Just another race baiter...Who in the fuck in their right mind would not recommend instant death for these animals? Exactly no one....
The White Man was just kicking back, chilling, then George Soros' MoveOn.org decided to Make a Race War by making up the catchy
"Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Tag Line to feed the masses, then send Paid Professional Agitators down to Ferguson & Baltimore to get their War started.
Certain Black people took to that immediately, I'm not saying all of them and no one on this forum ever has said that other than Vlad who is now Gone.
When "Hands Up Don't Shoot" became a Failure after it was proven that this tagline wasn't truthful, to what actually happened in Ferguson and Moveon.org said:
Oh. I guess we will have to come up with some other catchy tagline to use, as that Viral Tag to Inspire Racial Warfare."
So they Brainstorm and come up with "Black Lives Matter".
Like HarryCaray said, JStraw:
Stop perpetuating the False Narrative that White People are active participants in this Race War,
we did not ask for this, we agree that if there are actual ways the plight of The Black can be made better in this country these things should be explored, this bullshit was cast upon us we did not create it, did not go looking for it.
This is George Soros' Race War, and other Liberal Leftist's Race War, eagerly adopted by a portion of the Black Race here and not shouted down, not rejected by enough Blacks in USA.
This is not Our War, yet. They seem insistent on making it so, though. In Forcing their War upon us. Bcuz they've never
seen War
If they had, experienced War, what they are doing is the LAST way they would choose to deal with the challenges that we do have, as a Nation.
Had they ever seen War, and thus discovered what that is, the truth of that...
...they'd be choosing to come to a Table rather than a moment where they poke the sleeping bear one too many times.