Hhmm-- the remaining 6G, plus: two plane tickets Hong Kong - NY, a complimentary long-distance calling card good for 7 weekly hours free phone sex time w/ Customer Service honeys, a Western Union gift card good for 8 free withdrawals, 4 public apologies: one each on their site / here / at MW(& full reinstatement there with elevated Mod status) / & a public one in the South China Morning Post, a complimentary lifetime account w/ unlimited 5-cent lines, 11x weekly matching bonus, ten complimentary $100 10-team parlay bets, an extra free 9 points on all teasers, & 12x odds on craps. And finally, as a sign of no personal animosity-- this elegant 3-pen Holder Gift Set(filled of course with three high-quality French(??) Gold Pens:
So now, let's see:
On the twelfth day of Xmas my true love gave to me: twelve-times odds on cra-aps, 'leven ti-imes bonus, ten free-ee parlays, nine extra po-ints, e-eight free withdrawals, seven hours talk time, the six extra G's--
fi--ve ce-ent lines....
four apologies, three French pens, two-o a-irfa-res, and you can stuff the-a partridge!