Fiscal conservatism most important issue to me. That and smaller federal government go hand in hand, and generally speaking that will enable the private sector to prosper growing the economy and creating jobs. Jobs are what society is all about, growing together.
So for me that would be Goldwater & Perot. Ron Paul is also strong on fiscal and social issues, but it's national defense where I strongly disagree with him.
The no nonsense candidate I would like is unelectable in modern day America. Being honest and tough and talking straight to the people will get you crucified by scumbag politicians and their enabling media.
In recent elections, Romney would have been much better than Obama (couldn't possibly be worse) and had the potential to bring about some change, but I don't think he goes as far as I would want him to.
McCain is just the status quo, your typical beltway fog politician far removed from fiscal reality. Although he would have been very good with respect to defense.
Gore, forgetaboutit
Dole, IDK, maybe somewhere between McCain & Romney
Bush 41, maybe the most qualified president of the modern era. Honest, objective, served in the military, headed the CIA , Ambassador at the UN, Envoy to China, Vice President of the USA, president of an Oil Company. Compare that resume to that of most presidents, nothing compares
Dukakis, ? still thinking that had to be a joke
Mondale, another DC fog type of guy, although he was honest enough to tell the people he wanted to increase taxes