What's up with all the blacks throwing water on the cops and the cops doing nothing?

Feb 6, 2007
All it takes is one cop to be having a bad day & getting doused with water, & then beating the living crap out of one of these guys & then the racist card gets pulled & then it snow balls into protests & escalates into people rioting in the streets. It can easily get out of hand.

Then we would have a real battery case

May 27, 2007
Thats their duty. That’s what they swore to do. But do they do their job when they get to the location they are called to? Most of the time no.

Ive seen a cop come to a public park to ticket people’s cars. Trying to generate revenue at a PUBLIC PARK. It’s a business. When everybody isn’t held accountable for the same crimes. It’s a business. When the goal is the conviction rate and not the truth and facts and real police work. Yeah, it’s a business.

Problem is most of you think they are your friend. They are not your friend. Trust me on that.

You're right, when people commit crimes, they aren't the cop's friend.

Dec 29, 2006
The Asian cop should have put down the bucket holding, water throwing, loser like a crazy dog. Two to the head and another two to the upper torso.

Jan 20, 2002
Wood shampoos and a 1 year prison sentence would end this garbage quickly. Fuck Deblasio who is ruining NYC. However, that is what they get for voting these liberal homos into office.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
What oath is that? To uphold and protect the constitution and to serve the public? Is that the one?

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I won't even read this drivel, anybody black or white that throws water or anything on a cop is most likely going to be arrested, almost a certanty, perhaps shot, maybe killed !
There are certain things you just don't do...

You don't tug on Superman's cape or piss into the wind, for example !

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
I won't even read this drivel, anybody black or white that throws water or anything on a cop is most likely going to be arrested, almost a certanty, perhaps shot, maybe killed !
There are certain things you just don't do...

You don't tug on Superman's cape or piss into the wind, for example !
+1 like the Jim Croce refefrence yes that simple

Sep 21, 2004
Those their bad dudes should not tossing the water on our brave friendly

neighborhood Policemen and Policewomen. This is clearly a white wash!

Put them into the Clink! azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^
Feb 6, 2007
Yes they do, they take an oath.

So its ok to pour buckets of water on Pelosi and AOC?

Those are people????? Lol thought they were organizations or some shit the way you wrote them.

Yeah they are congressmen, or women I mean.

Yeah, go get them with the water.
Oct 26, 2003
This is what happens when generations of uneducated loser fathers continue their long rich tradition of impregnating every uneducated crackwhore they can find and then leaving her to raise 5 kids from 5 different fathers in a 1 bedroom welfare project craphole with taxpayers on the hook for housing and feeding these eternal dregs of society. They make no effort to better their own lives or their children's lives and they have no one to blame but themselves. They get their welfare check, they get their drugs, their malt liquor, their lottery tickets and they are satisfied, sitting on the stoop, proudly watching their little animals act like, well, the animals they were raised to be. They'll never have dignity in life, they don't even know what dignity is. They'll never show respect, they'll never get respect. None of these eternal losers will ever become anything in life and will likely wind up dead before they are 25.

not far from the truth.....the lack of respecting authority has died....I remember the days of respecting police officers, teachers, and those who were in Oder than myself....those days are gone....my parents taught me right from wrong....these people in the video are just animals...just a complete lack f discipline and guidance by those who should know better...
Feb 6, 2007
Cops should pull out those bazooka water guns and have a water gun fight.

I agree. Have a little fun. Be one with the community. Embrace it. It’s a little bit of fucking water on a hot day. What really is the issue? Come back with water soakers and let them have it. Now we’re talking about getting even. Arresting them is retarded shit.

What happened to community policing? It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s now about let’s see how many black people we can lock up today. Modern day slavery.

I told y’all it’s a business not a service. Businesses don’t communicate and do community policing. Services do.

The whole goal is the conviction rate. If that is high, then everyone did their job. A service with real police officers who do real police work care about the facts and the truth of the case. Too much work. Let’s grab a donut and get a half ass witness to confirm he’s the guy. Now we make him plea to something he didn’t do and he’s fucked for life. *High Five*
Oct 26, 2003
This is what happens when generations of uneducated loser fathers continue their long rich tradition of impregnating every uneducated crackwhore they can find and then leaving her to raise 5 kids from 5 different fathers in a 1 bedroom welfare project craphole with taxpayers on the hook for housing and feeding these eternal dregs of society. They make no effort to better their own lives or their children's lives and they have no one to blame but themselves. They get their welfare check, they get their drugs, their malt liquor, their lottery tickets and they are satisfied, sitting on the stoop, proudly watching their little animals act like, well, the animals they were raised to be. They'll never have dignity in life, they don't even know what dignity is. They'll never show respect, they'll never get respect. None of these eternal losers will ever become anything in life and will likely wind up dead before they are 25.

not far from the truth.....the lack of respecting authority has died....I remember the days of respecting police officers, teachers, and those who were in older than myself....those days are gone....my parents taught me right from wrong....these people in the video are just animals...just a complete lack f discipline and guidance by those who should know better...
Feb 6, 2007
The stupid cops got mad for showing up to something they never should have been called to go to in the first place.

Who in Harlem calls because a fire hydrant is going off?!?!? Lmfao I don’t believe that off the bat. Cops were looking for trouble most likely like they always do.

When trying to intimidate goes wrong.

Problem starts from the top though. Nypd police commissioner needs retraining and needs to retrain all of his donkey cops
Jan 12, 2019
I agree. Have a little fun. Be one with the community. Embrace it. It’s a little bit of fucking water on a hot day. What really is the issue? Come back with water soakers and let them have it. Now we’re talking about getting even. Arresting them is retarded shit.

What happened to community policing? It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s now about let’s see how many black people we can lock up today. Modern day slavery.

I told y’all it’s a business not a service. Businesses don’t communicate and do community policing. Services do.

The whole goal is the conviction rate. If that is high, then everyone did their job. A service with real police officers who do real police work care about the facts and the truth of the case. Too much work. Let’s grab a donut and get a half ass witness to confirm he’s the guy. Now we make him plea to something he didn’t do and he’s fucked for life. *High Five*

Cops should go around the projects guns drawn and have contests to see how many homeboy and baby mamas they can shoot. Do society a favor. We are the ones paying for their home, food, medical all while they try to rape our women and mug us.

Again, there is not 1 place on the planet where blacks are the majority of the population that is not a crime ridden and poverty stricken shithole. That says it all.
Feb 6, 2007
NYPD hires anyone. They hired somebody with a lynching tattoo on their arm of a black person being hanged. And who here says cops are trying to keep racism out of the force?!!!??????

Feb 6, 2007
And yes I pay for the cops to drive their cruisers. I pay for their uniform. I pay for their salary. I pay for all of that.

I own them. They work for me. Quicker you guys realize this the quicker you will see the real and how cops behave on your dime.
Feb 6, 2007
not far from the truth.....the lack of respecting authority has died....I remember the days of respecting police officers, teachers, and those who were in older than myself....those days are gone....my parents taught me right from wrong....these people in the video are just animals...just a complete lack f discipline and guidance by those who should know better...

Lmfaooooooo and you fucking wonder why.

I swear some of you were frozen in ice for the last 50 years. This isn’t 1950 bro

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