whats the best way to pass a drug test at your workplace


Smells like victory!
Sep 20, 2002
local head shop

ask for vales - drink it a few hours before testing

has worked for me several times

And thats why they play the game.
Sep 26, 2002
D: The guy flying a jumbo jet , with 300 passengers, should be drug-free.

S: Why, if their use of drugs is only during their off time and they allow sufficient time to detox prior to their return to work?

Come on, who woould you rather have flying your plane, or performing your operation. When you have others lives in your hands, noway you want the doper that has "Detoxified" for the last 24 hrs.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
By definition, if the pilot in question has detoxed sufficiently to fly without impairment, he is not a risk to me as a passenger.

For alcohol, that means anywhere from 4-12 hours...for marijuana, it would be somewhere between 30 minutes and a few hours.

For other drugs (pain pills etc) the system should dilute them sufficiently within 4 hours of whatever the label describes.

I fly about a half dozen times a year myself, which means I put my life in the hands of about 20 different pilots.

I'm far less concerned about their being intoxicated than I am the drivers of the thousands of cars that pass within a few feet of me on a daily basis.

Yet I would not suggest that we drug test all drivers randomly without having probable cause they are operating while impaired.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barman: I don't like the tests either, but you limit your employment opportunities by refusing to work for those that test.

I don't see it going away.

In the case of a cop... How can he/she bust someone for coke, or whatever, then go home and snort some rails ?

The cop could steal easily if not tested. Bust somebody with a kilo of coke, let them off, keep the drugs for personal use. The perp won't complain, it's better than prison.

Of course the cop could just sell the dope. I think they should be monitored more closely, because of the power they hold. Testing them makes sense to me. A bad cop is very dangerous.

The drugs in general don't make you any better at what you do, with possible exception for performance-enhancing athletic drugs.

It's a tough issue. A doctor/RN/ pharmacist, etc. can easily get some.

You make many valid points. If I graduated from law school, I could practice law on my own, and never be tested. The alcohol point is good also.

When it comes to public safety, I want the pilot sober and clean. If I hire a company to re-roof my house, and a worker falls off the roof because he's stoned, and dies, he didn't hurt me or others, I don't think I should be liable though.

I'm not sure I want everything legal... " Honey, Wal-mart has a sale on heroin this week ! " That brings back that nasty point of drawing the line.

I'll opine that if you use drugs, you sacrifice your right to be an air traffic controller, pilot, bus driver, etc., until you quit. I'll let you be my plumber, painter, etc.

Now the kicker. Marion Barry...mayor of DC...busted for crack..sentenced to prison... then re-elected !

No easy answers here, just some thoughts !

Best Luck,


New member
Sep 21, 2004
If drugs of all sorts were suddenly legal, it would NOT outlaw product liability lawyers. Chances are good that opiates like heroin would revert to the form they took when they were legal, such as baby suppositories or laudinum for old people in pain. Selling concentrated forms of any drug would probably get you sued out of business, but potheads would be left-alone, so we might even be able to concentrate more on those swarthy guys who wanna learn how to fly straight-and-level but don't give a crap about learning to LAND!!! (I mean, talk about a telegraphed punch! What if these guys had said instead "I want to learn how to fly so I can smoke joints in midair!" -- Ashcroft woulda been ALL OVER them!)

And that's another thing! Does God make mistakes? Why did He create cannabis, anyway? Are the Demopublicans and Republicrats perfect, or do they make mistakes and get increasingly-corrupt as they make careers of politics??? Ok, enough ranting.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
JRAY, if you're actually in Melbourne, you could be someone who could help us influence Florida drug laws and policies.

Feel welcome to contact me via my info at http://www.dpffl.org

Steve in Clearwater

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