Here's another interesting one about how beliefs have morphed into something very strange if taken too literally.
"Back in the day" and I could be just a little off here but not completely, "Gesthena" was the name of a district in an ancient Jewish city (I've forgotten the name) where the city dump was located. As you might imagine, there were piles and piles of burning refuse and waste everywhere and there were also a lot of lowlifers that eeked out a lowly existence rummaging through all the trash. Most of them had been "sinners" and stripped of their worldly posessions along with the downtrodden from many walks of life. -- ie bums, the lowest of the low.
It became a fashionable expression for people to say "Go to Gesthena" roughly translated to mean "go to hell" as there was no other such firey reference at the time. Or, I banish you to the place of flaming burning trash and sulpherous fumes. Damn you. Get the fuck out. In other words, the "idiom" expression "go to Gesthena" (go to that burning place - hell) originated from this.
As it would have been easily understood in those days what that sort of condemnation was meant, it was picked up and used by scribes and others in a position of powerful opinion who influence people's minds and put into "the book" but never meant to be taken literally outside of some type of mind control in a superstitious way. It communicated an idea familiar to people of the day and that's why it was used.
With that idea so deeply engrained into people's minds, it stuck and never evolved past that... until you add it to legend and lore where now a two horned beast running around the place with his own personal pitchfork (not yours) lords over everyone there.
So now go live your life out in the city dump among the burning piles of trash and all the other miserable souls like you and may your bones rot amidst the lowest of the low forever. Simply put, go to hell. That is the reality of it but just look at how superstition and people's imaginations have morphed that concept into something surrealistic, even to the point of polluting their core beliefs and religions. Literally speaking.