I explained this yesterday, here goes:
Based on this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/art...cenarios.html#!
My today figures:
White: Trump 63, Clinton 37
Black: Trump 5, Clinton 95
Latino: Trump 35, Clinton 65
Others: Trump 55, Clinton 45
Percentage of voters compared to 2012 my estimate, W +3, Black -3, Latino +2, Others +2
Popular vote: Trump 48, clinton 48, Johnson 3, Stein 1
Wild card is black vote, LATIMES has Trump at 5%, for every 4 black % vote over 5 give Trump 1%.
I think Trump will garner 8 or 9% of black vote- Therefore a secondary prediction is Trump 49, Clinton 48
Based on this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/art...cenarios.html#!
My today figures:
White: Trump 63, Clinton 37
Black: Trump 5, Clinton 95
Latino: Trump 35, Clinton 65
Others: Trump 55, Clinton 45
Percentage of voters compared to 2012 my estimate, W +3, Black -3, Latino +2, Others +2
Popular vote: Trump 48, clinton 48, Johnson 3, Stein 1
Wild card is black vote, LATIMES has Trump at 5%, for every 4 black % vote over 5 give Trump 1%.
I think Trump will garner 8 or 9% of black vote- Therefore a secondary prediction is Trump 49, Clinton 48