why do you dislike gays so much Festering
I have nothing personal against gays. I just come from a judeo-christian
worldview that believes homosexuality to be immoral.
Some say let them do what they want behind closed doors. Fine,
but they are trying to change the definition of marriage in our
culture. Some are also throwing their filthy behaviors in the public's
See details if you dare here:
I prefer not to go into a whole gay/anti-gay debate because I am
already taking a week off from the political forum.
See details:
I'm taking a self-imposed week off from this forum.
I need to take a break from all the rhetoric.
It's more important for me to treat people with dignity and
respect than for me to be "right" on here.
Steak Tartar is right, I have been a bit cranky because I
sprained both my ankles recently - and I'm usually very
physically active, so it's made me really cranky.
Apologies to anyone I've offended on here, especially Rob Funk. There
was no need for me to create a thread singling him out.
I'm still zealously a conservative, but hopefully when I come back,
I will be a bit more considerate with my posting and rhetoric.
I'll try not to let Barman yank my chain so much. :aktion033
I hope my lefty friends are here when I get back.
Cheers, -FZ