I hate to break this to you but every investor worth his salt, actually knows that Obama knows nothing about the markets! Absolutely nothing worth anything to them.
I will repeat myself, the speculation and bullshit direction you seek from the president is only for fools like you and buffoons with third hand information.
Every investor worth his salt knows exactly what the president will say and how it will affect him BEFORE the president even speaks! Because the president gets all his information from some one else and is always by default passing on second hand information.
Its only fools like you who are almost always out of the loop that think the presidents words are of any consequence.
Some one famous once said there are three kinds of people in the markets. The innovators, the immitators and then the third kind which is probably you, the IDIOTS! You are the typically the fools who get caught on the tail end of every rally the market has to offer and unfortunately for investors world wide, 5 or more of these type idiots are borne into the market every minute!
This is exactly why i told your dumb fucking ass to go sell your shit to Martha Stewart, she will clue you in quite well on the truth of how the markets work and how you little ignorant joe schmoes are always the ones who end up with your dicks up your ass while the rest of the investing world is laughing at your worthless paper.
Keep on waiting for OBama or some "wonderous" speaker to come rescue your 401k!(<)<