What QAnon the Right Wing Cult is All About


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Jan 11, 2008

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

Nov 11, 2007
As I see some more posts have been added to the Right Wing Cult Thread, I am going to comment on one now

and the others later on ONE post later in the afternoon.

In post 1570 the Agent for this Forum says this:

"The TRUTH is everywhere now.

"Conspiracy" no more.

But ones ability to see and understand is based solely on their level of consciousness.

This explains why some see it but many still don't."

This post alone is typical of the "Q"ullshit and the articles and links I have provided of late, and why they are not regarded very highly.

Look at the first two sentences:

He says it is no longer a conspiracy and the truth is everywhere.

The truth based on what exactly-perhaps all of the many FAILED predictions which haven't come close to coming true?

This is one of the things which the articles and agent have pointed out, namely that in order to try to make their points, they simply make sweeping

arrogant. unproven statements like everyone is supposed to believe them because they say so-its called

"poisoning the well" in legal terms or twisting things sound like they are right.

But wait, wait, there is more-if the first two sentences are not good enough to convince you that they are right

because you have not yet seen enough "evidence."

The QAnon agent tries to cover his ass by starting that if "some people"(meaning the overwhelming number of people),

can't see and understand all of this as true, t is because of their own level of consciousness, which hasn't evolved to his/the QAnons.

In short, what he/QAnon are saying is that if you don't see all this yet, it is your problem and not ours. lol

I will be back later to comment on the other posts which are in essence just more of what has been stated here.

Nov 11, 2007
ps I meatn to include this in previous post but the five minute time limit ran out.

Here is a relevant part of what I posted from caitlin over the last couple of days-this person has followed this group since it began and thus

has plenty to draw from.

I strongly suggest that you read it and relate it to what I said in previous post as well as anything the Agent for QAnon says in his thread.

Back a bit later with some take of what was said over there today:

"Again, you don’t need to take my word for this; you can repeat this experiment for yourself. Whenever you encounter a QAnon adherent, either by chance or by seeking them out deliberately, simply ask them to prove the legitimacy of their position. You might get links to sources which attempt to prove that QAnon is connected to the Trump administration (as though that would somehow counter the idea that it’s a pro-Trump propaganda construct), you might get links to the mountain of cryptic word salads that QAnon has posted and told to comb through them yourself, but you won’t ever get anything resembling an attempt to clearly prove that QAnon is the thing that it purports to be. If you keep pushing you’ll encounter nothing but anger as you run into a wall of cognitive dissonance."

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the 6:00 Update, which is further testimony to post 1228 and is a continuation of my opinion of what was posted in the Borglike sounding

Important Virus Thread earlier.

First of an as an aside, everyone n this country has a right to an opinion/prediction and to express it in a thread such as this one.

However if the opinion/prediction turns out to be wrong or at least far from 100% correct, then the for the person to have any credibility, he must own up

to the error.

In the case of QAnon agent, we get exactly the opposite, namely not only admit that he was wrong, but worse trying to claim he was right when he was not,

using lying, trying to twist what he said originally to say he meant something else, and along the same lines claiming he said things that he did

not and the opposite, claiming he did not say things which he did.

Obviously he pins his hopes on the fact that most folks are not going to go back in this case as far back as two months and read what he said/didn't

say and give him the benefit of the doubt.

I have followed this thread since it began and at times including today have gone back and checked out what he says in the present to what he allegedly

said /didn't say in the past, and to be blunt based on that,, imo he is one BOLD FACED LIAR-either that or he is

so caught up in his delusions/predictions that he actually believes that he has 100% of the truth re: what he has said previously.

Does this modus operandi sound familiar?-well how about the present POTUS/Donald Trump.

Imo I find this kind of stuff insulting not only to anyone who reads this bs but also just as importantly, insulting to himself as a human being.

One other thing before commentary on the remainder of his posts today:

If there was ever a famous quote which should be attached to his thread and for that matter which defines the entire QAnon SCAM/Right Wing Cult,

it would be the famous , irreplaceable/unique WC Fields quote, which is "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit"-in this case


Now onto the summation of the rest of the agent's posts today in no special order.

He brags about 100% of what he has said in the way of conspiracies, finger pointing and his "timely" predictions being true.

However as was/is the previous post today, he tries to cover his ass/weasel out of it by saying that some of it has not yet been publicly released.

In addition when questioned about his sources, he claims that they come from "inside information sources" who know what is really going on,

This kind of "Q"ullshit reminds me of a sports service scamdicapping service a number of years back which claimed that they had multiple

inside sources at EVERY college and NFL city in the entire country!! lol

Draw your ow conclusions as to how this relates the QAnons.

And of course he also claims that all of his QAnion sources are 100% correct and that sources like I use have ZERO credibility and should NEVER

be trusted for anything.

In fact his sources are so "infallible" that one would have to dig deep to find anything even minor which was PROVEN true re: their conspiracy

theories and predictions-these were time driven FAILED PREDICTIONS, no matter how had this guy tries to

pretend that they did come true by the time frame stated even if we mortals unlike him cannot yet see them.

Perhaps as a bonus the Agent/QAnon ought to give away some of these devices which allow us to see the "truth" as fast he and his group do, as a bonus

for joining the group.

We also get more "Q"ullshit and propaganda for the zillionth time how is "it is all over for the culprits" and once again bs about the "Great Awakening."

Also he uses the words "concrete evidence" and "undeniable facts" in desperation to get folks to believe him.

I just noticed that the Agent is using another common trick of the QAnon, namely to try to dismiss some seemingly questionable

statements and/or type of behavior/tactics on the part of trump as some kind of intended deception to try to hide his real "pure"

and "honest motives''-yeah right-anything to try to cover up how incompetent he is as both the POTUS and as a human being.

Now once again I will remind you that even our agent will dismiss what I am going to say as "fake news" coming from sources with zero credibility.

here are some of the items which make Trump only "99.9% perfect:"

20,000 DOCUMENTED lies during his tenure as POTUS; DOCUMENTED racism during his entire adulthood; a sick/demented father and daughter with Ivanka,
and possible sexual abuse when she was younger; groping women prior to the 2016 campaign and perhaps more after that; procuring the services of

prostitutes while married; disgusting and repulsive behavior at press conference reporters especially female ones if the ask a relevant question which

he believes will reflect badly upon if he answers it the wrong way; believing he is 100% correct about everything and blaming everyone BUT

himself when something goes awry; no compassion for anyone who lost loved ones because of the Virus; rampant nepotism, etc.

I could go on but I think you get the picture here.

If the Agent wants to dismiss all of this, then fine, but he should really say that I and others who agree have "fake eyes" because

we have been a witness to it.

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