Where is Terrorists Lover Dave's Retraction, Apology?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lots of small economies. The big economies that have to deal with big boy problems all use my ideology. And any of your small examples that grow large enough will do the same. It's just math. There is no other way around it. But you are dumb and literally would never understand. In fact you are actually a psycho with major problems.

More lies.

Democracies don't adopt your socialist ideology because of "rational economics", they adopt it because useless dependent idiots like you start screaming for "social justice." And the only way a welfare state can even exist is with a fiat currency -- govt borrowing massive amounts of money at artificially low interest rates.

And you know something, 'honest' socialists acknowledge all of this -- that while free markets produce more wealth, they believe sacrificing growth and technological progress is necessary for a more egalitarian society. I don't agree, and their vision for a centrally-planned society still won't work, but at least they're honest.

You on the other hand live in denial. As a Keynesian, you actually believe central planning creates more prosperity and the Keynesian cult justifies your compassionate moral beliefs. In other words, Big Government is not only 'compassionate' and morally right, you actually believe such a system is economically rational and prosperous.

Every single bit of data proves you wrong...but being a Big Government Keynesian, you continue to bask in the glow of your own ignorance. When your 'plans' inevitably fail, as they must, there are no shortage of excuses -- it's the Republicans; the stimulus wasn't enough; Japan's demographics are too old etc.

You just can't get any dumber and more in denial than a Keynesian.

Sep 21, 2004
Casper the Sheriff Contrarian seems to take great offense at some anonymous poster wishing ill will on Orly Taitz in the Great Dr Conspiracy Blog, obamaconspiracy.org, but stands in rigid support of Sick, Terrorist Loving Dave when he supports Ricin being sent to Politicians Obama and Bloomberg. Not only is he a sick, obsessed, vile human being, he is the ultimate hypocrite, who only cares what party you support, not the disgusting action in itself.


Militant Birther Join DateMay 23, 2006LocationKenyaPosts8,199

Re: Jerome Corsi's New Book Proves Obama's Ineligible! ("This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.")
Very classy Kevin!

You ban articulate 'birthers' that make you look like an ass but allow this kind of smut to stand????? Really???????



New member
Oct 19, 2007
More lies.

Democracies don't adopt your socialist ideology because of "rational economics", they adopt it because useless dependent idiots like you start screaming for "social justice." And the only way a welfare state can even exist is with a fiat currency -- govt borrowing massive amounts of money at artificially low interest rates.

And you know something, 'honest' socialists acknowledge all of this -- that while free markets produce more wealth, they believe sacrificing growth and technological progress is necessary for a more egalitarian society. I don't agree, and their vision for a centrally-planned society still won't work, but at least they're honest.

You on the other hand live in denial. As a Keynesian, you actually believe central planning creates more prosperity and the Keynesian cult justifies your compassionate moral beliefs. In other words, Big Government is not only 'compassionate' and morally right, you actually believe such a system is economically rational and prosperous.

Every single bit of data proves you wrong...but being a Big Government Keynesian, you continue to bask in the glow of your own ignorance. When your 'plans' inevitably fail, as they must, there are no shortage of excuses -- it's the Republicans; the stimulus wasn't enough; Japan's demographics are too old etc.

You just can't get any dumber and more in denial than a Keynesian.

You just made all this up. No a single country in the world even considers your failed ideology. Things will only get more centralized and more developed. We will never go backwards, because its simple math and intelligent people understand that. You're just a crazy anti-govt birther loon. When I talk to you it's not even serious. You are a joke and used for pure entertainment purposes. So I thank you!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Wow! So much hate and venom on that site! So much so that it's bad karma to even type his url into your browser.

Hey Kevin, rather than promote all this vitriol attacking those looking for answers, how about you ask the Kenyan to come forward and produce a single verifiable piece of valid ID?

Seems anyone who registers on your sewer site and brings rational discussion and evidence to the table is... banned. Go figure! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You just made all this up. No a single country in the world even considers your failed ideology. Things will only get more centralized and more developed. We will never go backwards, because its simple math and intelligent people understand that. You're just a crazy anti-govt birther loon. When I talk to you it's not even serious. You are a joke and used for pure entertainment purposes. So I thank you!

You losers never get ANYTHING right. You're always wrong! Never seen a bigger group of incompetent idiots than government central planners with no skin in the game! They literally can't get anything right!


Just imagine how prosperous the US economy would be if these Monopoly Money morons got out of the way!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You losers never get ANYTHING right. You're always wrong! Never seen a bigger group of incompetent idiots than government central planners with no skin in the game! They literally can't get anything right!

Just imagine how prosperous the US economy would be if these Monopoly Money morons got out of the way!

Not a single person in academia these days that makes economic policy cares what Keynes said. It's been decades. We have smarter and more intelligent economists with methodologies and intelligence Keynes couldn't dream of. You are just dumb.

Sep 21, 2004
Wow! So much hate and venom on that site! So much so that it's bad karma to even type his url into your browser.

Hey Kevin, rather than promote all this vitriol attacking those looking for answers, how about you ask the Kenyan to come forward and produce a single verifiable piece of valid ID?

Seems anyone who registers on your sewer site and brings rational discussion and evidence to the table is... banned. Go figure! lol

You are consumed of venom and hate. That's why you support Terrorist Supporter Dave unabashedly. Why are you talking to the great DrConspiracy here? He can't see you or hear you, you sick POS. You obsess about him, but he squashed you like the insignificant bug you are, and doesn't give you a 2nd, 3rd, or 1000th thought.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You are consumed of venom and hate. That's why you support Terrorist Supporter Dave unabashedly. Why are you talking to the great DrConspiracy here? He can't see you or hear you, you sick POS. You obsess about him, but he squashed you like the insignificant bug you are, and doesn't give you a 2nd, 3rd, or 1000th thought.

Don't forget he made a thread the other day asking what's the problem with wanting the President hung. Fucking lunatic

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not a single person in academia these days that makes economic policy cares what Keynes said. It's been decades. We have smarter and more intelligent economists with methodologies and intelligence Keynes couldn't dream of. You are just dumb.

You are dumber than Janet Yellen...and that's pretty dumb.

"Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not."
--Janet Yellen

If you thought Bernanke was bad, wait till Big Government Yellen starts 'tinkering' with your money.

Ever wonder why all the high profile candidates didn't want the job? Because the ship is sinking...and Yellen will be the scapegoat when things really go south.

fratfraud's Keynesian economics - what a mess! :neenee:

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You are dumber than Janet Yellen...and that's pretty dumb.

"Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not."
--Janet Yellen

If you thought Bernanke was bad, wait till Big Government Yellen starts 'tinkering' with your money.

Ever wonder why all the high profile candidates didn't want the job? Because the ship is sinking...and Yellen will be the scapegoat when things really go south.

Keynesian economics - what a mess! :neenee:

There was pretty much two candidates. She'll be fine. And you'll remain retarded. When the next fed chairman is elected you'll be saying the same stupid shit as the educated world passes you by.

Sep 21, 2004
Yeah, better watch what you say around me, fratfraud. I'm kinda... 'unstable' at times, especially when I forget to take my meds. Shush()*

You sure are. That's what got you banned here Casper. I hear this is a temporary momentary cure for your sick obsessions. Surround yourself with lots of Pretty, Purple Flowers. I hear they're quite popular up in your part of Canada and do wonders for your community. And Dave is still a vile, disgusting Terrorist Supporter.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You are consumed of venom and hate. That's why you support Terrorist Supporter Dave unabashedly. Why are you talking to the great DrConspiracy here? He can't see you or hear you, you sick POS. You obsess about him, but he squashed you like the insignificant bug you are, and doesn't give you a 2nd, 3rd, or 1000th thought.

Why don't you tell Dave all these wonderful compliments to his face and I'll post the over/under on how long his German Sheppard will grab hold of your nuts before he lets go. lol

Sep 21, 2004
Why don't you tell Dave all these wonderful compliments to his face and I'll post the over/under on how long his German Sheppard will grab hold of your nuts before he lets go. lol

I love Dogs. A vile, terrorist supporter like Dave shouldn't have one. Hopefully the dog will get smart one day and turn on the sick POS.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There was pretty much two candidates. She'll be fine. And you'll remain retarded. When the next fed chairman is elected you'll be saying the same stupid shit as the educated world passes you by.

The "educated world" subscribed to this stupid new concept called "too big to fail" and that bailing out bad companies/banks was a smart thing to do that would lead to more growth.

How did that turn out? Wrong again!

You can't grow until you allow the liquidation of bad debt through the natural course of bankruptcy.

Learn from history, fratfraud.

Booms always bust. Reality eventually trumps your phony money.

Your "educated world" is stuck on stupid.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The "educated world" subscribed to this stupid new concept called "too big to fail" and that bailing out bad companies/banks was a smart thing to do that would lead to more growth.

How did that turn out? Wrong again!

You can't grow until you allow the liquidation of bad debt through the natural course of bankruptcy.

Learn from history, fratfraud.

Booms always bust. Reality eventually trumps phony money.

Your "educated world" is stuck on stupid.

There will never be a time in the rest of the history of the world where educated people think like you. It's illogical. It's why you post Ron Paul videos and say stupid shit like all the wealth we have now was here before the Fed. That's serious psycho shit.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There will never be a time in the rest of the history of the world where educated people think like you. It's illogical. It's why you post Ron Paul videos and say stupid shit like all the wealth we have now was here before the Fed. That's serious psycho shit.

Where'd the wealth go, Waldo? Loser!@#0


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Where'd the wealth go, Waldo? Loser!@#0

You notice how the biggest jump in your graph was during the Great Depression? And you wonder why educated people don't want to repeat that, lol. God, you are dumb. Poor fella.

Sep 21, 2004
Another day that the scum Terrorist Loving Dave refuses to show a shred of decency and retract/apoliogize forn his vile, terrorist loving Remarks. Appreciate the effort Zit, but the POS Dave continues to show you and others on your side EXACTLY what he is.

Sep 21, 2004
This is what a man of character, who realizes he went too far and said something that he never should have said, does to rectify the situation. Good Job Aki.


RX Local
Join DateOct 2007LocationAnchoragePosts16,450

01-25-2014, 05:30 PM
Now that Sheriff Joe came in, it brought things in to perspective. I apologize to you Ricboff. Insulting someone as a father and their kids is pitiful. I got carried away. I did not mean any of it, I love when fathers are involved in their kids lives. I went way too far today. I apologize. I just read some of my comments and they are pretty disgraceful. I'm sorry man.

This is what a man, who lacks any kind of moral character at all, handles a similar situation This has NOTHING to do with Politics, and everything to do with character and human decency.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Join DateJul 2007LocationHenderson NVPosts12,421

01-10-2014, 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by vitterd
Everyone says something they regret at some point. It's how you react to the aftermath...clearly you haven't done a good job at that. Sometimes it's just easy to admit wrong and move on rather than make excuses....but your responses are holding true to an rx republican trend.

Do I sound like I regret what I wrote? Aftermath... now that's priceless.​


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