What's up with all the blacks throwing water on the cops and the cops doing nothing?

Jan 12, 2019
Large Marge works at some kind of Amazon Fulfillment Center

Wannabe homeboy works as a short order cook somewhere. He sits back there trying to play gangster rap to impress the ladies but they just laugh at him.
Below is Mob and Large Marge " keeping it real"


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Funniest part is when Mobdeeper claims the cops work for him as if Mob pays any taxes
Feb 6, 2007
Funniest part is when Mobdeeper claims the cops work for him as if Mob pays any taxes

You don’t know me. I’m not going to claim I own a company or I'm a CEO. But I’m set.

You find me offensive? I find you offensive for finding me offensive.

Jan 15, 2010
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

Oct 11, 2014
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

In order for that to work individuals MUST have self awareness. Unfortunately people like Mud Booper have such a lack of self awareness they have no concept of embarassment or delinquency. You will Never be able to civilize them. Its genetically impossible.

May 27, 2007
Again, another poster said it perfectly. In a civilized society, who thinks dumping a bucket full of water on a stranger is acceptable? Nobody does because it’s not no matter if the victim is homeless, a CEO or yes, a cop.

Nobody wants a bucket of water dumped on their head at work. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just being disingenuous.
Jan 17, 2007
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

Probably one of the BEST post I have ever read here at The RX

Oct 11, 2014
Originally Posted by RenoChazz
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

Probably one of the BEST post I have ever read here at The RX​

Good luck with that!cheersgif

New member
Mar 31, 2019
You think this shit is just because some black people are disrespectful and ignorant? Lmfao no. This isn’t the Rx where you have racists running around saying racist shit for the hell of it. Black people have been having their rights violated for decades in this country and still to this day. Lmfao yet you guys are offended by some water. Lmfao fucking hilarious. LOSERS

Mob, I know you like to play the antagonist, I do too many times, but you kinda lost me here. I would say blacks have more opportunity than they ever have now a days. You see things differently?

New member
Mar 31, 2019
Stop trying
Hes not even a real person, he’s a character
Nobody is this dumb
This is his hobby
Some guys go golfing on Saturday, Mob tries to rile up republicans on the internet
It only works if you let it
Stop watering the plant and it might die

No other reasonable conclusion can be reached, and I always try to see both sides.

New member
Jul 26, 2008
The reality is that if your life sucks it is your own fault 99% of the time and of the 1% of the time that it isn't your fault, only a small percentage would involve race at all. The whole white supremacy angle is such a joke .. white privilege is a huge joke ...

I was born in the United States where you have self-determination in your life so in that respect I was definitely born privileged. And my parents were hard working, honest people who taught me right and wrong and punished me when I made the wrong choice so that I would learn there are consequences to bad decisions and rewards for good decisions. I realize that I was privileged in a big way with those two things... but being white has had nothing to do with my successes or failures. When I make good decisions I am generally rewarded and when I make bad decisions, I usually suffer a consequence.

And I have noticed the people around me in my life are the same ... those that made good decisions have good lives and those that made bad decisions do not. It had nothing to do with other people, it had to do with the person.

identification of people in groups and then creating policy based on groups, always leads to oppression because it by definition means a sacrifice of individual rights. If you focus on individual rights, people of all groups are protected.

I will say this ... it has gotten really bad and the good people who have turned the cheek all these years are someday gonna fight back and when that happens it is gonna get very ugly. That day is coming if we are not careful.

New member
Jul 26, 2008
You don’t know me. I’m not going to claim I own a company or I'm a CEO. But I’m set.

You find me offensive? I find you offensive for finding me offensive.

It was just a joke.

Your opinion on this subject is really odd but I was just kidding with you.
Jan 12, 2019
There is something called " disorderly conduct" that can apply to so many circumstances.

Mar 5, 2009
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

Feb 6, 2007
I loathe identity politics, I think it really brings out the worst in people. I hate the idea of putting people into groups, and putting labels on them too. Imagine if we actually judged people on individual merit, all of us, things would be much better. I know bias is a tough thing to fight, because it is a natural reaction to the way we have evolved, but I think it's something worth doing, going against our urge to make preconceived judgments.

NFLTrends, whom I agree with more often than not, often posts about a study that disputes white privilege. I agree with that study for the most part. It doesn't prove that bias absolutely doesn't exist, bias is there, but it's no where near the level liberals take it to. The notion that people who don't have children out of wed lock, graduate high school, ect are more likely to not live poverty, is true no matter what color you are. The cool thing about that study is that it also proves wrong the posters here that think blacks are inferior. It's very telling that if blacks were truly inferior, they wouldn't be on the same level as whites when doing those things. Yet they are.

So here we are. Instead of getting all up in identity politics, demonizing blacks, demonizing whites, demonizing police, demonizing protesters, wasting energy in ways that solve nothing. Maybe we should be spending our efforts getting our young people to those basic levels, and really figuring it out, getting them to graduate, taking steps to reduce children out of wedlock. Figuring out how it can be done, and then watch everything else fall into place. It can be done. But it wont be done in an absolute Republican, or absolute Democratic approach.

Thats where you lose me because you take it to a political perspective when it’s not necessary.

You just talk about everyday shit. Like “look minorities have freedoms!!! They can do everything we can do. So that means they are on the same level as us.”

I wish it was that simple. But it starts at the top. Schools needs to be better all around, but especially in the city. But upper class citizens, if that’s what you say you are, then we need to act like it. Not by disrespecting and targeting these people who have less chance to protect themselves because they have no money and live in a violent and drug infested environment. Lot of them have no options, or did have options and were optimistic before catching a bogus charge and pleaing and their life is fucked. That’s how they get them there. That’s real life there. And it’s a trickle down effect on their entire family and its poverty for life. That’s really how it happens. We think that black people are just out to have kids and then leave? Lmfao you guys don’t realize all races do that. I know one of the whitest people on the planet, full trump supporter, his mother is racist as hell, and he got his girlfriend pregnant on accident. And that’s one of my best friends growing up. It happens in all races. Was he ready for a kid? Hell no.

But he had the opportunity to get ready quickly. Because of his location, his skin color, and people willing to help him. That’s the shit people don’t realize.

I wish it was as simple as you make it seem though Chaz
Sep 21, 2004
Thats where you lose me because you take it to a political perspective when it’s not necessary.

You just talk about everyday shit. Like “look minorities have freedoms!!! They can do everything we can do. So that means they are on the same level as us.”

I wish it was that simple. But it starts at the top. Schools needs to be better all around, but especially in the city. But upper class citizens, if that’s what you say you are, then we need to act like it. Not by disrespecting and targeting these people who have less chance to protect themselves because they have no money and live in a violent and drug infested environment. Lot of them have no options, or did have options and were optimistic before catching a bogus charge and pleaing and their life is fucked. That’s how they get them there. That’s real life there. And it’s a trickle down effect on their entire family and its poverty for life. That’s really how it happens. We think that black people are just out to have kids and then leave? Lmfao you guys don’t realize all races do that. I know one of the whitest people on the planet, full trump supporter, his mother is racist as hell, and he got his girlfriend pregnant on accident. And that’s one of my best friends growing up. It happens in all races. Was he ready for a kid? Hell no.

But he had the opportunity to get ready quickly. Because of his location, his skin color, and people willing to help him. That’s the shit people don’t realize.

I wish it was as simple as you make it seem though Chaz

You spend lots of time writing up these posts. You must think there is actually someone in here that values your opinion, and doesn't realize you
have the intelligence of a hemorrhoid?

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