What REALLY happened during the event that history books call THE HOLOCAUST?


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Jun 18, 2007
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Active member
Nov 23, 2011
What the heck

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
They dont teach you stuff like this in ADL camp

Zionists and Nazis are simply two sides of the same coin.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Well when you put it like that....


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Conservative media darling Candace Owens wants you to know pretty much everything you learned about WWII is bullshit.

Although it's even worse than this..


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It shouldn't surprise anyone that in 1936 the New York Times was accusing Germany of a "Holocaust" 5 years before a single Jew was interned!

Then in 1938, again... huge headline: another false claim of "6 million Jewish victims of persecution"

If you ever decide go down this ugly rabbit hole, you'll notice the same familiar "6 million" media narrative LIE repeated over and over by the "usual suspects"... long before Hitler, and even as far back as WWI!

In short, after Germany lost the war, they just made their bullshit narrative "official history."


Who owns and controls all the FAKE "news" again? Tells you everything you need to know.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Here is a little food for thought

IF the Holocaust happened as described and the Jews were saved by the White Man

Then you would think Whitey would be thanked , instead what we see is the SOS Infiltrated Govts trying to replace the whites through mass immigration whilst deconstructing those countries in the meantime

Notice only the white nations have diversity promoted and mass illegal immigration?
Think about that, You don't see diversity promoted in China India Africa or South America do you?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
So sad

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If Hitler was the big bad boogeyman who triggered WWII, who was the big bad boogeyman who triggered WWI?

Note, the "usual suspects" are always triggering wars everywhere with the same narratives for the same reasons 👉 $$$$$

Whether it's Hitler, Saddam, Gadaffi...even modern monsters like Putin and Trump.

They create these FAKE narrative(s), and their FAKE "news" does the rest.

Fun Fact: WWI was triggered within a year of the creation of the Federal Reserve. Coincidence? Of course not! No war(s) on that scale could even be financed without a central bank. What an inconvenient bitch for war mongers, eh?

Nothing you were brainwashed with about Hitler and WWII is accurate. NOTHING! Shocker, right?

Well, except all the tragic DEAD innocent soldiers and civilians on BOTH sides...those horrifying statistics are VERY real. Because normal people (civilians) DO NOT start wars, No mother or father would willingly send their sons to war. Only psychotic power-hungry governments (the CORRUPT power brokers at the top) provoke and instigate carnage on that level.

So WHO triggered WWII? (And ALL subsequent wars since..)

Yep, you guessed it 👉 "the usual suspects"

"The International Hyenas" - Adolf Hitler

The Globalists.

The Cabal.

Without the Cabal, its financiers and minion power brokers, and the leadup to WWII with their grotesque oppressive Treaty of Versailles which purposely sodomized MAGA-type Patriots in Germany, a strong Hitler type figurehead wouldn't have even risen to power in the first place.

It was the Globalists who deliberately set up WWII so they could destroy most of Europe and then rebuild it with their NWO!

I can hear the shrieking..



What do you call..

- The United Nations
- The International Monetary Fund
- The World Bank
- The World Health Organization
- The NATO war machine
- The CIA
- The European Common Market (Forerunner to the tyranical EU)

What do you call all THAT? 👉 THE NEW WORLD ORDER

And what the hell does ANY of this have to do with Hitler? NOTHING!

See how it works?

Long planned and ready to roll out by the same familiar cast of criminal psychopaths, whilst Americans were still "celebrating" defeating the big bad Nazi machine!

Unreal, huh?

Remember, without a central bank (endless FAKE money printing) you can't even fight a war on that scale. Impossible.

Sorry normies, EVERYTHING you were taught about WWII history is FAKE "news", courtesy of "the usual suspects"

And you can quote me on that.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
It is damn near IMPOSSIBLE to discuss Hitler from a pure history and logical point of view with probably 90+ percent of the population.

That is how stong the brainwashing and propaganda is ......just trying to have that conversation places you as a Nazi sympathizer or Anti-Semite .
Sep 12, 2022
Here is a little food for thought

IF the Holocaust happened as described and the Jews were saved by the White Man

Then you would think Whitey would be thanked , instead what we see is the SOS Infiltrated Govts trying to replace the whites through mass immigration whilst deconstructing those countries in the meantime

Notice only the white nations have diversity promoted and mass illegal immigration?
Think about that, You don't see diversity promoted in China India Africa or South America do you?



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
WWII history is the Ultimate RedPill. If you can awaken from that level of brainwashing, you've reached Platinum Anon status. LOL

Hitler had the steel balls to expel the Rothchild banking family from Germany, and created a debt-free monetary currency which led to unprecedented prosperity and industry in a nation the Cabal left in ruins (Weimar Republic) after their first orchestrated world war and their FAILED NWO League of Nations. In the aftermath of WWI, Germany was an economic basketcase.. Berlin a woke cesspool - prostitution, drug haven, every sexual perversion known to man, including pedophilia. The same familiar Godless moral degenerate demonic culture Globalists infest everywhere, for a weak demoralized population is easy to conquer.

Hitler cleaned all that up and Made Germany Great Again!

It was an industrious Adolf Hitler who built the famous Autobahn and gave Germans the Volkswagen (The People's Wagon).. typical irrational warmonger/psycho conqueror behavior, eh?
Note how "the usual suspects" always play the victim - "the rise of antisemitism in Germany!" blinding gullible Sheep with emotionally-charged dumbed-down bullshit. What they NEVER tell you is WHY! Think..."color revolution".. ANTIFA Rothchild-sponsored provocateurs/terrorists activities destabilizing/destroying/undermining Germany and their thriving economy and people. Were Germans just supposed to lie down and take it? According to the "usual suspects" and their familiar onesided fairytales, apparently so.

For Globalists, Hitler was the Vladimir Putin of his day... the same reason Putin expelled corrupt "western oligarchs" from Russia. Globalists understood without a weak enslaved Germany and Rothchild banking franchise, their NWO dream in Europe was doomed. Same reasons why Globalists, the EU, NATO etc. HATE Putin.

So you can see why Hitler was the Cabal's #1 pariah who had to go!

As for who the agitator/instigator/aggressor was, well...when you control the narrative (FAKE "news"), you can make up ANYTHING you want creating a boogeyman out of thin air.

Perhaps after DECLAS we can revisit this subject since we see the same patterns repeated over and over by the familiar "usual suspects"...WWII a continuation of history and identifiable patterns.

Ask yourself this question - what subjects/opinions are the most taboo? Which ones are completely off-limits? Which ones will get you banned? Banned swastikas, banned "holocaust denialism" in Germany, and other such anti-free speech, mind control nonsense designed to make proud strong Germans obedient sheep to Globalists and their demonic EU bureaucracy. What questions are you NOT allowed to ask? That is where you find the greatest TRUTHS. Or, in this case of WWII, one of history's biggest LIES!

Oh, and of course, WHO controls the FAKE "news" BRAINWASHING media? That's an important question too.

90% of the population, huh? After all we've been through, NOBODY should be surprised WWII history is, indeed, 👉 FAKE "news"

But don't take my word for it. The great Patriot George S. Patton said, "We fought the wrong enemy!"

Patton knew.

Gee, what a surprise...died in a car crash shortly after.

JFK called Hitler, "one of the most significant figures who ever lived". Oops, assassinated...another dang "conspiracy" rabbit hole, courtesy of Hitler's enemies.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
^^^ high quality post

If people would just go back and research this time period with an open/critical thinking mind they would
have a better appreciation of how deep and how long the propagnda/brainwashing has been going on .

They would understand the current world much better as well.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Papa Joe Kennedy was a big Hitler admirer and met with him on a few occasions.

There is a MASSIVE disconnect between the "Nazi" Pedowood garbage we were brainwashed with (we KNOW all about THEM and their demonic child-sacrificing "Moloch" cults, don't we?) versus the man and leader perceived by the German people. Not without merit. What Hitler did with Germany was nothing short of an economic and cultural miracle.

The massive crowds, outpouring of love and support and unprecedented popularity...to say he became a cultural icon would be an understatement. You can't fake that kind of enthusiasm and support. Just can't.

So what is a fair-minded objective person to make of this? SOMEBODY is LYING. Read BOTH sides (original documentation ONLY, not some skewed "historical perspective") then decide for yourself.

As for the holohoax, it's well documented that "6 million Jews" narrative was being pushed by "the usual suspects" long before Hitler came along. After the war, the media monopoly (FAKE "news") just made it official. Who controls the media again? Exactly.

But, but, but...what about the camps? FDR's Japanese internment camps were infinitely worse! But we don't talk about them in the context of "gas chambers", do we? 🤡 :rolleyes:

Today, try saying anything negative about Israel and you're immediately tagged as "anti-Jew!" So that gives you some idea on why this documented LIE has festered as long as it has.

The whole point is to shut down that conversation, and for good reason. It's quite the dark rabbit hole for anyone remotely curious about, "Who Runs the World"

WHY did antisemitism rise in Germany? The puppet masters who control EVERYTHING don't want you to think about that question, let alone figure out the answer.

As MAGS says, the brainwashing runs deep. Just the name "Hitler" invokes programmed hysteria, no matter what your political beliefs. That old joke, first person who uses "Hitler" in a debate loses.

"Hitler was a psychotic monster who wanted to conquer the world!" 👉 FAKE "news" by the "usual suspects"

Hitler's International Hyenas Speech

When the world learns the TRUTH about the Cabal, how will history perceive Hitler at that point?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"International Hyenas"

Hitler was fighting the same enemies we are.

I'm waiting for enough people to realize this, even Anons.

Like I said, WWII TRUTH is the ultimate Redpill.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
"International Hyenas"

Hitler was fighting the same enemies we are.

I'm waiting for enough people to realize this, even Anons.

Like I said, WWII TRUTH is the ultimate Redpill.
Im seeing that the Anon community is catching on rapidly, Oct 7 was a HUUUUUGE wake up call for those like me that were lagging behind in this area.

Trump forced them to speed up their timelines, if they cant drag the rest of the world into waging THEIR war ASAP then they many not have a chance for a long ass time to come.....not to mention drying up their Human Trafficking and Drug related income.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Im seeing that the Anon community is catching on rapidly, Oct 7 was a HUUUUUGE wake up call for those like me that were lagging behind in this area.

Trump forced them to speed up their timelines, if they cant drag the rest of the world into waging THEIR war ASAP then they many not have a chance for a long ass time to come.....not to mention drying up their Human Trafficking and Drug related income.
I happen to think the whole Gazawood production was quite brilliant actually.

Right from the start, anyone remotely paying attention was jolted wide awake with the ridiculousness of the narrative....

"Wait??? What?? Hand gliders??? WTF??" ... prompting Anons especially to start digging.


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