believe about what romney did in MASS??????? what do republicans believe about health care, other than they oppose any obama idea????

they have no ideas whatsoever that are possible, none that help the not rich working class and none that will hurt their relationship with pharm companies and insurance companies. the only right thing that actually worked and helped deserving people in the history of mitt romney's life, you bash him for. he wouldn't even take credit for it on the campaign because lunatics like you would hold it against him.

look at it this way. we have the 1st black president elected because the republicans ran the old war guy and the dumb fuck bitch, that is i believe to be mentally ill she is so stupid. with bush's help, this 1st black president is failing miserably with the help of republicans who want him to fail. the country, economics and foreign policy is a disaster. with all that said, republicans have never been more fractured, irrelevant, no ideas and have absolututely no person that will even stand a chance in 2016 of challenging for the presidency. how fucking pathetic is that.

americans hate their government right now, but they hate republicans worse. if you can't win after 8 yrs of obama, it's time to throw in the towel. i love how you morons criticize others when you have a train wreck in your own back yard. that is how dumb republicans are and the pathetic the state of their party is.

chew on that for awhile.

You link everyone not democrat as republicans, not true. There are independents, fiscal conservatives, and libertarians just for starters. Granted the Republican Party is the only viable opponent to buck the Demwits and the Republican establishment is still the problem. I think you are writing off the Republican party a little too soon. They should rally in the interim election and maybe get the Senate. If so Obama will be a lame duck (lamer than he already is) and pretty much have his hands tied. What you refer to as a train wreck is actually Obamacare. Obamacare alone is sinking the Dem's ship. It is already a very large ship parked in very shallow waters. The Democratic party is actually sinking very quietly and just as quiety the Republicans are beginning to gain some attention. Die hard Dem's like to say the Republican Party is in dissaray but the same is true of the Democrats. Wait until after the interim election before talking "train wreck'. A train can always get back on track but once a ship is sunk it is done.
I think the Republicans are in much better shape than you maybe hope they are in but a lot will transpire in 2014. Democrats are dumber than Republicans if they think their party is that much better shape than the Republicans in my opinion but we shall see.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
You link everyone not democrat as republicans, not true. There are independents, fiscal conservatives, and libertarians just for starters. Granted the Republican Party is the only viable opponent to buck the Demwits and the Republican establishment is still the problem. I think you are writing off the Republican party a little too soon. They should rally in the interim election and maybe get the Senate. If so Obama will be a lame duck (lamer than he already is) and pretty much have his hands tied. What you refer to as a train wreck is actually Obamacare. Obamacare alone is sinking the Dem's ship. It is already a very large ship parked in very shallow waters. The Democratic party is actually sinking very quietly and just as quiety the Republicans are beginning to gain some attention. Die hard Dem's like to say the Republican Party is in dissaray but the same is true of the Democrats. Wait until after the interim election before talking "train wreck'. A train can always get back on track but once a ship is sunk it is done.
I think the Republicans are in much better shape than you maybe hope they are in but a lot will transpire in 2014. Democrats are dumber than Republicans if they think their party is that much better shape than the Republicans in my opinion but we shall see.

great post. truthful and accurate.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You link everyone not democrat as republicans, not true. There are independents, fiscal conservatives, and libertarians just for starters. Granted the Republican Party is the only viable opponent to buck the Demwits and the Republican establishment is still the problem. I think you are writing off the Republican party a little too soon. They should rally in the interim election and maybe get the Senate. If so Obama will be a lame duck (lamer than he already is) and pretty much have his hands tied. What you refer to as a train wreck is actually Obamacare. Obamacare alone is sinking the Dem's ship. It is already a very large ship parked in very shallow waters. The Democratic party is actually sinking very quietly and just as quiety the Republicans are beginning to gain some attention. Die hard Dem's like to say the Republican Party is in dissaray but the same is true of the Democrats. Wait until after the interim election before talking "train wreck'. A train can always get back on track but once a ship is sunk it is done.
I think the Republicans are in much better shape than you maybe hope they are in but a lot will transpire in 2014. Democrats are dumber than Republicans if they think their party is that much better shape than the Republicans in my opinion but we shall see.

You should ask Russ what his 2012 Presidential election predictions were. Pretty much anything he says is wrong. Poor old geezer, just doesn't get it.

Jul 4, 2012
So let's see: Spend a few hundred million, take 3+ years to build a Web site that "signs up" a tiny fraction of the uninsured and everyone is supposed to clap?

When you believe government should be doing all these big things and you're cheering for this as an example of 'success' here, you might want to take a look at your belief system.

Sep 21, 2004
But of course this never happened. You are an abject imbecile.

Of course both did, and you are nothing but a shameful, partisan hack LIAR that has been exposed countless times by sane people with a clue, here and elsewhere.

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