Whatever Happened To MoFo


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
mofome said:
im only 4 years till 30...im getting up there!


ohhhh to be there again! it was once said youth is wasted on the young, an older person said that and i failed to understand it until the last couple of years, as we become more sophisticated and better educated as generations mature it is easy to see why we yearn for our youth again. i often imagine how far ahead the twenty-somethings will be when i reach 70? if history is any indication we will see miraculas things by that time. i know i cant spell for shit so excuse me in advance.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
teazeman said:
ohhhh to be there again! it was once said youth is wasted on the young, an older person said that and i failed to understand it until the last couple of years, as we become more sophisticated and better educated as generations mature it is easy to see why we yearn for our youth again. i often imagine how far ahead the twenty-somethings will be when i reach 70? if history is any indication we will see miraculas things by that time. i know i cant spell for shit so excuse me in advance.

this is no literary outlet, so im not concerned with my own spelling, much less that of another poster.

i appreciate being kind of young, but when situations are what they are for me, i dont really feel as if im experiencing much as a recently turned 26 year old who hasnt been able to go out much since he was 22/23


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Mo, i enjoyed the e-chat, whatever you play i hope they are winners and whatever you post i really hope they are winners cause i will be on them. gl to us tomorrow as i per usual picked a couple of losers tonight and now have some work to do, not like i really have to work i just check my fellas plays and turn them bitches in!!! i will be looking for you tomorrow or whenever you post your next card bro. i'm out as i got to go to the gym in the a.m. with the wife, trying to make sure i live long enough to pay off the mortgage and keep her in shoes!!!!!!

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
teazeman said:
Mo, i enjoyed the e-chat, whatever you play i hope they are winners and whatever you post i really hope they are winners cause i will be on them. gl to us tomorrow as i per usual picked a couple of losers tonight and now have some work to do, not like i really have to work i just check my fellas plays and turn them bitches in!!! i will be looking for you tomorrow or whenever you post your next card bro. i'm out as i got to go to the gym in the a.m. with the wife, trying to make sure i live long enough to pay off the mortgage and keep her in shoes!!!!!!

keep in shape my friend, i dont go a day without my cardio goodness, i skip the weights on occasion but not the cardio.

i will post up tomorrow and if not on time you can send me an email when ur up and we can talk

bol and talk to ya tomorrow teaze


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Mo Glad You`re Back & OK

As I said a few posts ago you sure as hell know MLB!! I also said somewhere in the past that I`m MUCH older than you (not proud of that one) but I have been thru most of life`s ups & downs. Just recently lost my beautiful, VERY smart 11 yr od grandson to cancer. THAT was the worst thing that`s happened to me in my 70 yrs. I`ve been in the Mil. (24 yrs), seen combat, am a recovering drunk (30 yrs Aug 23rd), been married 3 times, survived a cancer operation, but losing Anthony was the lowest point of my life. So for guys like our Bud Teaz to say I`m "nervous" is just bullshit! Pal you don`t know what nervous is. Try living my life and you might have a hint. Anyway fuck him and best of luck to you Mo my young friend!!!

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
silver7 said:
As I said a few posts ago you sure as hell know MLB!! I also said somewhere in the past that I`m MUCH older than you (not proud of that one) but I have been thru most of life`s ups & downs. Just recently lost my beautiful, VERY smart 11 yr od grandson to cancer. THAT was the worst thing that`s happened to me in my 70 yrs. I`ve been in the Mil. (24 yrs), seen combat, am a recovering drunk (30 yrs Aug 23rd), been married 3 times, survived a cancer operation, but losing Anthony was the lowest point of my life. So for guys like our Bud Teaz to say I`m "nervous" is just bullshit! Pal you don`t know what nervous is. Try living my life and you might have a hint. Anyway fuck him and best of luck to you Mo my young friend!!!

wowwwwwwwww.....thats about 12 lifetimes of heartache and experience. i didnt think you were nervous in the least, you were simply asking a question....
teaze is a good guy, just worded in a manner that came off differently than he had intended. teaze is the most respectful of people it seems, as are you.

where are you from, silver?

lets get crackin on some games....i hope you know my email is posted on this site if you click on my name and i would love to talk with u about games and anything more you would like to share, maybe even give ya a call. i know there is a lot i could learn from a person such as yourself.
and if i havent posted and you want some games or to talk, just email me and tell me to get off my ass!! lol ...anytime my friend


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
OK Mo I`ll Take Your Word On It

Sober a long time but still have the drunks` reaction to perceived slights @ times. Yeah I got down @ - 131, would like to bet the RL +165, thoughts? Hate home RL bets tho. But it cuts that juice, of course if you win so what? I may drop you an email, one thing I HAVE learned @ my age you can never have too many Buddies most of mine are gone. Can`t wait for NCAA FB my fav. sport.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
silver7 said:
Sober a long time but still have the drunks` reaction to perceived slights @ times. Yeah I got down @ - 131, would like to bet the RL +165, thoughts? Hate home RL bets tho. But it cuts that juice, of course if you win so what? I may drop you an email, one thing I HAVE learned @ my age you can never have too many Buddies most of mine are gone. Can`t wait for NCAA FB my fav. sport.

im sure, teaze is a good man. and im the msot defensive guy in the world, so i know what ya mean, lol

i believe pinny only takes action wagers on ml events, im not certain, i rarely bet action wagers and if its something like this, i bet it ml. i would certainly play the rl as well, but im in and locked at -132 and im pleased with that. santana at home, at night has been great and they have a greta pen which is very rested. thats a great price for shields/santana

i would love to chat with u about many things, get your views on a lot and talk sports when you are free. would be my pleasure, silver

ncaaf is my fav sport easily...i cannot wait. i LOVE the NFL, then baseball, then NCAAB, but NCAAF is my fav

:toast: :toast: :toast:

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I was looking @ BetJ and it`s listed only on RL bets. Never paid much attn. as I always play listed. I live in the TC`s most of the time. but in the summer I`m waaaay north, in fact I can look out my front window and there`s Canada. Love to fish, would be a hard choice; walleyes are hitting, or the Gophers are kicking Mich. ass!! Which one to do? Of course IF I was your age again a young lady would ALWAYS be # 1, come to think of it that`s part of my lifelong prob. but I did have fun!! W/all your energy you`d probably go nuts up here. If I go out on the dock and look East there is only water, islands, loons, & deer, for 65 miles of nothing but 4 lakes till the next cabin. But as you can see I do have a dish & internet access. BTW the reason I whine about early posting all the time is my physical set up here, it takes me a while to get from site to site as I don`t have a normal computer arrangement. BOL today I need a winner or 2 as usual.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
silver7 said:
I was looking @ BetJ and it`s listed only on RL bets. Never paid much attn. as I always play listed. I live in the TC`s most of the time. but in the summer I`m waaaay north, in fact I can look out my front window and there`s Canada. Love to fish, would be a hard choice; walleyes are hitting, or the Gophers are kicking Mich. ass!! Which one to do? Of course IF I was your age again a young lady would ALWAYS be # 1, come to think of it that`s part of my lifelong prob. but I did have fun!! W/all your energy you`d probably go nuts up here. If I go out on the dock and look East there is only water, islands, loons, & deer, for 65 miles of nothing but 4 lakes till the next cabin. But as you can see I do have a dish & internet access. BTW the reason I whine about early posting all the time is my physical set up here, it takes me a while to get from site to site as I don`t have a normal computer arrangement. BOL today I need a winner or 2 as usual.

perfect. well ive never been to minnesota but my godfather/uncle was hired this year to be their (the minnesota vikings) Qb coach and i will be making my first visit up there this year. i would love to meet you and hope you would join me and a few friends at a game, would obviously be my treat.
i would actually much prefer living in a place like that than living in the suburbs where i stay most of the time or in the city where i stay sometimes, too many wanna be hard 14 year olds walking around everywhere...
i like it peaceful with sports, good company, some good music, and geat conversation.....great scenery would be a bonus...
thats what i would love to have...

well u have my email and when we talk on there i will shoot ya my phone number and if im not on or you are not gonna be online, just hit me up and if im available i will get to it and we can chat on some games or whatever you might like. that would be my pleasure...got plenty of friends that do that already thru email and you could call or write anytime without thinking twice about it.


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Gyno Thanks For The Thought!

You sail thru life thinking "ah hell I got thru that I`m bulletproof", then something really bad happens and you realize that all that came before was just a rehearsal for the real thing. You NEVER expect to outlive your kids let alone your grandkids! Be warned Mo our weather up here can turn on a dime. If you come after Oct 15 a snow storm is not out of the question. But who the hell wants sunshine ALL the time? Unfortunately I don`t go to games anymore, pretty crippled up & those stairs @ the Dome are killers, but we will talk for sure. Provided I`m still vertical by then.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
silver7 said:
You sail thru life thinking "ah hell I got thru that I`m bulletproof", then something really bad happens and you realize that all that came before was just a rehearsal for the real thing. You NEVER expect to outlive your kids let alone your grandkids! Be warned Mo our weather up here can turn on a dime. If you come after Oct 15 a snow storm is not out of the question. But who the hell wants sunshine ALL the time? Unfortunately I don`t go to games anymore, pretty crippled up & those stairs @ the Dome are killers, but we will talk for sure. Provided I`m still vertical by then.

gyno and i joke a bit back and forth, but i think he is a very good person and can relate to a lot....more so than i ever could.

well perhaps i could stop on by with a friend or two and just talk, if that would be ok with you.
wouldnt take too much of your time but it would be a pleasure and honor to meet someone that has done all that you have, couldnt do anything but learn from a person such as yourself.
i actually prefer the cold, i cant stand the humidity here and i love the fall, winter and beginning of spring! would love to see a real snow storm, in dc you get off school for anything around an inch of snow


New member
Oct 20, 2002
teazeman said:
i'm in the poker tournament at the bash and i am expecting to be the first one out, never played and just signed up in case a buddy that's going with me didn''t get his post count up to the required number, now we are both in and i suck, there may be a prize for first out, that's mine!!
Mo, it's called "adult" adhd, my wife works for a mental health organization and says i fit the bill, can't sleep till one or two a.m. mind racing all the time, short attention span, there are medications but i try not to put that shit in my body.

smoke some weed, that night help:smoking:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
silver7 said:
You sail thru life thinking "ah hell I got thru that I`m bulletproof", then something really bad happens and you realize that all that came before was just a rehearsal for the real thing. You NEVER expect to outlive your kids let alone your grandkids! Be warned Mo our weather up here can turn on a dime. If you come after Oct 15 a snow storm is not out of the question. But who the hell wants sunshine ALL the time? Unfortunately I don`t go to games anymore, pretty crippled up & those stairs @ the Dome are killers, but we will talk for sure. Provided I`m still vertical by then.

Silver, your one of my favorite here. Very sad to hear about your loss and of course, raising two boys, your story hits home.

See ya during the football season.

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