What the fck is going on in CR?


New member
Sep 19, 2001
Deep, I give 10% of my earning each month to the poor.

Maybe it's just the country has gone that bad. When they hit you, can I say bad karma too?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think it migth be the amount of nicas and colombians ,and venezuelans and gringos that come to this country. Nica's kill each other...colombians kill everybody and steal banks, kill people for money ...anything for money... gringos come with money to **** childrens and get drugs and have fun.. i think costa rica needs more strong inmigration controls and more police on the street.

With sugar on it
Sep 21, 2004
Sadly, i agree 100% with camo08. I have been in CR a few times during the past 10 years, for more than a month each visit. I have to admit that COLOMBIANS and NICARAGUANS are the ruin of this nice and quiet country.
SOMEBODY HELP THEM !! It is a very nice country !

New member
Sep 21, 2004
That seems to be the Tico way to deal with this problem...deflect the blame on foreigners (Colombians and Nicas in this case) and simplify the problem to the point where there's no solution. BULLSHIT!!! The Tico's are up to their eyeballs in this crime wave.

Camo8 mentions Americans coming here to f*** children. They looked into the child prostitution problem a little while back and were shocked to find out that foreigners were not the main perpetraters...that it was Costa Ricans abusing these youths. And almost always, a family member of the child was involved in exploiting them.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There was a highly publicized case of an 8 year old girl that went missing a month or 6 weeks ago. Because the Costa Ricans thought that there was a good chance an American was involved (because Ticos would never do something like abducting and raping a child), THEY ACTUALLY CIRCULATED PICTURES OF THE MISSING GIRL IN THE UNITED STATES.

The stupid F*ck police never bothered to check out the neighbors, including a convicted child rapist and murderer who lived literally 2 doors down from the girl on her street.

The girl was found buried under the floor boards of this bastard's house 4 or 5 days later, after an anonimous caller tipped off the moron investigators about the demon that lived practically next door to the girl.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
My point is that Costa Rica is a country that has deep-rooted prejudices of foreigners and misconceptions about itself that are preventing it from dealing effectively with these problems- crime, corruption, exploitation, etc.- while everyday it gets worse. Costa Rica needs to accept responsibility and stop trying to deflect or explain away it's problems.

And Angelle, your post indicted that you feel it's acceptable to have your car broken into every 18 months. Your attitude sums it up. Tolerance and accomodation seems to be the way they handle criminals in Costa Rica.

[This message was edited by American on September 24, 2003 at 08:45 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Now i have to read this shit from "AMERICAN" who do u think you are?, have you drive by hotel del rey or parque morazan? all i see is americans try to get some, of course they have to pay for it... and i"m not going to say that we ticos have a lot of problems like americans,colombians,etc. At least our students dont kill each other at school. Tell me american did you forget about all the shit that is going on your own ****ing country... or what? do u think usa is a paradise...well not , and costa rica isnt, of course we have problems in our country who does not... when you get people coming from anothers countries and theres no control on who is coming ...theres going to be troubles...new ones... its not your fault ,shit happens anywhere...and i tell you one thing dont try to pull out all the shit that is going on in this country cause worst things happend in your country and are happening right now

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sure, "shit" as you put it happens in the U.S. and everywhere else. But the percentages of "shit" go way the f*ck up in this little socialist fantasyland of Costa Rica. This place is taking crime to another level. And you know why you see those "Gringos" in Morazon and Del Rey? Because if this country didn't prostitute itself, almost no one would come here. Wops, the secret is out. Cheap 20 year old whores is the main reason ANY MAN over 45 years of age comes here on vacation. Living in the U.S. is 20 TIMES BETTER than this bullshit. Yes, the U.S. is paradise for me...the quality of life there just blows anything in this hemisphere away. There is simply no comparison between the U.S. and Costa Rica, but you're the one who brought it up. In my previous posts, I refrained from saying that this is better than that. My point was that CR isn't doing it's best with what it has. You Ticos get your little chests all swelled up anytime someone dares to criticize your little fantasyland of aguinaldas, semana santa, 2-for-1 Wednesday night movies, Zapote, Palmares and Cuartel Monday nights. Let me tell you...this place is the pits. Basically there's nothing to do for entertainment except get drunk and screw whores, if that's your thing.

By the way, if you think that CR's problems are from foreigners...THEN CONTROL YOUR F*CKING BORDERS AND TAKE RESPONSIBILTY.

[This message was edited by American on September 25, 2003 at 11:53 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thats what i said...oh i remember the whores in
L.A and New York , cheap as in costa rica , same shit as i said...if you dont like it go back to your country and enjoy that wounderful place that you have man! and leave this country , i agree with you ...we have problems but this is my country and i wont let a redneck come here to start talking shit .. i'm sure you wont let me if a was in usa dont you? we already now about our social situation and economics too , its not perfect so what

New member
Sep 21, 2004
LMAO...The difference between the whores in LA and the whores here is that the whores in LA aren't the main reason why people go there. I agree with you in that the setup in CR tends to attract dirty old men, along with scumbags and low-lifes. As you said though, that's you're problem not mine.

The only redneck talking shit is you, young man. If you where in the states talking shit, what exactly would you have to bitch about? Not getting an aguinalda? The traffic moves too smoothly or maybe the air is cleaner than you're used too? Too many quality products and services are available at cheap prices? There are TOO many entertainment options and you can't make up your mind? What? Ask your communist university professors about that.

By being born American (as only 5% of the people in the world are), I hit the lottery as I've come to learn. You better believe I'll be cashing my ticket soon.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Urban crime: U.S. cities lead in violent crime
On average, for metropolitan areas with populations over 500,000, American cities had higher rates of homicide, aggravated assault, and robbery .
Drug offences: U.S. arrest rate three times that of Canada
Lethal violence is a distinctively American problem. The rate of criminal homicide in the U.S. is four to 14 times higher than in other Western industrialized nations. That is what Americans fear, but the common belief is that the high rate of killings is the natural consequence of a large number of criminals and a high crime rate..
A 1994 New York sting operation could indirectly have helped out the New York Mets: two San Diego Padres baseball players were arrested after speaking to an undercover policewoman. A Seattle journalist who also got busted described the police procedure to Newsday:
Many police appear to prefer chasing naked women to pursuing dangerous felons. Lt. Bill Young of the Las Vegas Metro Police declared, "You get up in a penthouse at Caesar's Palace with six naked women frolicking in the room and then say: 'Hey, baby, you're busted!' That's fun." (Las Vegas arrests between 300 and 400 prostitutes a month.)

. Poverty in America

Ironically, poverty may well be the richest country's most serious social problem. According to the March 2000 Current Population Survey, over 32 million Americans - 11.8 percent of the population - were poor. A family, and every individual in it, is considered poor if its total income is below the poverty threshold, which was $17,029 for a family of four in 1999. A typical poor family needed an extra annual income of $6,687 to escape poverty.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not that young as you think , ah by the way i finish college long time ago , by the way in your great country thanks.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"My point is that Costa Rica is a country that has deep-rooted prejudices of foreigners and misconceptions about itself "

If the above is your point I am glad to see that this is exclusive of CR and that this is something completely foreign to any other countries in the world (yours included, I rather say that than piss off 95% of the readers who happen to be citizens/residents of the United States and would not welcome me attacking their country simply because an ignorant is making stupid remarks.

My two cents

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thats what i said that happens everywhere, but it seems like theres people that want other people to belive that all this situations only happens here

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It just happens in CR way more often. Are you going to try to tell me that crime in CR has not gotten far worse than it was 4 or 5 years ago?

As far as violence in the states goes, I think you watched Bowling for Columbine a few times too many. I never worried about it in the least and I do not know anyone else going around in fear in the states either. You are trying to come up with ways to rationalize away the situation in CR. I never even knew anyone that was robbed at gunpoint or knifepoint in the states. Here I have had TWO co-workers murdered, as well as all the house breakins, robberies, assalts,theft, etc. There is not even a comparison.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
To make matters even worse, I am targeted by these lowlife criminals just because I am an American. I would like to give a lead salad right between the teeth to every one of these scumbags.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
crime here has gotten far worse than it was 4 or 5 years ago

also terrorism and the number of planes crashing into buildings and killing hundreds of people , or have you forgotten about that "little" and sad detail

crime here is on the raise and will continue , imho its a miracle that its the way it is (even now), in case you havent noticed they had wars as close as 200 kms going north just 15 years ago ,FULL BLOWN wars, so in that respect we are still FAR better than our central american neighbors or of course Colombia with their "express" kindnaping or Venezuela with their "wanna be" Castro
Sep 21, 2004
I love when I am told (Always by some half wit, who thinks he invented the argument.) that "Americans" include Central, and South American as well, and that us Gringos are so narrow minded. The same guy who is so PC/offended that the world calls us Americans, calls you a Gringo to your face without even realizing it?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wolfie....Now you are back to the same old arguement that Costa Rica is better than some other shit 3rd world country. Does that help or change anything. That attitude is why the problems of CR are not getting dealt with. If that is the best you can come up with, then do not bother to reply to this post. Your rationalizations are old.

And what is your point about 9-11? You are crazy if you think that Americans are going around in fear in the states. Also, unlike CR, there is a sense of community and civic responsibilty to one another that does not exist in Costa Rica.

As far as the wars 200 KM away, the only reason why Nicaraguan tanks do not pull into downtown San Jose and give this country the asswhipping it deserves is because CR has a friend in the United States, for now...but they are pushing their luck.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
nope I am not going back to any old argument of "this is better than that" or "I am part of the 5% that xxx blabla" simply showing both sides of the story

you are the one that is crazy if you think there is no fear because of that, perhaps "American" memory is weaker than I thought

you are the one that goes back to the "everybody has what they have because of us" argument, you saved us all the time and the rest of the world as well

Everyday I wake up I give thanks to you and all the other lucky ones that were "being born American (as only 5% of the people in the world are)"

with the attitude that you show here its a miracle you havent been killed ("yet" being the opperative word here)

why dont you bring some tanks from there and shoot all the muggers ? show us how great you are!

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