I live about thirty minutes from this stuff and my kids were first scared but as I told them we are safer that anyone. We have the National Guard, FBI, and more local police protecting their respective towns than ever before. Driving around you would think the Russians are invading. Ferguson is actuall a nice area where whites and blacks have lived in peace for years. This is a result now of an idiotic national media, outside influences from both sides, and a cowardly governor more worried about his electorate than running a state. The local people have put all their faith in the prosecuting attorney instead as he is much more of a leader. Some of my friends are not going to the Rams game tomorrow because of the protestors down in the city. I am taking my son as one can't go through life scared of thugs like this. I trust the St. Louis City police as they have dealt with stuff on a lower level for years like this. I think I speak for many locals where we just live our lives like normal and feel this will calm down and go away in the near future. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!