You just joined. Either you are a ghost or new.
Deductive Reasoning.
Allow me to explain, break DOWN to you Guys, and Girls if GGW or IAG have joined us here or if any of RunMaker's newly recruited Lesbians are present, what took place in the above.
IDENTIFICATION. "You just joined." The most crucial step in the Deductive Reasoning Process, Identification is a Make or Break Volley on the part of The Human Brain wherein a situation is initially
noticed to be present and then (and this is VITAL while also representing the most tricky part of this beginning step within the process)
broken down into it's component parts or sections so that the true NATURE of the existing situation
can be properly identified.
In the above our subject has accomplished this step masterfully. Via the component part "You" the subject has identified that someone is present and then immediately via the Transitive Verb "Just" wherein identification of action being taken by the subject is established "Joined" is declared to finalize accurate identification of the action taken by the Subject thus accomplishing Step A of the Deductive Reasoning process.
DEDUCTION. After the successful accomplishing of Step A it is recommended that one advance immediately to this Final step within the process rather than putting this off to a later time as the Brain is focused, honed in if you will, at this point upon the component parts or sections identified within Step A and the inertia known by the Brain at this time, borne of the Jubilation of having successfully accomplished Step A, provides in essence "Wind at one's Back" towards completing the Deductive Reasoning Process.
Based upon your findings within Step A, Step B demands that you accomplish a bit of further identification via the query: "
What are the possibilities as result of the component parts present within Step A?" but this time you'll be called upon to Identify possible "outcomes" or further occurrences or even FURTHERLY PRESENT REALITIES that are the most likely to have been Borne of the initial present realities identified within Step A.
What can these lead to occurring?
"Either you are a ghost or new."
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