Well since I got a half legitimate response(half because it is still filled with name calling and insults), I will respond as briefly as I can.
What is "fake news" and what is not "fake news" is in the eyes of the beholder.
I did some reading last night, and the general consensus is that both republicans and democrats engage in it EQUALLY as well as with their various forms of media.
I agree with this.
In the case of Trump and many of his followers, including the author of the Virus, thread in many cases "fake news" is a catch all term used
when they are confronted with documentation of news which reflects badly on them and for which they have no legitimate response/manner of debunking.
Finally in any event for me the bigger question is what is more serious, "fake news" or a President who has told a DOCUMENTED 18000 plus
LIES during his tenure?
It goes without saying that this is a clear example of what Trump and his disciples would describe as "fake news" because it puts him in a bad light and they have
no legitimate response.
The link will follow momentarily.
Also even though I responded to the psychic in this instance, I will NOT do so in the future if the response contains name calling and personal insults such
as shown in this instance.
Here is the link: