Lots of small economies. The big economies that have to deal with big boy problems all use my ideology. And any of your small examples that grow large enough will do the same. It's just math. There is no other way around it. But you are dumb and literally would never understand. In fact you are actually a psycho with major problems.
More lies.
Democracies don't adopt your socialist ideology because of "rational economics", they adopt it because useless dependent idiots like you start screaming for "social justice." And the only way a welfare state can even exist is with a fiat currency -- govt borrowing massive amounts of money at artificially low interest rates.
And you know something, 'honest' socialists acknowledge all of this -- that while free markets produce more wealth, they believe sacrificing growth and technological progress is necessary for a more egalitarian society. I don't agree, and their vision for a centrally-planned society still won't work, but at least they're honest.
You on the other hand live in denial. As a Keynesian, you actually believe central planning creates more prosperity and the Keynesian cult justifies your compassionate moral beliefs. In other words, Big Government is not only 'compassionate' and morally right, you actually believe such a system is economically rational and prosperous.
Every single bit of data proves you wrong...but being a Big Government Keynesian, you continue to bask in the glow of your own ignorance. When your 'plans' inevitably fail, as they must, there are no shortage of excuses -- it's the Republicans; the stimulus wasn't enough; Japan's demographics are too old etc.
You just can't get any dumber and more in denial than a Keynesian.