Bro Bible just published an internal New England Patriots scouting report on Johnny Manziel, who was selected with the 22nd overall pick by the Cleveland Browns during last night's NFL draft. We got a look at a version of the report yesterday. Judging by this, the Pats apparently saw Manziel in much same way as many in the media do: as an arrogant, spoiled child, unfit for the Patriot Way.
You can find the full scouting report over at Bro Bible. It's generally laudatory of Manziel's skills as a football player, but has very unkind things to say about the quality of his character. Some highlights from the section labeled "Character" (emphasis added):JL 8/1 - INCIDENT: Arrested 6/29/12 for disorderly conduct (eventually dismissed), failure to identify, and possession of a fake ID (dismissed). On 7/15/13, pled guilty to the misdemeanor charge of failing to properly identify himself (showed a Louisiana ID with a 1990 birth date) after a fight in College Station; reports say he didn't start the fight but was trying to break it up. Paid a $2,000 fine, $232 in court costs, and serve 2 days in jail but received credit for time served after being jailed when initially arrested. On 8/6, he went before a 3-person discipline panel at TXAM that put him on "Conduct Probation" for a semester (Fall 2012) and suspended for the season; he successfully appealed the decision (after Sumlin & Kingsbury went to bat for him) and got the punishment reduced to standard probation, allowing him to play. Comes from a big-money family (oil money) in east TX but played HS ball outside of San Antonio. Source at Manning Camp that knows JM well: nothing but positive things to say, mostly with the vibe of, "he's not doing anything differently than you, I, or anyone else did in college". From the vibe of online articles, father seems a little too involved and overstepping his boundaries. CONCERNS: Off-field behavior/lifestyle
JL 8/22 -Vibe on this guy keeps getting worse. Support staff members are sick of him and ready for him to go. Described as a cocky, me-guy. Loves football, FBI is high as well. Everything has been pretty well-documented in online articles about the kid, but sources say he's a spoiled brat (grandfather gives him allowance, father bought him luxury car). They say he was getting on people's nerves during the '12 season, but it went to another level after the ALUN game. Seems to enjoy putting himself in situations where he knows attention will follow him (TXUN frat party during summer). CONCERNS: Off-field behavior, cockiness, maturity
JL 10/15 - Suspended first half of TXRI game for autograph scandal. Couple of TXTC sources say can't yell/scream at him or he shuts down; has walked away from Kingsbury in the past. Has an avg. work ethic, came to 4 of 32 summer '13 workouts, and quit going to in-season workouts late in '12. Doesn't study the game, said to know about 60% of the offense in '12, never watches film; one source said only time he watched film during '12 was before ALUN. Comes from 'outlaw bloodlines', mom moved the family to Kerrville to get away from father's wild family. Father's family is said to be very shady people, always into something, they are the root of Johnny's personality. 'What you see on TV and how he is portrayed, that's him; but when you talk to him, you'll like him'. Coaches love his tuffs/competes, they want to go to war with him, but 'Johnny will be Johnny' during the week. Knows how to scheme the system, arrogant and full of himself, but he's not smug to coaches. Has been like this since Day 1, has never gone to class, goes to beat of own drum, but has ultimate confidence. Loves the spotlight, football is his release, big games don't scare him. Has size 15 feet and freakishly big hands. Will drink, but no one I spoke with think he's a smoker. Teammates don't dislike him, but there's some resentment, more so in the offseason when he isn't coming to workouts and they are busting their butt. Loner, doesn't hang out with the guys, but very close with WR Mike Evans. Already has money, is used to spotlight, has already been exposed to NFL-level fame. Will never take football seriously enough for our coaching staff, he'll hate meetings, will have to drag him to work out, etc. The definition of the word maintenance. CONCERNS: Maturity, passion for preparation, high-maintenance, work ethic
Remember, this isn't a public report from a grumpy scout looking for attention or comments from a GM looking to decrease the value of a player he actually wants. This is how the Pats actually feel about Johnny Manziel. This is the kind of "behind the scenes" stuff that infamous trollscout Nolan Nawrocki recently told us about.
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</aside>As far as we can tell, the initials "JL" belong to James Liipfert, a former Georgia Tech football player who joined the Patriots' scouting department in 2009. It's fun to watch the progression of his feelings about Manziel in the "Character" section. In the first entry, dated Aug. 1, he seems to think Manziel is an OK guy. By Oct. 15, he's completely written him off, and Manziel's list of concerns has grown from "Off-field behavior/lifestyle" to "Off-field behavior, cockiness, maturity, passion for preparation, high-maintenance, work ethic."
There's also a part at the end about Manziel's body that includes the phrase "High, knotted calves, with pretty gd. thickness through the thighs and bubble." The life of an NFL prospect is a strange one.
[Bro Bible]